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Stephen Wolinsky – Waking From The Trance

Waking from the Trance
[6 K7 – MP3]



01. (45:07) Stephen Wolinsky – Session One: Introduction to Quantum Psychology02. (44:26) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Two: Tantra/Intellect03. (46:44) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Three: Emotional States04. (43:43) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Four:  The Biological Dimension05. (42:28) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Five: The False Core/False Self06. (41:42) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Six: Essence/I AM07. (42:25) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Seven: Archetypes and the Not I/I08. (43:00) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Eight: From the Not I/I into the Void09. (35:50) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Nine: Through the Void to the Nameless Absolute10. (35:23) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Ten: The Spiritual Illusions11. (38:50) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Eleven: Spiritual Illusions & Overview12. (38:45) Stephen Wolinsky – Session Twelve: Additional ExercisesPlaying Time………: 498:28Awakening from the Trance of Self: An Experiential CourseHave you ever felt that your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, andmemories – everything you’ve known to be “you” – might be just thesurface of something far more expansive? That somehow, there might bea way to “wake up” to an entirely new revelation of the world and ofyourself? In 1977, a young psychotherapist named Stephen Wolinsky lefthis practice to answer these questions. His search would lead himbeyond the roots of modern psychology and the contemplative traditionsof the world to IndiaÆs legendary sage Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. OnWaking from the Trance, you are invited to learn what evolved fromWolinskyÆs quest: a revolutionary new understanding of the nature ofconsciousness that can help us to see beyond the inner structures thatlimit our awareness – and experience the many dimensions of who we aremore fully.The Trances People Live”I must succeed in everything I do.” “I must be loved.” “I must be incontrol.” “I feel inadequate.” From our earliest years, teachesWolinsky, the nervous system creates a false self that can trap us ina specific constellation of fears, frustrations, and psychologicalpatterns. In this trance of the false self, we lose contact with thegreater dimensions of who we really are – what the spiritualtraditions of the world have called “the One Substance,” “God,” or”the Void of Undifferentiated Consciousness.”A Multidimensional Approach to HealingAwakening from the trance of the self, says Wolinsky, begins byextending your awareness to every level of who you are: yourbiological instincts, your thoughts and feelings, the archetypaldimension, and – ultimately – who you are beyond those thoughts,emotions, memories, associations, and perceptions. But, how do youbegin this journey?”The only way to find out who you are,” taught Sri NisargadattaMaharaj, “is to find out first who you are not.” Waking from theTrance offers you an opportunity to begin that life-changinginvestigation. Here is a full nine-hour program of compellinginstruction and exercises to help you identify the “frames” thatorganize your most basic experiences … open your awareness to eachof your dimensional levels … and discover who you truly are.Contents:Session One: Introduction to Quantum PsychologyWhat is Quantum Psychology? – Finding out who you are not – The “onesubstance” – The illusions that consciousness forms – NisargadattaMaharaj and Advaita Vedanta – Netti, netti: not this, not this -Questioning everything – Confronting the I that you think you are -The influence of the new physics on spirituality – Why “nothingness isthe building block of the universe” – MoreSession Two: Tantra/IntellectTantric Yoga and Buddhism – The purpose of the nervous system -Spanda, the divine pulsation – The dimensions of thought, emotion, andbiology – Confusing or collapsing levels of awareness – The strengthsand weaknesses of different psychologies – Multiple dimensions and thesubjective experience of freedom – Finding the space between thoughts- MoreSession Three: Emotional StatesEmotions as energy states – Working with sexuality – The statelessstate of I AM – Anger and love – What is witness consciousness? – Bohmand “energy, space, mass, and time” – The cause of all neuroses -“Delabeling” the emotions – MoreSession Four:  The Biological DimensionKorzybski on the nervous system – The Big Bang and condensation of theone substance – Why “the map is not the territory” – Choice and thenervous system – Experience without purpose – Sri Ramana Maharshi: “Goback the way you came” – Psychospiritual practice and self-knowledge -MoreSession Five: The False Core/False SelfThe false core vs. the essential core – Using psychology to dismantlepsychology – object relations therapy – How the false core is formed -The Enneagram history and applications – The influence of Gurdjieff’sFourth Way – Oscar Ichazo’s Enneagon – The Enneagrams’s nine standardfalse cores – MoreSession Six: Essence/I AMThe body’s relationship to the empty space of essence – How childrenlose awareness of essence – The body’s creations: identities,concepts, and structures – Spaciousness vs. emptiness – Why essence isalways there – Therapy and the effort to change belief systems – MoreSession Seven: Archetypes and the Not I/IThe collective unconscious and Quantum Psychology – The I AM asarchetype – Why all spiritual paths must be deconstructed – Theimportance of inquiry – How the Not I/I differs from the I AM -Meditations on the NotI/I – Gurdjieff’s objective Consciousness – Thestate of samadhi – Bhakti yoga – MoreSession Eight: From the Not I/I into the VoidWitnessing the observer/observed dyad – How all experiences are “NotI” – Overview of dimensions leading up to the void – Why existence isdiscontinuous – How the universe is unfolding and “infolding” – Goingbeyond the void – Dissolving the Witness and I AM – MoreSession Nine: Through the Void to the Nameless AbsoluteSridi Sai Baba – Experiencing multiple voids – An infinite number ofvoid universes – The impression of continuity of experience – Piercingthe void – Awareness of the emptiness – MoreSession Ten: The Spiritual IllusionsWhat makes spiritual illusions? – Spiritual bliss – The trance ofspiritualization – Guru as surrogate parent – Age regression inspiritual seekers – The danger of reframing negative experience as”lessons” – The myth of celibacy and enlightenment – SpiritualIllusions rooted in infancy – Swami Prakashananda on spiritualexperiences – The illusion of surrender – “Ego yoga” – MoreSession Eleven: Spiritual Illusions & OverviewEnlightenment and health – Anger, violence, and enlightenment – “I amnot the doer” as a form of denial – Ruthlessly examine everything-thendiscard it – The perceiver as part of the illusion – How all conceptsdisappear upon investigation – Overview of the system – MoreSession Twelve: Additional ExercisesExercises for working with the false core/false self – Exercises forworking with the I AM – Observation from the no-state state -Dissolving boundaries – Working with thoughts and emotions – The”What’s so bad about that” inquiry technique – Tools for uncoveringthe false core – The metaphor of “uncooked seeds” – Stabilizingawareness in the I AM – Attention focusing methods from the VigyanaBhairav – More


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