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Vince Delmonte – Phase 1, Maximize Your Muscle

Phase 1
[1 DVD divx rip, 1 PDF scan, 2 CD mp3 rip]


Phase 1 of 12    * Issue #1 of the Maximize Your Muscle  Hardcopy Newsletter. Each month you’ll receive advanced Muscle Science and Secrets, a brand new Advanced Muscle Routine, the Achiever Mind-set column, the Supplemental Edge column, Muscle Meals in Minutes column and Vinny’s Inner-Views.    * Maximize Your Muscle 2-Hour DVD Featuring Phase 1: 100 Rep Muscle. The lynchpin of the whole system to build an incredible physique that many people only dream of.    * Blow Beyond Your Genetic Potential 2-CD Set. Almost 3-hours of info covering the 12 anabolic targets, how I gained 20 lbs of new muscle the past 2 years, why you were destined to plateau and how to shatter your body’s limits. Plus much, much more. All pledgers will have access to ALL 12 PHASES!, that’s almost $800 worth of material! Join this GB while you still can, spaces ares limited, CLICK HEREThe 12 months course includes 12 modules of a physical magazine with the monthly routines, fitness, and nutrition advice.”You have twelve different ways to explode muscle growth all over your body. Two ways to grow muscle, four ways to stimulate muscle growth, three muscle fibers to work on, and three energy systems to feed them all. The medical journals are full of this stuff but most bodybuilding gurus don’t read those journals.”The 12 Anabolic Targets you need to hit to break your plateau are:Skin-stretching hypertrophyMuscle-splitting hyperplasiaCentral Nervous System Target Trainingmetabolic Target TrainingHormonal Target TrainingSkeletal Target TrainingMaximum Type-1 Fiber RecruitmentMaximum Type-2a Fiber RecruitmentMaximum Type-2b Fiber RecruitmentATP/CP energy System UtilizationGlycolysis Energy System UtilizationAerobic/Oxidative Energy System Utilization================


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