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Steve Cotter – Full KOntact Kettlebells –

Full Kontact Kettlebell
[ 2 Video – AVI ]


I am making this Exclusive to VIP’s  only till I get enough people too seed. Then I will open to all.The Martial Art of Strength Training DVD, Volume 1Martial artists have long been admired for their speed, power, and body control. Watch your fighting ability skyrocket as a Full Contact Champion reveals, step-by-step, the most important strength training techniques for martial artists. Never before has such a thorough strength training program been available for combat athletes or those interested in some of the best kept training secrets in the world.Gain the insights of Steve Cotter, a Full Contact Champion who knows what works — and what doesn’t. All of this presented in an easy to follow and cohesive step-by-step instruction process that lays the strong foundation necessary for advanced power development!Now there is no excuse for fighters to train like bodybuilders! Full KOntact Kettlebells: The Martial Art of Strength Training will take your speed, power, flexibility and endurance to levels beyond what you ever dreamed possible. Hit harder than ever before and smile as your opponents bounce off of you. Learn how to maximize your power in every movement by applying the best in resistance training with proven, no-nonsense martial arts principles.Destined to become a classic for Martial Artists and conditioning freaks, Volume One lays the foundation for power development by teaching and explaining how to create a strong connection to the ground via the legs.This DVD will not only show you HOW to condition for martial arts, but explain WHY, so that you will maximize your training time and gain immediate results in your performance!    * Hit HARDER and FASTER    * Have ENDURANCE to Spare    * Develop Short-Range Striking POWER    * Build STRENGTH at All Angles    * Get the Dynamic FLEXIBILITY to Escape Any Jam    * Learn all drills from multiple camera angles    * All exercises taught first with bodyweight, then with weight    * Learn how to brace the body for heavy impact    * Avoid common errors that lead to injuries    * Learn the principles behind the techniquesThe Martial Art of Strength Training DVD, Volume 2: Applied StrengthVolume 2 of this potent conditioning series, Applied Strength, brings kettlebell training to the pinnacle of functional strength training — fighting strength. Never before has the kettlebell been presented so clearly as a tool for developing fighting technique and power.Discover how to use utilize your kettlebells to strengthen specific Ranges of Motion that will improve your leverage for striking and throwing techniques.Learn how the body mechanics needed to move heavy loads can be applied to moving opponents in the ring, on the field, or in your arena of choice. This DVD will show you how to combine strength training with precise movement and correct positioning to give you the advantage over the competition!


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