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The Shift Network – The Ultimate Man Course

The Ultimate Man Course
[10 MP3s, 10 docs, 17 PDFs, 1 JPG]



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These are teachers who know how to manifest their heart’s desires, men who walk their talk, men who have proven themselves over and over to be men of virtue:• Robert Moore, author of King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, on Connecting to Soul & Spirit• Keith Merron, author of The Golden Flame, on Bringing Out Your Inner Leader• Satyen Raja, creator of Warrior/Sage Trainings, on Living With 100% Passion• Jayson Gaddis, men’s coach and trainer, on Being Completely Authentic• Bill Kauth and David Kaar of The ManKind Project, on Connecting to Supportive Men• Founder of The Shift Network, Stephen Dinan, on Activating the Sacred MasculineThe Ultimate Man Course OverviewWeek 1 (August 3rd) Integrity: Cultivating the Signature Virtue for MenPresenter: Lion GoodmanIn the opening session, you’ll dive right into the signature virtue of integrity. Integrity means being true to yourself and being honest, upright and decent in your dealings with others. It becomes the basis for both reputation and self-respect.For men, integrity may be the most important virtue to cultivate. If you are a man of integrity, you are trusted by both men and women. Integrity means that your words and your deeds are aligned – you do what you say you will do. You’ll be introduced to The Promise Game, a new blame-free methodology for making, tracking and keeping your promises, which you’ll practice throughout the course. During this week, you will:• Learn how a virtue-driven life leads to happiness, satisfaction and success• Find the source of integrity inside yourself and take stock of where you’re out of integrity• See the connection between your virtues, values, behavior and character• Recognize how limiting beliefs interfere with your ability to create the life you want• Begin to hold yourself accountable for the promises you makeWeek 2 (August 10th) Connection: Plugging into Your Soul and Spirit, the Ultimate CurePresenter: Robert Moore, PhDThe delusion of separateness causes most human suffering. When you remember that you’re always connected to everything, love flows in both directions, pain and suffering is manageable, and you can rest, knowing that there are others you can rely upon when needed.Dr. Robert Moore is a psychoanalytic scientist whose work is at the forefront of masculine psychology and spirituality. He will address our connection to the Great Other as an essential foundation of initiation. The recognition of Other is the cure to the tendency to get lost in pathological narcissism and unconscious grandiosity. He will also discuss initiation and the role of virtues in the initiatory process. During the week you will:• Recognize your connectedness with everything and know that you are never alone• Turn on the fountain of love that flows between you and others• Experience the difference between your Soul and Spirit• Recognize the impact of narcissism and grandiosity on your relationships• Deepen your connection to other men, to women, and to your familyWeek 3 (August 17th) Leadership: Inviting Your Inner Leader to Come Out and LeadPresenter: Keith Merron, PhDLeadership is a quality that is inborn in some people, but can be cultivated by anyone. Keith has spent his entire career working with leaders of large corporations and entrepreneurial companies. He has interviewed hundreds of leaders to discover what qualities make Remarkable Leaders, which he describes in detail in his book The Golden Flame.In this session, you will explore the virtue of Leadership and practices that will help you bring out your own leadership capacity – whether you lead others or not. Every man must become the leader of his own life. If a man can lead himself, he’ll be able to lead in his family, in his workplace and in his community. This week you will:• Better understand your relationship to power• Find your own Inner Leader and invite him out into the world• Take control of your own life•I dentify the style of leadership that works best for you• Cultivate your own remarkable leadership qualities Week 4 (August 24th) Brotherhood: Deepening Your Communion with Other High-Integrity MenPresenters: Bill Kauth and David KaarThis week you will learn the virtue of Brotherhood, the ability to meet other men while standing in your truth and power. Teachers Bill Kauth and David Kaar, both leaders at The ManKind Project (the largest training group for men), will help you break through the social and cultural taboos that have separated us as men, making us isolated and lonely.They will share key practices they’ve been honing for decades in their initiatory men’s work, giving you the tools to hone your virtues, cut through the bull and help yourself and others transform. During this week you will:• Learn how to recognize other high-integrity men• Heal past wounds from unhealthy relationships with men• Discover a new sense of what real brotherhood can bring to your life• Experience the true essence of being and having a brotherWeek 5 (Aug. 31st) Authenticity: Being Fully YOU — No Matter WhatPresenter: Jayson GaddisAuthenticity is more than just being who you are. It’s being ALL of who you are, beyond your beliefs, definitions, roles or boundaries of your ego. When asked, “Who are you?” most men answer with the roles they play: “I’m a businessman” or “I’m a student.” Or “I’m a husband and parent of two children.” But these are merely boxes that keep you from your fullest self-expression.Jayson Gaddis has spent his life fumbling around and practicing the art of living