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Todd Scott – Vaporizor Method Phase II (13 ebooks – PDF,5 videos – .wmv)

Todd Scott – Vaporizor Method Phase II

Description The Short Cut to Fast Fat Loss Just Got Shorter.And No. I’m Not Kidding.Plus, when you Order Today ONLY, You’ll Also GetLimited Super Bonus #1 (Limited Time ONLY): 5 FREE Triple Fat Loss Matrix Insider Fat Loss Videos With 23 Brand New, Never Seen Before Exercises.*Available in Digital Format Only, a Physical Product Will Not Be Shipped.Triple Fat Loss Matrix INSIDER™”5 Brain-Dead-Simple, Fat Slashing Cardio WorkoutsThat You Can Do Literally Anywhere in The World…All In Under 10 Minutes”(Retail $29.95)These Are the cardio workouts I Created to use in conjunction with the Vaporizor Method. These Workouts have NEVER been made public.They can all be done at home with nothing more than a few dumbbells and a jump rope.You’ll  be able to Get “In” Your Fat Burning Zone in just 10 Minutes and keep Burning Fat for the Next 24-48 Hours.Never-Seen before Fat Blasting Cardio Using Nothing More than a Pair of Dumbbells & a Jump RopeSimply Watch the Videos, and Step Outside to Start Burning Fat Immediately!All You Have to do is watch the videos and step outside and get to work. You CAN do these at a gym, but you don’t have to.The Triple Matrix INSIDER™Advanced Fat Loss Cheat SheetYou’ll also get the Triple Fat Loss Matrix INSIDER Cheat Sheet in PDF format for you to print off to use at your convenience. It has all the workouts, sets, reps, and schemes for you to easily implement the program.Here’s a sample of the brand new Fat Slashing Exercises In action (Click Play Below):Here’s what’s going on, I know you’re probably used to seeing really compelling and “long form” letters trying to sell you on Programs, etc…But this isn’t going to be a long hypey sales pitch… Actually, it’s not going to be a sales pitch at all, so Let’s cut Straight to The Chase….”Here’s HOW You Can Get Your Hands On an Official Release Copy of The BRAND NEW Vaporizor Method PHASE II at a OVER HALF OFF to Burn Fat at Record Breaking Speeds”The first question you maybe be asking yourself is: “Well, if The Original Vaporizor Method is SO Good, why in the world do we need Part II?”The reason is simple.. the Vaporizor Method worked Too Good TOO FAST… While people who’ve used the programsee incredible fat loss at break-neck speeds… Meaning almost instantly… There was a problem (I’ll get to that in a minute)..I know that sounds like a T-Total ton of hype, but let me give you a quick example. I literally received an email just a few hours ago from one of my customers, Imtiaz. We’ve been talking back and forth through email for the past week, because he just started the Vaporizor Method 7 days ago, and he’s using it to compete in a company-wide weight loss competition. Obviously he wants to win, so he emailed me to make sure he was doing things right.Well, Imtiaz had his first weigh in at work this morning.. And he completely blew everyone out… He had lost the most weight in his entire office… 6 Pounds in 7 days.So he emailed me today, because everyone in the office thinks he just got lucky. I’m here to tell you, it’s Not Luck.This is typical to those who actually follow the program as it’s laid out. And I’ll go out on a limb and say he’s going to blow them out at next week’s weigh in too – and the one after that, and the one after that. As long as he sticks with the program (which I think he will).But Here’s The Problem…The Original Vaporizor Method was designed as a 4 Week Extreme Fat Loss program – to gain serious momentum and lose A Lot of Weight FAST.Four Weeks, and that’s it. I tell you right on the first few pages of the manual that it should only Be used for 4 weeks at a time… with a break period of at least 2 weeks (preferably 4-8 weeks) in between before starting it again.Well, this is when things started going haywire. You guys were reporting in dramatic results in just 7-14 days, with it continuing throughout the entire program…And then at the end of the 4 weeks, I’d get emails that went something like this:”Hey Todd – I just finished the Vaporizor Method, lost XX Pounds in 4 weeks, it’s incredible, but WHAT DO I DO NOW, you said to take a break for at least 2-8 weeks… but I’m not sure what to do during this break period. Can you help me out?”Well, as the emails started piling up I realized that I had to do something in the way to help you continue this crazy fat loss without having to completely go