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Vin Dicarlo & Julian Foxx – No Flakes! Audio Version ( 4 Dvd – 4 MP3s + 2 PDF + 1 JPG)

Vin Dicarlo – No Flakes!! Audio Version



I accidentally merged Disc 3 and Disc4 on Disc 4. Disc 4 starts at 1:31:12 on Disc 4… or skip downloading Disc 3 and just download Disc 1, 2, and 4. B . I apologize,  Thank YouPower User and above: NowUser: upgrade to PUI wanted this for my Zune… so i did a 48 bit, ID3 tagged copy so i can listen to it again at the car. I also included the original and compact ebook.  This is an audio  rip of: Liquidfire for the original upload!Vip/Elite: NowExtreme User/ Power Users: NowUsers: Upgrade to PU The Dvds Are Product Of The Month 2009 – September DiCarlo – NoFlakes Teleseminars Bonus Discs review by HawkVin Dicarlo does it again with No Flakes. This is a must have for any member who uses a cell phone to do any form of communication with women. Julian and Vin interview a female associate, which actually gives some great insight from at least 1 hot babe’s perspective! She explains how women will give their numbers to men they do NOT intend on sleeping with, but they still can gain from the interaction. She also covers several other aspects from a female’s point of view in the interaction!Overall this product is absolutely amazing, and as stated above a MUST HAVE! You’ll thank me later! I personally pulled up a number from 3 months prior to watching it and had a date with that girl that NIGHT! Pay attention to the patterns he uses in his text messaging, and if you need some notes, I have mine on the site located at: original long salesletterQuote:”Could It Really Be THIS Easy To Get9 Out of 10 Women So CaptivatedBy your Phone and Text Game That theyChase After You, and The incoming FLOOD of Dates becomes So Overwhelming……That You Have No Choice but toUltimately Flake Out on THEM?””The Answer is “YES”… And If YOU Want To Eliminate AllThe Disappointment That Can Come From Unanswered Calls,Having Women Flake Out on You, and The Weeks of Frustrationof Trying to Get a Girl to Meet Up with You……and Start Experiencing the Attention, Excitement and Pleasure,You DESERVE From Your Efforts in Pick-UpREGARDLESS Of Her Busy Schedule, Her Jealous Girlfriends,or EVEN her Possessive Boyfriend… Then This Will BeThe Most Important Letter You’ve Ever Read…”Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008From: Vin DiCarlo and Julian FoxxRe: No Flakes SystemGentlemen-Let’s talk about flakes.No, not the white flakes in your friend’s hair (you really should tell him, btw).Or the pretty white flakes that fall in the wintertime.I’m talking about stone cold FLAKES.You know – when a woman says she’ll call you back and she doesn’t.Or when she says she’ll meet you on friday, and when you call to confirm she tells you something came up and she’s gotta “wash her dog in the bathtub… with a toothbrush.” – or some other silly excuse that just doesn’t add up.Or even, the most MAJOR case of flaking… when you show up for a date, but your girl doesn’t, and you’re left with nothing to show for it, wondering what went wrong.If getting women to return your phone calls is like pulling teeth from an oversized gorilla, then shut the door, log off Instant Messenger, put your cell phone into silent mode and read this letter line for line in its entiretyAn Unusual “Warning”…Before we go on, I must issue a fair and simple warning.This product is definitely NOT for everyone.And while I try to develop top-notch products that are effective and useful for everybody, it’s not always plausible.In fact, there’s a distinct possibility that this product isn’t for you, simply because you are not ready…For example, if you cannot at least approach a woman and get a semi-solid phone number from her, then this product is ahead of your learning curve.It doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you, but simply that you need to do a little bit more work before you would be able to get the most out of this particular set of DVD’s.This product is specifically designed for guys who are getting semi-solid to solid phone numbers from women, but are having problems getting women to answer their phones, return their calls or meet up in person.Ok, let’s get started. Here are some important definitions:Flaking: A woman’s logistical non-compliance. In other words, her failure to answer your calls, meet up with you or otherwise welcome your attempts to meet in person.Follow Up Game: The part of game that takes place when you are NOT in person with a girl. Usually consisting of phone-game, texting and email.Still with me?Ok great. Let’s get right to the point.What we’re talking about today is flakes, and not only how to prevent them, but also how to get your phone and text follow up game SO GOOD that you will literally not have enough time in the day to see all the women who are willing to meet up with you.I’m serious about this.So serious, that Julian and I are doing the most incredible guarantee EVER.