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The Fat Summit 2016 – Videos

The Fat Summit 2016 – Videos
[WebRip – 35 MP4, 1 PDF, 2 RTF]


Schedule:DAY 1: Monday, January 25    Deepak Chopra, MD    Changing Your Gene Expression    What You’ll Learn –        The gene/food connection        Spirituality and its impact on health and brain consciousness        The ayurvedic approach to diet        Marc David    Body/Mind Nutrition and The Slowdown Diet    What You’ll Learn –        The impact of body image on health        Unconscious behaviors that affect your body image and relationship to food        The slowdown diet for health and weight loss        Chris Kresser, MS, LAc    Personalized Paleo    What You’ll Learn –        How to make paleo work for you        When high-fat diets aren’t a good idea        How to safeguard your gut microbiome        Aseem Malhotra, MD    An Epidemic of Misinformation    What You’ll Learn –        The real drivers of heart disease        Why all calories are NOT created equal        The dangers of statinsDAY 2: Tuesday, January 26    Vani Hari    The Food Babe Takes on Fat    What You’ll Learn –        The shocking reason Millennials will weigh more than Baby Boomers (eating the same number of calories)        How MSG and other food additives “hijack” your brain into thinking you’re still hungry        3 ingredients to remove from your diet to dramatically improve your health        Nick Ortner    The Psychology of Fat and Food Fear    What You’ll Learn –        Overcoming negative beliefs and fear around food        Tapping for weight loss        A simple tapping exercise you can try at home        Pedram Shojai, OMD    Finding Balance Being an Urban Monk    What You’ll Learn –        Stress management tips from an Urban Monk        Eating for Energy – how to optimize your energy through the food you eat        Creating balance in the “garden” of your life        Gary Taubes    What If It’s All a Big, Fat Lie?    What You’ll Learn –        The flawed “science” behind American dietary guidelines        The truth about good vs. bad calories        Can high-fat diets cure heart disease?        David Ludwig, MD, PhD    The Biology of Obesity    What You’ll Learn –        The real reason people overeat        The link between diet and most chronic health conditions        How to get biology to work on your sideDAY 3: Wednesday, January 27    David Perlmutter, MD    The Brain on Fat    What You’ll Learn –        The myth of the “magic pill” – and what it really takes to cure chronic disease        The link between Alzheimer’s and the food you eat        How grass-fed vs. grain-fed beef breaks down in your body        Ocean & John Robbins    Fat and The Food Revolution    What You’ll Learn –        Why they left a family legacy to create a food revolution        The Calcium Myth – what’s really in your milk?        The link between food, environmental toxins and autism        Joel Fuhrman, MD    Reversing Disease with Food    What You’ll Learn –        Why nutrients matter more than calories        Simple tips for healing diabetes and heart disease naturally        Nuts vs. oils – which is a better source of dietary fat?        Josh Axe, DC    Food As Medicine    What You’ll Learn –        What a truly heart-healthy diet looks like        The skinny on saturated and unsaturated fat        Practical tips for healing leaky gut        Walter C. Willett, MD    The Science of Diet & Disease    What You’ll Learn –        The research on red meat (does “grass fed” really make a difference?)        Are Omega 6’s really bad for you?        The optimal balance of Omega 3:6DAY 4: Thursday, January 28    Christiane Northrup, MD    How to Eat Like an Ageless Goddess    What You’ll Learn –        Women’s evolving relationship with food        The link between inflammation and disease        Chronological age vs. biological age        Congressman Tim Ryan    Food Policy and Activism: An Inside Look    What You’ll Learn –        The problem with commercial farming (and what we can do about it)        The truth about food industry practices        Everyday activism: simple ways to get involved        Dean Ornish, MD    The Astonishing Power of Lifestyle Medicine    What You’ll Learn –        How lifestyle medicine can reverse chronic disease (especially heart disease)        Simple tips for stress management        Personalizing medicine and diet with the Spectrum approach        Pilar Gerasimo    The Media-Savvy Consumer’s Guide to Fat    What You’ll Learn –        How the mass media spreads lies about food, fat, and health        How to defend yourself as a media consumer        The art of being healthy in an unhealthy worldDAY 5: Friday, January 29    Daniel Amen, MD    Fat and Brain Health    What You’ll Learn –        The role of fat in brain health        Superfoods that nourish your brain        How healthy fats combat food cravings        Jeffrey Bland, MD    Functional Medicine Takes on Fat    What You’ll Learn –        What Functional Medicine says about fat        The truth about statins        Healthy vs. unhealthy oils        Michael F. Roizen, MD    The Meat Controversy    What You’ll Learn –        TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) – what it is and why it’s harmful        The red meat controversy        Gut health (keep your TMAO)        Nina Teicholz    How Did We Get Into This Big Fat Mess?    What You’ll Learn –        Consequences of removing fat from your diet        The story behind dietary cholesterol        How the food industry contributes to the mess!DAY 6: Saturday, January 30    Dave Asprey    How to Be “Bulletproof”    What You’ll Learn –        Biohacking your own biology        Why low fat diets don’t work        MCT oil for weight loss, memory and the gut        Heather White    The Truth About Toxins    What You’ll Learn –        The connection between toxins and weight gain        Is eating meat toxic for your body?        How to find non-toxic cosmetics        Carrie Diulus, MD & Joe Cross    From Fat & Sick to Slim and Thriving    What You’ll Learn –        The story behind “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead”        Is juicing good for everyone?        An anti-inflammatory approach to food        Barry Sears, PhD    Fat Is The Key To Your Future    What You’ll Learn –        The dangers of inflammation and chronic disease        How to alter your gene expression with an anti-inflammatory diet        The Food-Hormone connectionDAY 7: Sunday, January 31    JJ Virgin    Sugar vs. Fat for Health & Weight Loss    What You’ll Learn –        Why eating more fat (and less sugar) actually leads to weight loss        The best and worst foods for fat burning        The role of fat in training and sports performance        Ronald Krauss, MD    The Role of Genetics in Diet    What You’ll Learn –        Determining what diet is best for YOU – do genetics play a role?        One simple dietary shift that can have a massive impact on your health        How fats interact with other food (and why it matters for your health)        Alexandra Jamieson    The Root Cause of Your Cravings    What You’ll Learn –        How your cravings can actually guide you to better health        The importance of coconut oil for hormones        How good fats help you heal        Neal D. Barnard, MD    A Plant-Based Approach to Fat    What You’ll Learn –        Benefits of a plant-based diet        Lowering your glycemic load as a vegan/vegetarian        Dairy for kids – is it needed?DAY 8: Monday, February 1 : Encore Day_Upload by adishonerv69. I had it ready to upload since Day 1 of the Summit on Monday, but since the speakers 1 and 3 in Day 6 had their names misspelled, I had to wait to see their Page Source on Saturday. But thanks to NeilStrauss, now I have all of them. The files are the same as the links in his product here: So you can cross-seed this one from there.I suggest you take a good look at the speakers line-up and see how the host Dr. Mark Hyman gathers here all the relevant points of view around fats, from paleo to vegetarian. He gives us the freedom to make up our own minds after listening to all the relevant opinions. This happens seldom in the nutrition and wellness world.


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