stagnant….Because while some people were losing 20-27 pounds in those 4 weeks, during the “break phase” they’d gain back 3-4 pounds, before starting back again.This didn’t sit well with me, so I sat down and mapped out PHASE II of the Vaporizor Method…Here are the Details:VM2 is a Comprehensive, yet Brain-Dead Simple Advanced Fat Loss Program designed specifically to burn 3-4 pounds per week – whether you’re transitioning from VM1 or you’re starting PHASE II from Scratch. Transitioning from Vaporizor Method Phase I will allow you to take advantage of the HUGE Momentum built during the first 4 Weeks, BUT PHASE II was designed as a Stand Alone Fat Loss Program… and works extremely well to burn 2-3 pounds of fat per week even if you haven’t prefaced it with the Vaporizor Method the previous 4 Weeks.On August 6th, 2010, The Vaporizor Method PHASE II will ONLY be available to customers who have previously Purchased the original Vaporizor Method program or as an addition to the original package somewhere in the $47-$67 Dollar Range.. The new Material for Phase II is Complete and it’s KILLER. But Since You’re A VIP Customer You Can Grab a Copy of The Vaporizor Method PHASE II for OVER HALF OFF the Normal Price if You Buy Today…Let me explain… and then I’ll get to the part about grabbing your copy for Half Off.Just as I did with the Original Vaporizor Method, I am releasing Vaporizor Method PHASE II as “Testing Phase” AndThe OVER HALF-OFF Pre-Sale Is Limited to JustThe First 50 Customers Who BuyI’m releasing Vaporizor Method PHASE II on a Limited Basis for 2 Simple Reasons:I have 2 Goals for the Vaporizor Method PHASE II Pre-Release(Warning – This Ain’t Gonna Be Sugar Coated)1) I want to help you lose fat like crazy..2) As you’re going through the program, I will be asking you to provide feedback so I can make any tweaks to better the program (if need be)…Now, in order to efficiently sort through the feedback you’ll be providing, I’ve decided to Limit the number of people during the testing phase. This way I’m not overwhelmed with 100’s of emails at a time…And to Fairly Compensate you for your help, I’m slashing the Release Price In HALF for you.Does that sound Fair?If you are cool with giving me a testimonial and helping tweak the program as it’s complete, then keep scrolling to get to the gritty details.The first part of The Vaporizor Method PHASE II will be ready for you to download in just a few days…Here’s What’s Included:The Vaporizor Method PHASE II Advanced Nutrition StrategiesI’ve always been disappointed with the quality of some of the other “fast” fat-loss courses out there. Most of them are 300-Page, Fluff Filled, Confusing Encyclopedias that take DAYS to go through… Then once you find what might be the “good” stuff, you forget where in the book you saw it… I don’t know about you, but normally, this is enough to cause me to never open the thing again.But Not here.This short power-punch filled manual outlines the exact advanced nutrition strategies we’ll use to start shedding fat at startling speeds through nutrition. It contains everything from the PHASE II nutrition guidelines, how to implement the specific strategies, and how to schedule meals from day to day and week to week.The Vaporizor Method PHASE II  4 Week Advanced Workout Series AThis Manual will outline New PHASE II Workouts for you to print off and take to the gym. It Contains the exact exercises, rep schemes, & sets you’ll need to do each week to get the most out of PHASE IISeries A.The Vaporizor Method PHASE II  4 Week Advanced Workout Series BThis Manual will outline New PHASE II Workouts for you to print off and take to the gym. It Contains the exact exercises, rep schemes, & sets you’ll need to do each week to get the most out of PHASE IISeries B.The Vaporizor Method PHASE II Advanced Cardio StrategiesIf one of the things that’s holding you back is not having enough time of the day to get in cardio or not sure exactly how much cardio you should be doing to effectively lose a ton of fat fast, then This Manual will show you exactly what you’re doing wrong. You’ll be able to amp up your fat loss with these proven advanced cardio strategies. Interval Training too tough? Have bad knees, aching joints, or no place to sprint? Don’t worry, we cover all the bases here to get your fat burning cardio dialed in to burn fat like nothing you’ve ever seen.The Vaporizor Method PHASE II  Exercise DatabaseWith a Total Re-Vamped Workout Scheme in PHASE II you’ll be using different exercises at different