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The Vibe System

The Vibe System
[9 video – FLV, 6 audio MP3, 5 PDF]



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Thanks for keeping awesome!Bonus by a GB:GB Thread: HERE GB Status: ClosedWaiting timesURL: on November 10th 2012Power Users: on December 7th 2012Users: Upgrade to Power User to get access (upload 25 GB or donate, and be a member for 4 weeks)The Vibe SystemDear frustrated friend,Have you ever wanted to approach a beautiful woman, but you were afraid that you wouldn’t know what to say?She’s right there looking all hot and sexy, and all you have to do is walk up and start talking to her… but you just can’t because you are paralyzed with fear of what to say to her.And isn’t it frustrating to see another guy approach her, and watch as she starts to flirt with him and you can tell that she is totally into him.Do ever you find yourself wondering what might have happened if only YOU had the skills to talk to her in that way?It completely sucks, doesn’t it?Also – have you ever thought something like this:”I’m sick and tired of women not being attracted to me. Why do other guys get such amazing women, when I clearly have so much more to offer them? Why can’t I attract the women I want when I am obviously such a good catch?”And when you do finally get the courage to approach a hot woman, you freeze up, start to panic and just can’t think of anything to say…And This Fear Is What Keeps You From Ever Approaching Attractive WomenNow I realize that this may come as a surprise to guys who know me today, butthis used to happen to me all the time!I would see an amazingly hot, sexy woman that I wanted to meet, but I just couldn’t get myself to go over and talk to her.But then I realized something.The main reason I was afraid to approach women, was that I was actually scared that I wouldn’t know what to say to get her attracted to me AFTER the approach.I bet you’ve felt this at some point.You are talking to a hot woman and you get that sinking feeling in your stomach as you feel the conversation stalling and you can slowly feel her lose interest in you as she looks away.And the worst part is, the harder you try to recover, the worse it gets!Well My Friend, I Have Some Great NewsWhat if I were to tell you that you could instantly and effortlessly generate sustainable attraction in every woman that you meet?What if you could be doing this the very next time you walk out your door?And what if it was…Guaranteed To Work On All Types Of WomenFrom the quiet librarian type who let’s her hair down and is a sexy wildcat in the Playboy-like trophy babe on your arm making all your friends jealous.From that first glance across the room, to the time she is looking forward to being alone with you on a date in your bedroom.All just by using some simple yet amazingly effective techniques, in a way that no guy has ever done before.And let me tell you, when you learn to do this, she will be such putty in your hands that getting her between the sheets will seem like child’s play.Here’s An Incredible Opportunity To: Easily install the same material taught at expensive PUA boot-camps. Impress your friends with your ability to attract (and date) smoking-hot women. Finally have true selection over the choice of quality women in your life. But before we dive into what this is…Has This Ever Happened To You? You are talking to a girl and have NO idea what to do or say that will make her feel attraction for you and it is just a matter of time before she makes up an excuse to go back to her friends.   You seemed to have hit it off when you first met a girl and everything seemed perfect, but now she is quickly losing interest in you and you don’t know how to re-spark that attraction.   You watch another guy talk to the girl you are interested in, and somehow she magically starts showing interest in him, even though you know you are a better catch.   You are paralyzed with fear to approach women, because you are scared that you won’t be able to keep them interested in you.As I mentioned, I used to be incredibly frustrated with my ability to talk to women.I mean, no matter how clever my ‘pick up line’ was, I always felt like I had nothing to say that would keep them interested, engaged and invested in me.But Things Are A Lot Different Now!But only after I decided to take action to finally fix this part of my life.I spent countless hours hanging out and listening to other guys who were good with women.I literally invested THREE YEARS testing and refining everything I could get my hands on to help me to engage and attract the hottest women.I read books on body language.Learned cold reading.Refined my stories and developed a few amazing questions that always resulted in the conversation taking on a fun, sexual vibe.I learned how to touch women, in ways that almost magically generated attraction, without seemy creepy or weird.I discovered the easiest way to get a woman’s phone number, a kiss or even a date even get her back to my place whenever I wanted.What worked, I kept doing.What didn’t work I broke down and analyzed, finding out exactly why.Then I changed how I did it, over and over again.After countless hours of frustration, failures and testing…I actually started getting consistently great results with women.And now today I am here to tell you…MORE …


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