Private Library for Anything and Everything I Am Organized Now!

I Am Organized Now
[1 CD -4 MP3s]



“Out of every thousand people, the most organized person will probably achieve the most, do it faster with the least amount of effort AND have the most free time…”I Am Organized Now! can help YOUbe that one in a thousand- If you could just get organized, almost every area of your life would “work”!!Your career, family and social life, your physical and mental health, athletics, financial areas, spiritual issues…You name it.There is not one area of life that organization (and disorganization) doesn’t affect massively and directly.Period.You can think big, have huge goals, be filled with confidence and be motivated as heck to reach your outcomes, but being organized is the thing that multiplies the value of those other characteristics by ten and decreases your anxiety level by twenty! Disorganization causes only stress and hardship.For most people, getting and staying organized is a real challenge… a simple skill, yet one they can’t seem to learn or truly appreciate the value of.But if you are organized, other people think you are smarter, you do more things right the first time, you achieve more, other people trust you more, you can make and keep more money AND will have more honest-to-goodness free time to do the things you truly love to do. Are you in here?    * If you show up late a large percentage of the time    * If you have stacks of papers and other junk piling up in your car, your home, your office    * If you constantly lose even valuable items because you forget where you set them down    * If you rarely use “to do” lists/planners because you think it’s too much work    * If you think that being organized is impossible – or just not possible for you – or worse, you don’t even understand what “being organized” means……Then there are goals you will never set, jobs you will never get or excel at, people you will never meet, relationships you will never have, trust you will never earn, self-respect you will never gain and dreams (both big and small) that you’ll never even come close to achieving.To understand where these characteristics originate, you will see many sources in the 11 core mental patterns of failure discussed on our home page. I want to understand! One of the most mysterious and horrible things about being disorganized is that most people joke about how disorganized they are…As if it’s actually funny.But the actual costs – loss of career opportunity, financial loss, frustration, anxiety, time loss, arguments, and so much more can affect every single facet of your life.The truth is, a few simple skills and disciplines that can help make a person “organized” can have the same effect as finding out that there are millions of barrels of oil underneath the ground where you live. It can change your life in every way imaginable.Just an increased awareness and a bit of discipline can make even the laziest person seem like a brilliant goal achieving machine.Being organized doesn’t take time – it makes time and it saves time. Knowing what to do is nice… being neat and tidy is wonderful but being organized is more than just picking up after yourself after you make a mess.Organization is:    * Effectively planning every stage of a project and adjusting plans as needed    * Making tough decisions when things go wrong    * Correctly estimating how long tasks will take    * Delegating and following up with people    * Paying attention to and remembering where you set things down    * Being able to say no in order to stay on schedule and keep your sanity    * Prioritizing daily tasks    * Being ready to go when it’s time    * Neatness and filing/storage    * Deciding the best place for things and keeping them there when not in use    * Remembering what you and other people agree to    * Throwing out what is not necessary    * Using foolproof reminder systems    * Handling interruptions and quickly getting back on task    * Using the phone, email and other tools to save time and money    * Staying focused on the task in front of youBut primarily, being organized is just mental discipline……The discipline to do the quick, easy but important things that make your days and your life go a hundred times smoother.Because you can know exactly what to do to make your life organized and run smoothly, but not have the guts or the discipline to do it… Introducing I Am Organized Now! I Am Organized Now! was designed to get you and keep you organized.The purpose of this Accelerated Success Conditioning program is to turn you into a person who is in control of whatever situation you find yourself in, who is always prepared, aware of your actions and who feels at ease and capable wherever you are at whatever you are doing.It is about creating the 24/7 awareness of the value of being organized.The most effective, most powerful, most fully awake, alive and creative people are as organized as a fully assembled 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Every area of their lives fits with the other.All the decisions and actions of the truly organized person make sense.


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