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Tellman Knudson – The Wealth Switch

Tellman Knudson-The Wealth Switch
[1 CD – 2 MP3s]



Attention anybody who desires more wealth, success, and abundance, and fast:“Controversial Hypnosis CD Activates Your Inner Wealth Switch In 28:17 Minutes, Or LessBest Part: Everybody has a mental abundance trigger like this – it causes massive wealth breakthroughs in your life, and is astonishingly easy to activate once you know how…AND EVEN BETTER – if you act fast we’ll ship this cutting-edge CD to you today for FREE!Friday April 25, 2014From: Tellman Knudson, Certified Hypnotherapist.Dear Valued Client,You’re about to be let in on possibly the biggest, most sought after secret in the western world…… and it’s a little controversial, but please stick with me for a moment, because I promise it’ll be worth it.You see, the CD I just mentioned isn’t for everyone.A lot of people – – most people, in fact – – are simply not ready for the kind of wealth and success this can trigger.But if you are – if you’re one of the few people that can use a secret like this for good, without getting consumed by greed – then what I’m revealing here can unleash an avalanche of dreamlike abundance into your life.Here’s What This Is All about:Believe it or not, there’s a fundamental difference between “regular” people, and successful people.How do I know this?Well, firstly because I’ve spent my fair share of time with the world’s hyper-wealthy – the “1%” the rest of us are always reading about…… and secondly because when I started copying people like that I quickly became a self-made millionaire. (It took just 18 months).Did you notice the picture of me and Sir Richard Branson? Well, believe it or not, Sir Richard was the ring bearer at my wedding – I even got married on his private Caribbean island.We were so lucky to have a beach wedding on Sir Richard’s private island(Necker) – but I couldn’t believe it when he said he’d be my ring bearer!After being around people like that, I’ve noticed there’s one thing they all share…… and that thing makes the difference between going through life as an unhappy wage slave… or living in almost infinite wealth, independence, and happiness.So What’s The DifferenceBetween Them & Us?In a single word, programming. It’s almost like those super-rich folk all have the same mindset. Like they’ve been programmed to consistently make the smartest and most profitable decision…… and then gifted with the confidence to make those decisions without hesitation or doubt.This lets them detect money and opportunities with almost magical precision… and so they uncover profitable new situations all the time.They’re so good at it you could strip them of all their assets and money and they’d start over immediately without missing a beat. They’d home in on the correct path almost automatically, and right away be showered with astonishing new opportunities.It’s almost like they have some kind of “sixth sense” and they’re reacting to things the rest of us can’t see.To be honest I always thought it was an astounding God-given talent… but then the hypnotist in me got excited, because I realized what they were really doing.They were simply acting out of habit.In the same way you tie your shoes a certain way without thinking or make coffee just how you like it…… these people were simply doing what they’d always done – making sharp decisions and pouncing on every new opportunity they spot.You see, their years in business, years of being decisive and multiplying their incomes over and over had honed their instincts.Almost like they’re on autopilot.They don’t even realize they’re making brilliant, wealth creating decisions most of the time – they’re just doing what comes naturally…… and it all comes from those same habits.So I want to help you harness that kind of power today by letting you shortcut years of practice and repetition and instead download these habits directly into your brain.To do that, I put together a hugely powerful CD…… it’s jam-packed with exactly the kind of suggestions and associations your subconscious can use to activate your Inner Wealth Switch the same way successful people have already activated theirs.And this means you can instantly take advantage of the incredible wealth and abundance these people live with on a daily basis – just by listening to this CD.So keep reading, because I’m about to reveal how you can get your hands on this EXPLOSIVELY powerful CD without paying a single penny!Here are just a few of the things you’ll notice about yourself after your first listen:    Finances will gradually cease to be an issue for you… you’ll make such smart choices that your financial situation is almost FORCED to improve    You’ll suddenly understand how to unlock the abundance all around you… so your life becomes a 24/7 adventure with you in the driver’s seat    You’ll find yourself having easy to implement ideas that mean more money AND more freedom – you’ll no longer need to trade hours for cash    You’ll have the power to make decisions and choices as though your financial success is a foregone conclusion – because it will be    You’ll suddenly catapult yourself to the top of your profession… whether you’re working for yourself or somebody else, you’ll be full of ideas that drive you to the top    Your friends and colleagues will be floored by your new drive and determination    You’ll always know exactly what to do – tough decisions are no longer tough, it’s like you’ve got a constant “guiding light”    You’ll become suddenly “money-wise” – you’ll earn more, save more, and you’ll find yourself with more and more money left at the end of each month    You’ll remove any barriers the world has imposed – most people are programmed by modern life to stay poor and struggle, but you’ll explode out of those shackles and finally reach your true potentialAnd my personal favorite thing about this amazing breakthrough…… the more you use it, the more powerful it becomes.Those life-changing suggestions and associations get embedded deeper and deeper into your powerful subconscious mind each time…… so not only does it work fast, but the benefits increase over time.


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