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Udemy – Sriram Balu – Proven Eye Exercises To Enhance Vision – A Step By Step Guide

Proven Eye Exercises To Enhance Vision
[17 MP4s, 6 eBooks- PDF, 6 JPG, 2 TXT]



COURSE DEscriptIONA Decade ago – People wanted to travel and “See” the World. Now they wanted to “See” the world within a Screen. Thus it is always one thing which matters. Your “Eye Sight” or “Vision”.This course is for all – May it be a computer geek or a person who has some discomfort in viewing. Upon watching these unique practical eye exercise videos – it will be evident that this is not a ‘Course’ but a “Lifestyle”.This Lifestyle changing Course is mostly composed of step by step eye exercise demonstration – completely understanding the difficulties a newbie would experience when he enrolls on to a program.The course is structured in such a way that ample time is given for the audience to practice or make notes or even do it right away with the videos.Now – if you think what difference I am going to make with this course – then the answer would be that these are practical proven steps from Ancient Indian Yoga sutra. Upon consistent practice – oh, no. Upon the first session on watching these videos, I am sure that you will start to feel the pleasure of enhanced vision right away. About Mr. Sriram Balu: Instructor at UdemyMr. Sriram has an extensive experience with regards to Video based learning and Online learning for Marine Engineering, Maths, and Management. He was a Senior Writer and Editor for various Engineering Channels at – after which he devised a new portal on his own for video based lectures on Maths and Marine Engineering.Many School students rush to his doors for attending his class on Vedic Maths. That is not limited to school students alone, but also many graduates who prepare for various competitive exams.A Sailing Senior Marine Engineer – on various types of Ships, touched all Continents except Antarctica.According to Him, “If a Student does not understand, it is a Teacher’s Failure”. Thus He ensures that the topic what he teaches touches not only the Mind but also the heart. The best part of Mr. Sriram’s Lectures are that you will get to know about the “Know-How” in-depth of the topics which he covers.Sailing Experience: He has sailed on board the World’s Largest LNG Ship as a Senior Engineer Managing the Power plant and the Engine room Team.Maths: He has lectured more than 500 hours in various schools on Vedic Maths – creating a huge spark in young student’s mind.Health & Yoga: He relishes learning and implementing Ancient Indian Way of living particularly linking Yoga with Raw food diet.Currently He loves to be a Teacher through Udemy – as He finds Udemy to be a Top notch place to offer His valuable Knowledge and reach the elite Community of students Like you.


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