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Steve Randall – Discovering the Zone of Peak Performance: Flow, Glow, and Zero

Discovering the Zone of Peak Performance Flow, Glow, and Zero
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This exclusive material is brought to you by those who have participated in the … Joe Navarro’s Online Advanced Speed Reading People Course – Group Buy – Bonuses**** Exclusive ****Sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!An Effective Way of Optimizing the Human SituationFor most of us, a large part of life is spent trying to deal with troublesome feelings and conditions. However, our methods of change, including popular psychological methods, include presumptions that put a glass ceiling on performance and fulfillment. The practice and principles of psychology are severely limited in their effectiveness because they are oblivious to the actual moment-by-moment apperceptive source of the issues.How do we usually try to change psychologically?We often analyze where a problem came from, typically looking away from actual feelings to the presumed cause of our problem in the past. We look to the past because we’re locked into linear time, in which case the past seems to be where everything comes from. But this is similar to looking for the cause of an upsetting movie frame in previous frames that were projected, oblivious of the dynamic projecting process that projects and fabricates all experience, including the self, ‘its’ conditions, and linear time. We are unaware of this little-known apperceptive process that gives rise moment-by-moment to all experience. Rather than a ‘faithful’ and direct reflection of what’s happening around us, our experience is normally fabricated unconsciously in a fraction of a second from our sense perceptions, complexes, habitual tendencies, and complexes. Since we are unaware of apperception, and “since we consider ourselves to be separate objects in time, continuous in a changing world, we try to hold the ‘self’ and other familiar objects down, treating them as being relatively stable and fixed.” (p.23, Interview with Tarthang Tulku) We try to maintain our self and other complexes and conditions, struggling to stop the eventual periodic dissolution of the constructs fabricated during apperception.Tracing to the immediate source of self and other structures of ‘normal’ experienceBut without our insistence on authenticating the reality of these fleeting structures and conditions, they would disappear ‘on their own’. So rather than ‘believing in’ a particular condition and its owning character, and then somehow trying to resolve the issue psychologically, “it is much easier to initiate change and improvement…if we work with the ‘self’ just emerging from ‘time’, just getting set up in ordinary time.” (p. 178-p. 179, TSK) It’s better to shift our perspective and watch the way all the complexes and their conditions tend to ‘set up’ during the apperceptive process, but then eventually dissolve. If we stop insisting on the ‘real’ continuity of a self-character and its conditions, there will  be no lasting suffering.Rather than looking toward the past, we can trace the sense of self and ‘normal’ consciousness toward their source ‘outside’ linear time and extended space. By means of a thorough exploration of ordinary experience in linear time–not by manipulating ourselves into an altered state–we can contact the dynamic projecting process that gives rise to the sense of a separate self and its restricted experience. Contacting this dynamic gives considerably more leverage in transforming our lives than is possible at the level of the self, by means of personal will power. We can learn to see how the apparently continuous movie of life, with limiting habits of self at center stage, is actually a bewildering flurry of momentary, fleeting projections onto the screen of ordinary consciousness. Troubling scenarios clearly have no absolute or fixed, unchangeable nature—unpleasant experiences seem ‘real’ only because of the method of projection. Aware of this projecting, we can redirect its energy, breaking up old scenarios as soon as they appear, and before we get caught up in the story lines. By recognizing the ordinary structures of life before they are firmly in place, as they are just taking the stage, we can directly and powerfully break free from limiting patterns.This book includes numerous direct transpersonal exercises that don’t presume the ‘normal’ limiting structures of self, mind, and linear time. Both troubling and liberating conditions are grouped according to twelve dimensions that are central to our lives, and coaching questions have been included to assist in tracking where along the spectra our experience ‘falls’ at any time. In addition the book includes guiding principles, paradoxes, and brief considerations and instructions for exploring and dissolving limiting conditions within these twelve dimensions. All these heuristic devices are designed to help us make the transition from normal conditions to the optimal end of the spectra. you all for making this possible for all of us  Joe Navarro’s Online Advanced Speed Reading People Course GB   Contributors: immediately, ratio freeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU


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