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Tracy Reifkind – “Top 40” Kettlebell Swing Workouts

[1 x DVD rip (.mp4)]


“Top 40” Kettlebell Swing Workoutsby Tracy ReifkindUploader’s commentsPlease do not share this outside of The Place. Thanks!For those of you not familiar with her, TR is the “Queen of the kettlebell swing”.  She lost over 100 pounds doing only kettlebell swings for exercise (+ walking).  Tim Ferriss writes about her and the KB Swing in the 4 Hour Body, suggesting there that the swing is the single best exercise for weight loss.This DVD starts with a warmup lead by her husband Mark Reifkind (Master level Strong First instructor). After the warmup, there is a 15 minute workout to help you figure out how much rest you need each minute.  It progresses through 10, 11,12…20, 20, 20, 20, 20  swings on the minute.  This is how you figure out whether to do equal work to rest (20 swings/min) or if you need to do fewer reps per minute.  After that, Workout #1 is a mix of sets of 5, 10, 20 and eventually 40 1H and 2H Swings.  I haven’t tried workout 2 or the bonus workout yet, but I’m sure they are variations on workout #1.My own typical swing workouts are 10 x 1H swings/minute for 30 minutes using a 24kg or 30kg kettlebell.  Sometimes I do a 10 x 2H swing/min with a heavy 36kg.  In spite of regularly using a heavier bell, I had to drop down to a 16kg KB to keep up with the first progression and workout #1.  If you want to try equal work to rest, I suggest starting with a lighter bell.  Equal-work-to rest feels like a medium-fast jog that’s just beyond comfortable. Tracy does equal work to rest throughout, but there are students demonstrating with her who do less work or only use 2H swings.DVD description from AmazonTracy’s latest KB DVD will teach you her most popular KB Swing progressions, leading up to minute long sets of 40 repetitions, which she calls her “Top 40”.Included are three complete ,progressive routines that you can use individually, in combination or as an entire workout.Designed for beginners, these workouts can also build you up to an advanced level very quickly.This is kettlebell endurance training at it’s best!


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