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The Meditactics – Science, Health and Spirituality

Meditactics DVD
[11 Sections (JPEG, PDFs, MP3s, AVIs) = Total of 992]



This is the NEW, UPDATED, and absolutely FINAL 2010 version of The MeditationDVD. The earlier 2008 version, now extremely outdated, is rubbish compared tothis version. The old one contained 397 files. The new one contains 991 files. This 2010 new version is tagged “Meditactics” while the outdated lacks this tag.1000’s of hours of work have gone into designing this DVD.——————————————————————————– But first watch the groovy and very informative video trailer     about the DVD and the project NOW at                or                      (the trailer is also included on the DVD)——————————————————————————– WHAT IS THIS?  This is a complete guide to meditation in both theory and practice for everyone. From the complete beginner to the expert. It is also an extensive library on meditation, containing material from some of the absolute best scientists and teachers in the world, all recognised experts on the complex topic of meditation.It contains:10 Hours Video (29 Video Clips)97 Hours Audio (28 Audio books on 91 CDs converted to mp3 files)10 000 pages of eBooks, … all this on ONE single DVDCheck out the very user friendly and well designed manual/booklet (60 pages!)HMM, BUT WHO CARES ABOUT MEDITATION ANYWAY?  If you enter the word “meditation” on an internet search engine you will getabout 30 million hits. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s talk at Google Tech Talk about mind-fulness meditation has been watched by over 600,000 people onThereare now more than 200,000 research papers about meditation on the world’sbiggest medical database PubMed. Anyone with a human brain and a nervous systemseems to benefit from meditation according to modern science. And we are not talking about some flaky pseudo-science here, but about ordinary clinical main-stream medicine. So, although the reason why people are interested in meditationmight differ a lot, the benefits are for everyone, and they are many. Mind training has been studied and proved helpful in the many areas:     PERFORMANCE – Efficiency, productivity and creativity, attention,                   transforming habits   SOCIAL SKILLS – Communication, conflict management, kindness,                   social courage PHYSICAL HEALTH – Sleep quality, pain management, immune system,                   stress reduction, skin health   INNER BALANCE – Empathy, emotional stability, concentration,                   stress management, spiritual development, anger management,                   dealing with depression Every single claim above is supported by academic references on the DVD. WHY SO *MUCH* STUFF?  There are so many kinds of people. Material which suits one person may not be appreciated at all by another. We want to give you the whole range and depth of meditation. If you give this DVD to someone they get the most completeintroduction imaginable. It is still equally beneficial for the expert. BUT WILL I NOT GET TOTALLY LOST IN ALL THAT MATERIAL?  No, you won’t. The carefully designed and indexed color booklet, completewith screen-shots, detailed info, tagging and much more will guide you along, according to your liking and taste. Everything from really simple topics to thecomplicated and advanced material are indexed so you won’t get lost in any way. SO WHAT ABOUT THE SCIENCE, HEALTH AND SPIRITUALITY PERSPECTIVES? DO YOU TRY TOCOMBINE ALL THREE OF THEM INTO A BIG UNIFIED WHOLENESS?  No, we don’t. You can choose to do that, or NOT to do that. We just noticedthat people like meditation for different reasons, be it scientific, health-oriented or spiritual. We wanted to make everybody happy by giving them allthree dishes, the best ones we could find. So, you pick the pieces youwant. We are agenda free. Use what you find helpful and discard the aspectswhich you do not find of value. Furthermore, it is not the intention of thedesigners to promote any particular religion, scientific organization,movement, or belief system whatsoever. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?  We hardly know ourselves. From the viewpoint of both Western and Easternphilosophy that really is not a easy question to answer at all. WHY DID YOU DO ALL THIS?  Because Meditation rocks! And we want to make you glad.And also to contribute towards making the world a bit more sane. Our way ofdoing this is to provide powerful theoretical frameworks plus practical toolswhich can be used to train and develop a healthier, sharper and more caringmind. Our hope is that this DVD will be interesting, amusing and helpful. BUT REALLY, WHAT IS THE BIG FUSS ABOUT?Whether we are talking about individual or collective well-being one thing iscertain: just as our cultural environment affects our inner worlds the oppositeis equally true; our interior structures, our states of mind, do affect behav-iour and external structures and therefore society. It is a dialectic relationand not a one way lane, and meditation according to some theorists is thequickest and most certain means for internal growth. Plus it has neurological, behavioural and psychotherapeutic data to support its effectiveness.  It goes without saying that meditation/mind training has a great capacity todeal with an impressive variety of both individual and social problems in anextremely cost effective way. This is equally true to other kinds of educationin general. Meditation should not be understood as some kind of egocentricanti-worldly navel-gazing, but as a practice that has effects on many social-relational aspects of life. SO YOU MEAN MEDITATION CAN BE BENEFICIAL IN MANY DIFFERENT FIELDS?  Only if we were complete idiots would we believe that all problems in theworld would disappear because of mind training. But it would likewise be quiteignorant not to use and benefit from, and further evaluate, its range of effec-tive potentials. There is a huge need in our society to generate healthier,more compassionate and insightful ways of responding to our life conditions.Anyone who watches the evening news notices this. The quality of minddetermines the quality of behavior. And the quality of how we act in turndetermines the rules of social conduct which shape our culture, thus givingrise to the kind of society we will have to live in, as well as conform to.Many other important factors besides mind-training, are necessary to examineand apply on a practical level. If this will happen there is a slight chance tomake both individuals and societies in this world evolve in a little bit lessmiserable way. WOW, THIS DVD REALLY ROCKS! CAN I HELP THE PROJECT SOMEHOW?  Oh, yeah! That is certain. Use your imagination. There are many ways. You might like to help distribute the DVD. Or you might like to buy a few empty DVD discs, burn copies and share them around. Or you could share it on the net.Spreading the word is also extremely helpful! If you like you could write areview of the DVD on your blog. Facebook about it! Tweet it!- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –                     The effect of this DVD on our culture                   equals the effort we put into sharing it.- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – UNBIASED QUALITY GUARANTEE  Most of the people featured on this DVD are either M.D.s or professionals withPhDs in the subjects they teach. The few without academic qualification areacknowledged meditation masters, including nuns and monks, who have devotedtheir entire lives to intense and skilful practice. Both scientists andpersons committed to different spiritual traditions are represented. What theyhave in common is that they are all recognised experts on the complex topic ofmeditation. Thus it can be clearly stated that this product in no way promoteseither strange cults or suspicious swindlers, i.e. individuals or organizationswho try to make a quick profit on the basis of the recent popularization ofmeditation in the public consciousness.Note: There are MANY additional courses in this Meditactics DVD as bonuses. They are all included and related to the main theme of the program. However, the entire DVD is organized very well, begin with the “DVD Manual” PDF file, where you can browse among the various programs.


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