*The No Strings Attached No Flakes GUARANTEE*I personally GUARANTEE that this product will CUT YOUR FLAKING IN HALF.THAT MEANS: Whatever number of girls you are securing dates with will DOUBLE after implementing the tools and techniques in the NoFlakes DVD product.And if it doesn’t, return the product anytime after 365 days (a full YEAR) of purchase, I will give you 100% of your money back PLUS $50 CASH for wasting your time.I am SO CONFIDENT that this product will get more women over to YOUR PLACE than you’ve ever had in the past that you will be TOTALLY SATISIFED.How can I make such a bold guarantee?Simple.I’ve been in this game a long time.And I happen to know that the biggest bottleneck in a person’s game is their follow up game.Any 13 year old punk with normal male hormonal levels can pull down phone numbers all day long at the mall.But to follow up and SLEEP with or even DATE the women you meet, now that’s a challenge.And we have this challenged SOLVED.That is why I am making such a bold guarantee.(Since this is a physical product, all I ask is you return the DVD set back in it’s original condition.)”I had never really put that much thought into my phone or text game until I got to screen No Flakes…It was unbelievable…the first HUGE discovery I made was that the ‘followup’ stage of the game was where I was experiencing the highest rate of attrition with the ladies…once that problem was identified, I started applying the SICK-ASS techniques from No Flakes and the results were unbelievable. I am literally getting triple the number of girls to show up for dates that I used to. Seriously guys, buy this shit 2day.”J. R., San Diego, CARestaurant managerFinally, a Sure-Fire Solution to theFemale “Flaking Dilemma”I’ve been in the game quite a long time. But hey – I’m not perfect.When I first started out I got a TON of flakes… as does most everyone in this game. I even once called a number a girl gave me and got her father… who then proceded to tell me he was going to kill me.You see, the trouble is, every guru and their mother will gladly teach you how to start conversations, hold conversations and get phone numbers… but I haven’t found a single one who teaches you how to follow up effectively without a song and dance act.That’s the cold, gritty truth of it – if you go through all this work, spending hours talking to a girl, using some method to get her phone number, don’t you think it should at least PAY OFF?Which brings me to an important point:”If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.”I don’t mean to come off cocky, but I simply wish to communicate that the MAIN REASON that Julian and I developed this product was for our OWN BENEFIT.WE were having problems with follow up game.WE were experiencing MASSIVE frustration getting women to meet up with us.WE were sick and tired of the useless CRAP that people were preaching about phone and text game, and decided to do something about it.And let me tell you… I RARELY get flakes these days. And since we developed the No Flakes system, Julian and I have been able to meet up with and sleep with 80-90% of all women whose phone numbers we get.Read that again:”Julian and I are able to meet up with and sleep with 80-90% of all women whose phone numbers we get.”But I say this not to brag, but rather to convince you of the power of the techniques that make up the No Flakes system.It’s been said many times that pick-up and dating in general is “a numbers game” — meaning you have to talk to a RIDICULOUS number of girls, and out of that, only a few will pan out.I used to actually believe that horseshit!Not anymore. And by the end of this letter, you won’t either.”I’m 22 and a senior at Penn State.I’ve never really had too much trouble meeting girls or getting their phone numbers and as you can imagine there are plenty to meet here.I can’t tell you how many times it seemed like I was really hitting it off with a girl and was SURE that seeing her again was definite.But for some reason most of the girls didn’t call me back when I left a message.Or if they answered I had trouble getting them to commit to hanging out.It got to be really, really frustrating because I knew if I could just get them to meet up with me that I would have a good chance of closing the deal.The moment I started to watch ‘No Flakes’ I knew my life was about to change. And it did, the very same day!I was able to successfully reestablish contact with three girls that had previously blown me off, got them excited to hang out with me, and literally had sex with two of