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The Silva Method – UltraMind ESP

The Silva Method – UltraMind ESP
[8CDs – MP3]



The Silva Method – UltraMind ESP (8CDs MP3)Balance. Heal. Transform.Change Your Life….the path to wellness begins here.May I take this opportunity to share with you what we do and why over 1 million people have bought from us?The Jose Silva UltraMind SystemOver 1 Million people have used Jose Silva’s mind training techniques to help them build a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.Are You Living Up to Your True Potential?Imagine how you would feel if you had it all…    *      peace of mind and happiness,    *      career fulfillment,    *      the loving relationships,    *      vibrant health,    *      creative expression. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?Look at your life – do you have what you really, really want?Or are you settling?Have you given up on creating the ideal life you once dreamed of ?I’m here to tell you that if you refocus – you can create the life you want.If you desire to expand your potential as a human being and if you want to have a stronger impact on the world around you, the information here will be of great interest to you.In the next few minutes:We’ll show you how to manifest your dreams.But a Warning:What we’re going to reveal runs contrary to what many well known self-help gurus tell you. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is revealed in this page – and you don’t want you to miss it.Best Selling Author Dr. Wayne Dyer on Jose Silva”Anything with the name of Jose Silva as the author has my vote before I open to page one.”~ Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of Your Erroneous Zones, Manifest Your Destiny, Real Magic and the current best-seller, The Power of Intention The Jose Silva UltraMind System is    *      a method of dynamic meditation    *      to help you find your purpose in life    *      and powerfully move you towards this greater goal.Since the 1960s – Jose Silva has been developing and perfecting his mind training system. Over one million people have attended his seminars and his books have sold millions of copies.The Silva UltraMind Seminar is the pinnacle of his work, developed in the late 90s – just shortly before Mr. Silva passed away in 1999.Silva has always been ahead of his time. He was training people in meditation, self-hypnosis and creative visualization before these terms were embedded in public consciousness. You’ve heard of affirmations, goal setting seminars, positive visualizations and meditation. Hundreds of programs offer these (many of them borrowed from Silva’s work)….. Continued at:


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