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Stuart Wilde – Developing Your Sixth Sense

Stuart Wilde – Developing Your Sixth Sense
[6CDs – MP3]



Developing  Your Sixth Sense by Stuart Wilde6 CDS Encoded at 192 kps mp3 formatHarnessing the power of your sixth sense is easier than you think!Session one: Dimensions of a profound awareness.Unlocking your sixth sense. Applying the power of higher awareness. Connecting with your infinite self. Shaping reality around you. Getting in touch with your natural spirituality.Session Two: Heightening the five senses for greater perception.Breaking the obsession with self. Turning your sight outward and inward. Listening to the world around you. Expanding your sensitivity. Engaging your senses of smell and taste.Session three: Interpreting the mystery of life’s symbols.Accessing your inner self through dreams. Melting the boundary between the external and internal realms. Acting on your impressions. Overcoming inhibitions.Session Four: Hidden secrets of the etheric.Etheric healing and the sixth sense. Opening the chakras. Becoming bigger than life. Coping with negative energy from the astral world. Developing your peripheral perception.Session five: Claiming your higher power.Extrasensory perception and your spiritual journey. Daydreaming vs. developing your imagination. Moving toward your goals. Exercises for building your imagination.Session Six: Achieving goals through inner knowing.Defining your purpose in life. Pushing past the boundaries of your comfort zone. Reaching your God foce through kindness. Getting past pain. The psychic powers of telepathy and intuition.Session Seven: How to read people like a bookUsing your sixth sense to recognise types of people: The troubled youth, the tyrant, the rabbit, the professional victim, the supreme achiever, the suffering servant and others.Session Eight: Techniques for perceiving high energy.Mountain Jack man. Picking up psychic energy in people and objects. When things feel wrong. Glimpses into another world. Seances and automatic writing. Building a phychomanteum.Session Nine: The auditory and visionary sixth sense.Developing your clairvoyant inner voice. Clearing the mind of clutter and settling the unconscious. Interpreting symbols and visions. Mastering mental silence.Session Ten: The subtle energy of relationships.The interplay of energy in relationships. Learning when to leave things alone. Seeing people as infinite. Hearing the hidden messages. Winning someone over.Session Eleven. Polarity and the lightness of being.Shifting the perception of reality. The ying and yang of the male and female. Rituals that release your dark side. Finding opportunities in the shadows.Session Twelve: Open chakra process meditation.Deepening your meditation practise with the sounds of theta metronome. Relax, listen and learn to open your chakras (energy centres) for greater receptivity


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