them in less than a week.I’ve had so many breakthroughs I can’t even express how happy I am that I decided to purchase this AWESOME product.Thanks guys you rock!”Johnny W., Philadelphia, PAPolitical Science major”Save yourself YEARS of frustration, guessing Games and experimentation”In a moment I’m going to talk about some very unusual and quite honestly ridiculous “research” that we did, but FIRST, I’m going to have Julian get on here and say a few words…-BEGIN MESSAGE FROM: Julian Foxx-Hey there.Let’s take it back about two and a half years or so.I was going out quite a bit, gaming like a madman, pulling several girls every week.I was introduced to Vin through a mutual friend.Of course I was already familiar with much of Vin’s work in the seduction world and knew that this man represented what I considered to be the absolute cutting edge of pickup, not to mention that he was The Godfather of the ‘Natural Game Movement’.We instantly hit it off.We shared a mutual passion for the game, a common intellectual and methodical approach to technique, and an absolute willingness to do whatever it takes to get a girl once we set our sights on her.But both of us were facing a common issue that many pick up artists have.We weren’t closing the deal on every girl whose phone number we got.We tried leaving clever voicemails, we tried getting their emails and following up that way, and we tried being super-persistent yet still had a lot of women not calling back, unmotivated to meet us in person, etc. Yeah, we were still sleeping with a significant number of women, but we were getting a TON of phone numbers. The percentages were ugly.So Vin and I made a deal. We promised that we would do whatever it takes to understand follow up game and flaking, to the same degree that we understood opening and getting the phone numbers in the first place.So the plan was, every weeknight at 7pm, before we did our follow ups for the evening, we would get on the phone and discuss follow up game. We would discuss phone follow up, construct extensive experiments of text messages and even create emails designed to entice women into seeing us in person.I mean – it was really crazy. We’d spend HOURS on the phone just to write a single text message!-END MESSAGE FROM: Julian Foxx-The ‘Are Vin and Julian Fucking NUTS?’NoFlakes! GRAND EXPERIMENTBRACE YOURSELVES because I’m going to go into some messy, messy detail.BUT I have no other way to impress upon you the amount of dedication, effort and brainstorming we have done in order to produce this product.Fuled by pure desire to improve our OWN game, me and Julian were on a mission.As seasoned pick up artists, we already had thousands of phone numbers… 1,658 at the beginning of the experiment, and by the end we had 4,720.We began recording phone conversations, dissecting them down to the ESSENTIALS constantly searching for the secret to TRUE phone game mastery.In fact, we were on the phone so much that Julian had a $1286.44 phone bill the first month, thus forcing him to switch to an unlimited plan for the second month of the experiment.But we didn’t stop with just phone game.We even started experimenting with messaging some of the hottest girls on Myspace. (In fact, in the video I lay out the EXACT method I used, step-by-step, line-by-line, from start-to-finish, to get a SMOKING HOT chick on Myspace to masturbate on her webcam for me and then call me over in person to close the deal!)Then we began the TEXT TRIALS.In these “Mad Scientist” research experiments, Julian and I discussed EVERY text message before it was sent, sometimes as long as 3 hours for a SINGLE MESSAGE.We constructed elaborate experiments, where we would test multiple texts across huge lists (not dozens… hundreds) of phone numbers, keeping track of what worked and what didn’t.We measured the responses, and then assigned a “Quality Score” from F to A+ based on the woman’s sexual responsiveness, the ease of resulting escalation and her willingness to meet up in person.It may have been overkill, but this meticulous attention to detail allowed us to boil down all of our ideas into a concentrated elixir, containing only the VERY BEST. (And BTW we have only included techniques and concepts that CONSISTENTLY scored A- and up in the product. Mostly A’s and A+ techniques. And yes, theres dozens and dozens of these tools exposed in FULL DETAIL on the DVD’s.)(SIDE NOTE: Most guys are actually sending out messages that would score a C or D by our measurement. It’s not their fault, it’s just that they are simply in the dark because the types of techniques we’re using are EXTREMELY counterintuitive and unconventional.)We kept detailed records of our interactions with women using Google Docs, Excel Spreadsheets and to top it all off, we even invested $3,250.00 of our own money into a custom database to keep track of it all.Below is a screenshot of TRIAL #87.   * By the end of the 6 month experiment, we accumulated 374 total trials.   * Upon studying the most successful of the trials, we stumbled into a distinct pattern.   * Applying that pattern to the full gambit of follow up situations, it soon evolved into a series of tools and techniques.   * The tools and techniques used in the correct sequence forms a system.   * That system is the NoFlakes System for Phone Game, Texting and Flake Prevention.Introducing “NoFlakes!” — The LONGAWAITED and CRITICALLY NECESSARYSolution to the CurrentFLAKING EPIDEMICIn the No Flakes DVD Package, You’ll Discover:   * The one simple secret that the people who overcome flaking have over guys who struggle with it. Just knowing this will give you an incredible advantage over 90% of guys out there   * The primary female psychological mechanism that causes flaking and the tools to bypass it – FAST   * The 3 prevalent myths about women are actually the main underlying cause of flaking in today’s modern society   * How to recognize and eliminate the excess player vibe that’s probably crippling your game without you even knowing it   * The number one error that most guys make when they call for the first time, and how to spot it so that you can start phone calls out on the right foot   * The inspiring tale of “The little engine that could… hit that caboose.”   * A mini-system that allows you to leave as many voicemails as you want without coming across as a stalker but instead amplifies attraction with each and every call   * How to create powerful rapport building voicemails that will evolve the relationship before she even calls you back – so that even if you had an initially weak connection – that will change FAST   * The 3 phrases of death that should NEVER be uttered over the phone yet most guys use on a daily basis. Know them and AVOID them, because all they do is make you come off like someone she DOESN’T want to know   * How to shortcut the “getting to know you stage” to save time and leave your ‘male competition’ in the dust   * The perfect time to end the phone call… and no, it’s not what you think. Also, exactly how you should end the call so you don’t come off as evasive or shady   * 3 foolproof text messages that will ALWAYS get a response, no matter where you met her, how long ago you met her or even what your initial impression was like   * The optimum length of a perfect phone call – yes the optimum length exists, and utilizing this little secret will practically guarantee a woman will become more and more attracted to you as time goes on   * Discover the key points in an interaction when it’s ok to bend the rules. Some rules are hard and fast, but others are contextual. You need to know the difference so that you ALWAYS know what you can get away with and what will only cause you trouble   * The incredible 5-minute pre-emptive action that will completely eradicate flaking. If you can do this (and no, it’s not always easy) you will never have to worry about playing phone tag, sending clever text messages and voicemails     “I work on Wall Street and have an exceptionally demanding job. The time I have to devote to women is quite limited.     What is truly amazing about this product is that I am now romantically involved with significantly more women than I used to be, but actually devoting less time to women and dating overall.     This is due to the fact that the amount of time I spend chasing them is a fraction of what it used to be, and the percentage that I actually end up getting intimate with is vastly improved.     I would estimate that I have gone from sleeping with approximately 5% percent of the girls who gave me their phone numbers to an impressive 30-40%!”     (Name withheld) NY,NY   * Why men and women react differently to the influence of their friends – and how YOU can turn this around to your full advantage.   * How to recognize situations when text messaging is superior to calling – so that you’re never left wondering which tool to contact her with   * The key time to call when it will have the most emotional impact – so that YOU are the person on her mind when she goes to school, work or is hanging out with her friends   * The technique that will always get you her undivided attention on the phone – so that you don’t have to compete with her busy environment   * The deceptively simple yet counter intuitive technique that confirms she’s definitely showing up for your date — while increasing your own status   * Guerilla dating techniques that allow you to instantly be in the position that only the hottest women are used to – you’ll give off that aura, and women will SENSE that you’re