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Udemy – The Complete 2018 Mind Mapping Step-By-Step Mastery Course

The Complete 2018 Mind Mapping Step-By-Step Mastery Course
[42 Videos (MP4)]


Description…Learn How To Use Effective Mind Mapping Systems, Goal Setting, Time Management and Much MoreYou will become effective in time management and chronological planningYou will be able to increase your creativity, productivity and effectiveness in whatever part of your life you’re trying to work onYou will be able to master the principles of Mind MappingYou will be able to use Mind Mapping for any problem that you encounterYou will be to identify situations where using mind mapping can be detrimentalA scientific approach to mind management, will power, planning, scheduling, neurotransmitters that are responsible for the effective execution of plans deriving from Mind MappingThis is the course that is going to teach you Step-by-Step, how use mind mapping effectively. By the end of this course, not only will you be a mind mapping expert, but you will go beyond that to learn the ins and outs of time management, psychology behind execution, willpower, smart goals, productivity, creativity and much more!Running time: 06:14:41–IntroductionWhat Is Mind MappingWhat Are The Four Stages Of Learning –The Effective Mind MappingThe CoreThe BranchThe Sub-BranchCore EnhancingStructure Enhancing–Mind Mapping – A Step-by-Step guideMind Mapping – Career PlanningMind Mapping – Work RelatedMind Mapping – Job InterviewMind Mapping – ExamsMind Mapping – EssaysMind Mapping – Weekly Fitness ScheduleMind Mapping – New Year Resolutions and GoalsMind Mapping – Fitness ScheduleMind Mapping – Phone SoftwaresMind Mapping – Personal DevelopmentMind Mapping – Computer Design SoftwaresMind Mapping – Speeches and Presentations–Beyond Mind Mapping : Understanding The Complementary PrinciplesProductivity EnhancementCreativity EnhancementMemory and Recall ImprovementsSmart Goals and Planning–Time Management Principles : Mind Management PrinciplesInitial StepsScience Based Planning AnalysisPrinciple 1: Cruciality IdentificationPrinciple 2: Prioritization BreakdownPrinciple 3: Exponential And Strategic Goal AchievementUsing Your Skills RightUsing Your Talents RightOrganizational ManagementAction, Beyond WordsIntrospected Self-PressuringRecharging and RestoringYour Powerful HormonesProcrastination: From 0 to HeroMultitasking: Preparing to Fail–Concentration – The Key To Effective Mind MappingConcentration – Focus – AttentionFrom Chess Games To Social ConversationsAn InsightThe Difference Between These PrinciplesImproving Your Concentration–Set Goals To Mind Map AccordinglySetting Goals – An InsightA Conversation With YourselfAim, But Control Your Expectations


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