authentically. He hasn’t fallen prey to mainstream convention or societal expectations. His job is to help you live fearlessly, to call you out when you’re hiding or playing small. The primary vehicle for this self-study is the constant challenge of relationship. He will help you see that the greatest growth opportunities come in your relationships with others. Authenticity – being everything you are – is a key ingredient to success in dating, marriage, friendships and partnerships.This week you will:• Learn what the hell “being authentic” means• Uncover the blocks that prevent you from being completely yourself• Practice giving and receiving feedback about your incongruencies• Experience “real,” honest connections with other men• Practice embodying and speaking your truthWeek 6 (September 7th) Purpose: Discover Your Life Purpose – Then Manifest It Without Excuse, Apology, or CompromisePresenter: David FabriciusYou were born with a specific higher purpose, a spiritual calling, a gift to give, and a mission to accomplish during your life. When you discover and fully live your purpose, you’ll experience a deep sense of fulfillment and meaning in life. And at the end of your life, you’ll have true satisfaction knowing that your life was worth living.You‘ll learn masterful techniques for getting clear on your purpose, and specific ways you can begin to track and live your Soul’s Code.David Fabricius has helped people from 142 countries to discover their life’s purpose and to manifest it magnificently. He is an internationally renowned speaker and trainer, a former Special Forces instructor and team leader, and recipient of numerous awards for service to humanity. He is the author of three books, including Heart of a Leader.During this week you will:• Discover your life’s purpose that you came into life to fulfill• Get in touch with your soul’s code — what you are uniquely equipped to do for this world• Learn how to use your gifts to make a difference and make money at the same timeWeek 7 (September 14th) Passion: Bringing the Passionate Drive to Everything in Your LifePresenter: Satyen RajaPassion is a key virtue for a man’s success in life. Nothing great happens without passion. Passion in men is what gets things done and what moves obstacles aside. If you’re light on passion, you won’t have the energy or fortitude to create the life you want.Satyen Raja is a true man of passion. He is a black belt martial artist, an author and a trainer in the art of applying passion to life. And he knows that deep satisfaction comes from giving your all. This week you will learn practical exercises and tools to live from your passion. He will inspire you to find the source of passion within and to bring it out into every aspect of your life. During this week, you will:• Deepen your connection to the penetrating force of passion• Energize your life, your work and your relationships• Find the source of inspiration and passion within youWeek 8 (September 21st) Service: Dedicating Your Life to the Greater GoodPresenter: Lion GoodmanService is the culmination of all the virtues. When you serve and offer yourself to that which is greater than you, all of your virtues align and empower each other. Our life purpose is always about serving others, and our passion emerges when we are doing good. We are most authentic when applying ourselves to a goal that demands the best from us. In serving others, we have the opportunity to be a remarkable leader, in relationship with our brothers. And we can get anything done with integrity.During this week, you will:• See the connection between purpose, passion and brotherhood in service• Recognize that happiness and satisfaction comes from service to others• Dedicate and consecrate your work to the greater goodWeek 9 (September 28th) Activating the Sacred MasculinePresenter: Stephen DinanThis session shares key principles for activating and honoring the sacred masculine in every area of your life. Led by the founder of The Shift Network and co-host of the Ultimate Men’s Summit, Stephen Dinan, you’ll learn how to:• Honor all the aspects of your being, helping to release judgment or shame• Create space and time for the many archetypes of your full manhood• Consecrate your power to the service of a greater good• Dance with the Divine Feminine in a more liberating way• Establish a connection to Source at the center of your lifeAbout Our TeachersLion Goodman is Director of Men’s Programs for The Shift Network. He brings more than 30 years experience in entrepreneurial business management, spiritual practice, transformational coaching and men’s work. Lion is a dynamic coach, widely published author, workshop leader, public speaker and successful businessman.He is co-founder of The Tribe of Men, an initiatory program for men in Northern California, and creator of The BeliefCloset Process, a methodology for permanently transforming beliefs at the core of the psyche. From 1984 to 2002, he was President of The Goodman Group, an executive search firm that recruited and coached senior executives for high-tech companies.Stephen Dinan is the CEO of The Shift Network and a member of the prestigious Evolutionary Leadership Council. As the former Director of Membership and Marketing at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, he was the driving force behind the Shift in Action program, which grew to 10,000 paying members, and the One Minute Shift video series, which was seen by more than one million.He is also the author of Radical Spirit (New World Library), and a forthcoming book Sacred America. Stephen directed and helped to create the Esalen Institute’s Center for Theory & Research, a think tank for leading scholars, researchers, and teachers