in demand   * How to use cold reading when you first meet her to help ensure she shows up for the next meeting   * Why most guys ‘next’ girls way too soon, and a super smooth alternative that will keep her on the hook as long as you want   * When a girl flakes, some guys openly call her on it and some guys play it cool, like it doesn’t matter at all. Why both strategies suck and the perfect solution to this very common dilemma   * A simple yet profound process that will ensure your calibration skills will improve with each and every new encounter   * What personal characteristic is MUCH more important over the phone than it is in person? – and how to make sure you’re using it to your advantage. (And no, it’s not your vocal tone or delivery)     “I have been studying pickup for a little less than a year now and still consider myself to be something of a beginner.     I recently moved to the US from India after the end of a fifteen year marriage.     I am naturally very shy and soft spoken so even asking for a woman’s phone number is often difficult for me.     But as I started to use the techniques in ‘No Flakes’ and women began to respond, there was a truly surprising and unexpected benefit: I became significantly less afraid to approach women and exchange phone numbers with them!     This was because I knew that I now had the tools to get them to really meet me. I am currently dating a wonderful woman that I would not even have approached if I hadn’t watched ‘No Flakes’, not to mention actually following up effectively!”     -Raj P., Hartford, CT     Computer Programmer   * How to make sure, WITHOUT A DOUBT, that she is never late to a meeting with you again   * Lets face it, sometimes flaking is out of our control. (a medical emergency, etc.) Discover how to deal with occasional inevitability without losing any status at all   * The simple trick that will make it easy to identify the perfect moment to set up the date, whether you’re talking on the phone or texting   * An amazing technique that will immediately get her thinking about sex with you, and make her think she thought of it herself!   * Discover the ‘Principle of Punctuation’ that will skyrocket her response rate to your texts and emails   * The highly controversial yet tremendously powerful way to punish a girl for unacceptable hesitation on her part   * A surefire technique that will guarantee that she is as excited to meet you as she is when she opens her first Christmas present   * Discover the amazing text messaging technique that allows you to enjoy the sexual benefits of a FULLTIME pickup artist, in just a few minutes a week   * And Much Much More!”Ok Now You’ve Got MyAttention. What’s it Cost?”Your price for this vast “insider” trove of phone game and text game treasures is almost embarrassingly reasonable.In fact, I have often been asked to explain WHY we are offering so much value, for so little.And the answer is easy: When Julian and I first started on this journey, nothing even remotely like this was available. We would have JUMPED at the opportunity to get our paws on this kind of advice and proven tactics… because it would have short-cut our learning curve by at least a FULL YEAR OR TWO.Instead, we had to slog through months of trial and error, making every mistake possible, learning our lessons painfully… and moving forward at a snail’s pace.This long hard slog has, however, made us VERY good teachers. Because now we know EXACTLY how to make things happen, even if things don’t come naturally the first time.Still, knee deep in our biggest challenges, Julian and I made a simple promise to each other: If and when we figured out phone and text game, we would do EVERYTHING in our power to make it easier for other people.And we did “figure it out”, in spades. Constant female attention, every night of the week booked with a hot date, and of course, time managment nightmares.No one helped us during our first struggles. I KNOW how important a little mentoring can be… and I am now very happy to BE that mentor to others.And that’s why this material is so ridiculously reasonable in price.You will EASILY make life-altering progress in your game the FIRST TIME you put almost any of this stuff to work for you. (and I have the testimonials to prove it)I never urge anyone to go into debt to get material like this.If you truly cannot afford this package, then for God’s sake, don’t get it.However, if you CAN make it work… and you’re ready to change the way you play the game… then I DO urge you to act immediately.WARNING:I’ll gotta tell you this right now…If you’re turned off by locker-room frat-guy talk, misogynistic rants and the “c” word or the plain tell-it-like it is reality of the dating world, then DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT.We