times in your program. This database outlines and describes how to perform each exercise Contained in the Advanced Workout Series, including Full Pictures and Descriptions from start to finish.The Vaporizor Method PHASE II  Food ChartDifferent Days call for specific food plans, you’ll use this list to help put together your RND days. The Vaporizor Method PHASE II  Sample Meal PlansThe Special Vaporizor PHASE II Nutrition Plan isn’t complex on the surface, but is one of the main components that will strip your waistline in record speeds. You just choose your calorie category, print it out and put it to work. You’ll have 5 sample meal plans to choose from to be used as a guide to make things more simple for you. Devising your nutrition plan will also be included in the Video tutorials.metabolic Equalizer™”The Secret Tool For Burning Fat”(Retail $49.95)Burning fat can be tough. Burning Fat without knowing how many calories, grams of protein, carbs, or fat you should be consuming is an uphill battle. Burning Fat without knowing precisely how many calories your body burns is near impossible.With this breakthrough software, you’ll be able to calculate exactly what your body needs to start burning 2-3 pounds of fat per week. Accompanied by a video tutorial, this may be the most potent software you’ve ever seen. Not Only will you be able to break down thenumber of calories you need per day, but you will be able to break itdown to the number of calories, protein, carbs, and fat you need PER MEAL. With a simple click of the button!All you’ll need to do is plug in a few simple personalized numbers, and this software spits out exactly what you need!There’s no reason to be confused about some drawn out formula, I’ll walk you through exactly how to use this simple software, and you’ll know how many calories you need at each meal within MINUTES!After VM PHII’s official release sale, it will be available for $47-$67 dollars.But You Can Reserve Your Copy Right Now for OVER HALF-OFF(Limited to the First 50 Customers to Buy)For only a few bucks, you can secure your copy today…This will NEVER happen again, so take advantage of it while you can.Click Here to Secure Your Copy at OVER 50% Off (Limited Time ONLY)Here’s how this whole thing works:If you take advantage of my Official Release sale today and secure your copy of the Vaporizor Method PHASE II before this page is taken down… You will gain access to all of the Advanced Fat Loss Strategies listed above. The manual is completely, 100% digital. So that means you’ll be able to immediately download it to your computer as soon as you purchase.So here’s how to secure your copy:Place your order today at Over 50% off the normal price by clicking hereYou’ll complete the checkout and visit the download page and download it to your computerOnce you’ve downloaded it, you’ll be able to print it from your computer so you’ll have it in hard copy format (if you’d like)Click Here to Secure Your Copy at 50% Off (Limited Time ONLY)Here’s what Happened to Todd Valentine when he decided to put his trust in me:Here’s the email he sent me 4 Days After Starting the Vaporizor Method:Since I had to scale the image down in order for it to fit, this is what the email reads:”Hey man, to give you an update. Total weight I’ve lost in the 41/2 days so far is 7 pounds. I ate 2 chips yesturday because I couldn’t resist and that only made my cravings worst. I ate 2 salads with my 2 servings of meat yesturday and used light or fat free italian dressing on the salads. Got on the scales this morning and had gained a pound. That’s about as far as gotten away from the diet. I did have 3 protein bars that had more carbs in them than I would have liked. I also have had a couple of spoons of peanut butter but didn’t seem to hurt. Gonna hit the cardio hard this evening when I get off work and weigh in in the morning. I’ll let you know.”Click Here to Secure Your Copy at 50% Off (Limited Time ONLY)’til Next Time Train Hard & Live Easy!!Todd ScottP.S. This page will ONLY BE AVAILABLE for the First 50 Customers to Order. I don’t know how long it will take to sell out, but if you don’t take advantage of this offer right now, don’t be upset if you come back tomorrow and it’s gone.P.P.S. If money isn’t a concern for you, there’s no reason to panic. Once the page is taken down, Vaporizor Method PHASE II will still be available for previous Vaporizor Method Customers on August 6th, 2010 for $47-67 dollars.


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