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The Absolute Secret

The Absolute Secret
[14 PDF – 3 CD]



Discover the Awsome, FORGOTTEN ImpactThese Books Had on the Entire World –Including ME, Bill Gates… And, Soon, YOU! Some of you maybe already know about my work.Since that rainy day 25 years ago, I’ve helped to build a self-development empire.My private corporate clients include AT&T, the US Army, IBM, FedEx, the BBC, British Telecom, UPS, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Network Solutions, Sun, Deloitte & Touche, Dow Jones, Merrill Lynch, the Discovery Channel, Time Warner, Nationwide Insurance, Xerox, Intel, KPMG, Fujitsu, and even Microsoft.(The list continues in a moment. Bear with me – there’s a point to this!)I’ve helped produce dozens of valuable self-help products, including the incredibly popular Subliminal Power tool, currently used by over 1 million individuals throughout the globe. It’s received glowing testimonials from world leaders such self-development guru Joe Vitale and three-time Olympian Ruben Gonzalez.I’m also the man behind the world’s largest hypnosis downloads site,, the ultimate brainwave CD collection at, the site,, and many more. I’m also the author of “Creating your own Subliminal-Studio” and “Lucid Dreaming in Seven Days!”I currently live in rural England, where I enjoy the company of a beautiful wife and a loving family. Life for me now is as I’ve always dreamed.Why am I telling you this?Because 25 years ago, I was at the absolute LOWEST point of my entire life. And within a matter of WEEKS, it all turned around for me. And today, I’m STILL enjoying the benefits!I’m being serious. I literally THANK the hour I spent fumbling around in the attic. What I learned there changed my entire life, FOREVER.Up in the attic were EIGHT UNIQUE BOOKS, many of which were printed around the 1900s. They weren’t in “funny” English you can’t read. They were straight-forward, relatively short guides that unveiled CLEARLY DISTILLED TRUTHS you won’t find in ANY modern-day self-help guide!My favourite was the little red book I mentioned in the introduction. It shows you in just a few pages how to materialize ANYTHING in your life following an incredibly simple exercise. You will literally not BELIEVE what this is all about.It was known as “The Little Red Book” and sold in its millions throughout the western world. It’s amazing – because it works.But that’s not all. There were SEVEN OTHER lucky books…Such as the single book that Bill Gates reportedly read, which inspired him to drop out of Harvard and become the richest man on the planet. This book was originally published as a 24-part correspondence course and sold for $2000 – a HUNDRED YEARS AGO!!In a bid for power, the 200,000 copy best-selling course was actually banned by the church in 1933 – making it near impossible to find any original copies!Or how about the 25-page masterpiece that I guarantee you WILL have heard about, but I’m betting you’ve NEVER read. This manuscript will change your life. It may have been written in the 1900’s but it alone created more millionaires than any Anthony Robbins seminar!Or maybe you’ll enjoy the 50-page book written by the founder of Philadelphia’s leading university. This inspirational manuscript is more powerful and gripping than any novel you’ll ever read. You’ll discover secrets you never knew about the Queen of England (seriously!) and why living a life of total happiness and abundance is easier than you’ve EVER thought possible.One of the books in that pile has become famous on the Internet as a cheap e-book. And it’s so commonplace now that few people actually put the attention into reading it. After all, it is over 300 pages long. But the information it holds is PRICELESS.Perhaps even YOU have simply ignored this one in the past?And then we have the three books all about ONE secret technique. They’re not long books. And they won’t bore you. They’re all focused on a special technique that seems to have been TOTALLY forgotten about today. It’s a technique that changed the world back in the 1900s – and is ready to change the world again.These books will genuinely astonish you.Here’s EXACTLY What I Did With Those Books –And How You Can Use My SIX MONTHS of WorkTo Get ANYTHING You WANT Out Of Life.(Including great health, happiness & success!) Twenty five years ago, I left that attic and took those eight books home.One after the other, I read through them all in under a week. And I felt the biggest shift I’ve ever experienced. Suddenly, I gained an insight into the universe I’d never encountered before. It was an insight that would change my life.I realized how I could create anything I wanted, just by following a few simple steps. I discovered that each of these books had a central message, and each connected to one another in an amazing way.These were the books that had turned my grandmother into a successful, pioneering business woman – when women were expected to stay at home and cook for their family!I’ve made it a task of mine to read these first edition books once a year, every year since that day. And every time I do, my life takes a HUGE and UNEXPECTED SHIFT toward the positive.It’s like I’m taking a SUPER-HUMAN PILL – something that makes me lucky, enthusiastic, appreciative, fulfilled and HAPPY.Literally, the whole world around me begins to change. I suddenly begin receiving more money. I receive great news from my family and those around me. I manage to gain another publishing contract, or am asked to speak at an exotic seminar.Over the past year, those books have brought over two million dollars my way, two brand new MG convertibles (I love cruising through the countryside, feeling nature’s wind in my hair!), another fantastic year with my loving wife, and wonderful health for both myself, my wife, and our three children.Every single year, life just seems to get better.And then I realized something. I’ve long recommended these books to my personal clients – but they were starting to become harder and harder to track down. They’re ALL out of print – and are only to be found in specialized antique bookstores.So I decided to do something CRAZY.I made contact with the appropriate publishing houses and secured the rights (where required) to REPUBLISH the books.I then had a team at my publisher’s company slowly and carefully transcribe the information from each book.For the eight books, it took THREE WHOLE MONTHS – and then we began the checking, reviewing and editing process. After that, we typeset the books, ready for a brand new reprint.At the END of six months, we had that FINAL COLLECTION of eight original books – ALL brought up-to-date with the most elegant designs I could’ve imagined.My original intention was to publish these books through traditional means, to get them back into circulation once again. But I decided instead to recreate the books as secure PDF files, documents that could be read on ANY PC, ANYWHERE in the world.That would mean ANYONE could have access to this amazing wealth of data – at just a fraction of the physical printing cost. And as most were under 50 pages long, it would be EASY for the reader to print out themselves.And that’s exactly what I’ve done for this site. I’ve compiled each of those eight books. And I’ve called it – The Absolute Secret.Bradley Thompson, Self-Development Author.


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