really had no intention of turning this into a mainstream commercial product, so the language that we use and the personal details we share are completely raw…This is as real as it gets.If I get hear anyone complaining because we offended your virgin ears, then I’m not gonna feel bad for ya.THREE WEEKS of Private CoachingSessions for the First 50 CustomersJulian and I have alwaystalked about doing the ULTIMATE NoFlakes Tele-Coaching Sessions.We’re going to do LIVE coaching and meet some of our customers, and teach all of the NASTY new material we’ve come up with since the filming of the DVD.We would love to do it for everyone that gets NoFlakes… but in order to give the amount of personalized attention we have in mind, we HAVE TO limit attendance.If you order right now, and get in before 50 copies are sold you will LOCK IN your spot at our ULTIMATE NoFlakes Tele-Coaching Sessions. It will be 3 Weeks of Private, Closed Door Coaching Sessions so that so that you can try out the techniques and report back how they’re working for you..And that way, if you have ANY questions, or would like advice on a specific problem, or follow up situation, you can get that personalized feedback, DIRECTLY from Julian and me.”Your Girl… Guaranteed!”NoFlakes! OUTRAGEOUS Contestfor the First 100 CustomersIf you are in the first 100 buyers, we will give you ONE entry into our little contest called “Your Girl… Guaranteed!”We will select ONE winner.If you are the winner, Julian and I will PERSONALLY use the NoFlakes System to set up a date between YOU and ANY GIRL who’s phone number you have in your phone…(And it doesn’t even matter if you got her phone number indirectly i.e. party invite, etc we’ll STILL get her on a date with you…. Guaranteed!)We will set it up so that we will give you the EXACT line by line responses in REAL-TIME to get her IN PERSON to meet you on a romantic DATE.Of course, once you get her in person, the rest is up to you. (Hopefully you’re familiar with my other work, and closing the deal will be a piece of cake!)You Get All This:  1. The NoFlakes! 3 DVD Set INCREDIBLE SOLUTION to ELIMINATE FLAKING Once and For All $497.00 VALUE  2. The NoFlakes! Workbook Complete with Text Transcriptions of EVERY Conversation from the Program $97.00 VALUE  3. The NoFlakes! Bonus Disc With MORE EXAMPLES, TROUBLESHOOTING and SYSTEM CALLIBRATOR $97.00 VALUE  4. The NoFlakes! Ultimate Tele-Coaching. THREE WEEKS of Private Coaching Sessions with Both Vin and Julian (First 50 orders only) $600.00 VALUE  5. One Entry in the “Your Girl… Guaranteed!” Contest (First 100 orders only) PRICELESSTotal Value = $1,388.00. But you won’t even pay a THIRD of that.Don’t Decide Now. Get the program and try it out for a full 365 daysIf No Flakes! doesn’t produce a MARKED and MEASURABLE increase in women’s responses to you, I’ll refund your money, PLUS $50 cash for your time. It’s that simple. FULL REFUND++.If you are not happy just return the product within 365 days (yup, a full YEAR to practice with our techniques) after you receive it, and make sure it comes back in the same physical condition you received it in. Remember — this is a limited edition and we’ll be certain to have a waiting list of people who want to get their hands on it.I cannot POSSIBLY make it any more easy or low risk for you.When you click the order link below, you’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can order your No Flakes! Package (just use a valid credit card or debit card).Go through the No Flakes! Program from beginning to end. You will see an IMMEDIATE and MEASURABLE improvement in how women respond to you. GURANTEED.Just give this Program a shot, RISK-FREE.If you don’t CUT your FLAKING IN HALF, thus IMMEDIATELY getting better results in the game, then send it back. Simple as that.If you start closing the deal on MANY more women that would have ordinarily flaked out on you (much more likely, of course), you will be absolutely thrilled that you made the right decision, and took action.I sincerly want to help you close the deal on more women. So many guys get LOADS of phone numbers that go NOWHERE.Julian and I have been helping our private clients take FULL advantage of our NoFlakes! System, and there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t do the same thing.NoFlakes DVD Package – Price: $1,388.00., $997.00., $597.00., $397.00 …4 Payments of $77 (or $297 in full)Add To CartClick Here to Add NoFlakes to your Cart(Coaching Spots Left: 23 11 6 3)I sincerely hope you consider getting your hands on this.We have done all we can to make it as easy and risk-free for you to try it out.The game doesn’t have to be as difficult and frustrating as it is for many guys.The difference between someone who is sleeping with and dating a