to explore human potential frontiers.Robert Moore, PhD, is best known for his bestselling series of books: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover; The King Within; The Warrior Within; The Magician Within; and The Lover Within. His articulate theory of masculinity became the most prominent in contemporary international men’s work and masculine psychology.Recognized as a leading psychotherapist and consultant specializing in men’s issues, Dr. Moore is Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Spirituality in the Graduate Center of the Chicago Theological Seminary – where he is the Founding Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Spirituality and Wellness. Dr. Moore’s most recent book is Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity.Keith Merron, PhD, is the founder and managing partner of Avista Consulting Group, an organizational consulting and leadership development firm dedicated to helping organizations with bold visions achieve sustainable high performance and industry leadership. As an organization effectiveness expert and executive development consultant, he has more than 25 years of experience assisting executives and managers in business, government and education. He has designed and led over 100 seminars and workshops for leaders and has helped create some of the most innovative leadership training programs in the country.Keith Merron received his Doctorate from Harvard University in 1985, where his studies spanned the fields of human and organization development. He is the author of four books on human and organizational change.Bill Kauth co-founded in 1984 the New Warrior Training Adventure of The ManKind Project, the Inner King Trainingand theWarrior Monk. The ManKind Project has more than 45,000 graduates of their New Warriors Training, which has been operating successfully worldwide for more than 20 years. He is the author of A Circle of Men. In his role as “Visionary-at-large” with The ManKind Project, Bill has been studying the state of the world for a dozen-plus years.David Kaar has held every position within The ManKind Project, including Chief Executive Officer. He has always been fascinated with how things work: from quantum physics to the human psyche. He has put his knowledge to practical use in new materials research (3 U.S. Patents) and by leading over 100 personal development and leadership trainings. David has led personal development group training and a variety of leadership trainings for the ManKind Project, an international non-profit, for 17 years. He trains leaders and creates leadership training and facilitation training events. He has founded and led a training center and has served as General Chairman of the Project.Jayson Gaddis, MA, LPC, CGT is a psychotherapist and healer devoted to helping men and women awaken through relationship and intimacy. He’s calling in a new paradigm of connection, deep relationship and family. Jayson facilitates and teaches Relationship Practice with individuals, couples and groups. He is inspired to help spiritual practitioners learn to use relationship as the primary vehicle toward wholeness and self-realization.He also founded and co-leads the Men’s Leadership Training. Jayson writes a very personal blog where he shares intimate details of his own journey. He’s a devoted husband and a part-time stay-at-home Dad getting schooled by his two kids.Satyen Raja is a black belt, entrepreneur, author, trainer, iconoclast, visionary and life-architect. With 30 years as a teacher in multiple disciplines from around the globe, Satyen gleans the essence of the wisdom and distills it down to its very workable essence. He circles the globe, offering experiential trainings; from martial arts training – to the art of generating money and from creating passionate love – to obtaining a deeper satisfaction in life. He is known as a visionary and provocateur, while also being infinitely practical, giving people powerful tools to improve and transform their lives.Prior to founding his current venture, The Get A Life Company, Satyen created and ran a variety of highly successful businesses, including several martial arts schools, as well as a multi-million dollar, personal growth global enterprise known as WarriorSage. He is a lifelong learner, gaining wisdom from a variety of sources; distilling and combining them into cohesive lessons to be shared with the global community. In his personal life, he is a devoted husband and father of two exceptional children.David Fabricius is a world-renowned teacher, author, and visionary. He has guided elite business leaders, world-class athletes, and thousands of people around the world to discover their life’s purpose and then manifest it. David’s mission is to help men and women live their purpose without excuse, apology, or compromise. He is the founder of Men of the Code and the Agoge Initiations. He has been featured on television talk-shows, prime-time news, magazines, and world-wide radio. He brings thirty-five years of teaching experience to his students.David is the author of three books on leadership and power. He has trained and led military and police Special Forces teams, and has received more than a dozen national and international awards for service to humanity. Originally from South Africa, David now lives and works in Northern California. He is passionate about helping men achieve their natural magnificence.Title:  The Ultimate Man: Activating a Life of Integrity, Authenticity & PowerPrice:  $287 Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUpgrade to Power User to get access (upload 25 GB or donate, and be a member for 4 weeks)


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