lot of women and someone who’s only getting phone numbers is his FOLLOW UP GAME. I hope you are advanced to the point where you realize this, and make the right decision.Always in your corner,Vin DiCarlo and Julian FoxxP.S. Although this is a very special product, there’s one more thing I HAVE TO mention..One claim I will NOT make is that this product will make you “happy”.If you want to be happy, go take a vacation or switch on your xbox.If you are simply looking for a product that will make you “happy” then this is not the one for you.I know this sounds crazy… but this product will simply exchange one problem for another.Because let’s face it:Having women calling you constantly, trying to make plans with you, and competing for your very important time on this earth, is not exactly “fun”.It can be in the beginning, and it may be refreshing when you start to experience it for the very first time…But you’ll soon realize, that once you’re in that situation, you’ll be struggling with more advanced and complex time managment issues.Julian and I are constantly having women get upset with us, leaving threatening voicemails and showing up at our homes unannounced…It can get old really fast.So be ready, and consider yourself warned…(And I’ll hopefully have another solution for you by the time that happens)Click Here to Add NoFlakes to your Cart3rd Party Reviews of the NoFlakes! Live Seminar:I attended this seminar with two friends and I was really skeptical about how worthwhile it would be – I mean, its a seminar about nothing but phone and text game. Does this shit even really matter that much?After leaving the program all three of us were pretty blown away by the layout AND the content of the seminar. Everything was broken down into concepts, there were REAL LIFE text conversations and phone calls by Vin and Julian – the first time I have EVER seen this implemented in a seminar. It was funny, entertaining, there is a helpful quiz at the end of the seminar and a pretty cool shocker that drives the whole thing home.Since using these concepts I’ve seen a big improvement in my text game and just received a “this is exciting. i love this shit. good job!” text back from a girl using some of the techniques – seriously, who says that? I’m pretty happy with myself. At one point Vin gives a rundown of how he got some girl who has an internet webcam over using text game, and they were having sex within 30 minutes. Then there is real audio footage of Julian turning a sure-thing flake around to meet him for drinks.I was really caught off guard by how good this was. Vin has a lot of talent but no one knows since he doesn’t waste time talking about it when he’s teaching. The seminar is going to be out on DVD in the near future (they were filming the whole thing) so keep an eye out. The seminar is also DIRT CHEAP for now.-jBrett, NYCI attended a program today hosted by Vin DiCarlo and Julian Foxx regarding flake prevention, titled NoFlakes!. Those of you who know me know that I’m very critical, and I can be especially harsh towards most of the products out there. Most of the time the communities products are highly theoretical with no practical real world advice.Today this was not the case. Vin and Julian delivered. I’ve been around for a year and a half now and I’ve seen very few people really lay down practical real world advice along with actual transcripts of how to apply this information. I am completely impressed with their ability to break down and teach systematically good text game. It was a complete package, the only thing left is for people to work out the application.I won’t give away any of the ideas, but what was interesting to me is that I have the basics of what they were doing worked out already, I’ve been compiling a google doc on txting and phone game and how to apply it for a few months now, and I now consider my work and testing in this area finished.I give this product a 10. Good job Vin and Jules, and thank you for the hard work that had to have gone into this.-T, NYCI just wanted to give you guys an honest opinion of Vin and Julian’s No Flake Seminar this past weekend. (Vin did not hint or ask me to write this, so it is really an honest opinion).The seminar with was fantastic. They videotaped it and are turning it into a product, and I highly highly recommend you purchase it. I think it is going to be relatively cheap and will completely change your follow up game.I had read the No Flakes e-book, saw the You Tube video “No Flakes,” and some concepts are discussed in this forum; but that said, there is a lot of new info and I learned a lot.The seminar was approximately 4 ½ hours long and dedicated solely to text/phone game. They went in to great detail and showed personal examples of texts and we listened to their recorded phone conversations, and analyzed each line by line discussing the specific techniques and strategies. Also, each technique was field tested hundreds of times using a scientific and statistical model.What’s great is that once you understand the theories, you can adapt them to your own game. In other words, when this program gets out it won’t matter if there are 10,000 guys using it – you’re adapting it to your style of game. Whereas, I think that if you go into a club, approach a girl, and say, “my buddy and I have a bet and we need a female perspective…blah blah blah” you will see her eyes glaze over because she’s heard it a thousand times.What was new? They discussed an overarching philosohy called “Get I.I.L,” which basically gives a structure to text and phone game. I think it can be used for conversation game too. They talked about all the major problems that can go wrong in follow up and gave a specific techniques to help handle it. Some are counter-intuitive, some I’ve never heard of before, but each one is supported by this over-arching theory and easy to understand once you get it.One of the highlights were Liz and Alex, two beautiful & cool women, who were there to discuss follow up and text game from a a woman’s perspective. A few things clicked for me when I was listening to Alex speak. She talked about the various reasons why women flake and it really made me feel better because now I realize that most of the time it is not about me. She talked about her perspective and the perspective of some of her friends, and said that sometimes she might really like a guy and be attracted to him but sometimes she is busy, stressed with work, dating other guys, and/or in a funky mood. She stressed the important of persistence (non-creepy persistence) and that if you like her keep trying.They also showed us some great techniques for what to do if you think she might not show up for the date, what to do if she actually doesn’t show up for the date (how to save face and re-frame it to keep your status), and they showed us what to do if you screwed up and had a negative interaction (a very snazzy little gem I’m going to use over and over) . They also gave us a surefire technique to get her on the phone at least once (if she’s just not calling you back). If you’ve got someone you liked and you wonder what went wrong they also showed us how to get her to tell you what went wrong and a way you can even re-direct it into a date.At the end of the seminar, there was a visual Zen koan of sorts that really helped me understand intrigue. I’m not going to give it away because it is visual and you need to see it, but it had to do with this “magic box” that held an important concept inside. At the end, when the box was open and the secret finally revealed, I really understood how follow up game works and why it is so effective when communicating with women.Another great aspect was the research. They interviewed over 300 women in Time Square and asked a series of questions. I probably shouldn’t give it all away, but I will tell you the most surprising fact to me: when women were asked, “Ever been attracted to someone only to lose interest because of something they did or said over the phone or via text?” 96% said yes!That’s why I think guys need to get this program when it comes out. We put in a lot of time and effort on our game. We read, study, go out, spend money on clothes, drinks, etc. It seems silly to put that much effort into it if you can’t follow up. You will figure out exactly what you’ve been doing wrong, but most importantly you will understand why it is wrong and how to adjust your game.So overall I really don’t have anything negative to say, but I know some guys will think it’s a phony review unless I point out a couple of negatives, so…. they did started a late because of technical issues with the cameras and lights. Alex was fantastic, but I would have liked to have seen more participation from Liz because she had a great perspective. We talked at the break and she gave me a really great tip to deal with a problem I was having with a certain girl. Also I think we should have been able to ask questions during the program instead of saving them till the end. It would have been more beneficial to clear the ideas up as we were learning them, instead of going back through your notes and trying to figure out what you wanted to ask.I don’t know when it will be out but listen, do yourself a favor…buy the program. You will double your day 2’s. I’ve seen it work with just the concepts I already knew. I can’t wait to start using some of their new stuff.If you have any questions or doubts don’t hesitate to contact me.-C, Los Angeles, CA


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