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Stephen Russell – Barefoot Doctor’s QIGONGO

Stephen Russell – Barefoot Doctor’s QIGONGO
[WebRip – 32 MP4s, 6 MP3s, 8 PDFs]


Barefoot Doctor’s QIGONGOIn-Depth Daily Qigong SystemAbout authorThe Barefoot Doctor aka Stephen Russell is famous for soulfully evolving and lovingly presenting the ancient Taoist principles in a pure and simple manner. The Barefoot Doctor has been at the helm of the personal development movement in the United Kingdom for more than two decades. The author of 13 bestselling books, he has devoted his life to interpreting, simplifying, and sharing the Taoist system of medicine, martial arts, meditation, and creativity. The Barefoot Doctor has an international following of millions around the globe who log on to his popular web site and attend his various talks, seminars, events, and club nights. Product InfoIn-Depth Daily Qigong SystemLove and honor yourself and the miracle of your existence each and every day with this easy and quick to learn, fun to follow, unique and positively addictive, in-depth daily qigong system drawn from all four Taoist martial artsBoosts your health, longevity, staminaImproves muscle tone, organ function, musculo-skeletal function, brain functionIncreases your confidence, strength and resilience, suppleness and flexibility of body and mindBrings you sharpened focus, brighter eyes, better vision, better hearing, better feeling, better memory, a clearer mind… uhm, oh yes:Better and more youthful looks, increased courage, more stabilized emotions, a more adventuresome life, and lest we not forget, lastly but mostly,The chi of a thousand warriorsThese claims may sound too numerous and hyperbolic to be true and they’re not (too numerous or hyperbolic to be true). To the contrary, if anything the above is an understatement. Not in the content or meaning of the message but in the context or medium in which it’s conveyed. Because…No amount of words, however adroitly chosen or deployedcan go anywhere near conveying the startling effects of practicingthis qigong system even once let alone every dayTruly, with no exaggeration, I put the fact that I’m still here on the planet at all down to the fact I’ve practiced Qigongo, Barefoot Doctor’s In-Depth Qigong System every day without fail, bar just three or four days I can think of, for the past 40 years, and even though I’m him and therefore a tad biased, I can truly say it’s the most effective, powerful, fast-acting, no-nonsense system of qigong I’ve ever heard of, save perhaps for one or two more extreme versions involving lifting heavy weights tied to the scrotum, and leaning your throat with your entire bodyweight behind it on the sharp blade of a sword, but then attaining to this level of skill is generally over-egging it a bit and mostly of little practical use in everyday life, unless of course you find yourself (as a non-neutered male) obliged to carry a heavy weight and your hands are full, or need a first line of defense against someone slitting your throat (and still have your hands full).So call me a bit suburban if you will, but as far as I’m concerned, and I’ve had a few decades to prove it to myself, though I’d not rate my chances in lifting much by virtue of my scrotum aside perhaps from my mood momentarily, indirectly speaking, the enhanced self-cultivation this practice has and does afford me is astonishing.Qigongo – what exactly is it?Qigongo is my nick name for the daily qigong training I do every day of my life without fail, as the bedrock of my health, sanity, and stamina – because it’s QIGONG and it gives you GO, pulls you out of the most slammed states, is perfect for dissolving hangovers of all sorts, increases your positivity no end, makes you look and feel more and more trim and youthful the older you get, and serves as the perfect milieu in which to viscerally experience, enjoy and take full benefit from all the inner game methods I share with you – moving into and from your back, sinking your weight, and all the principles and devices contained in the SUPERHEALING, PSYCHOLOGY OF FEAR, AND INNER ALCHEMY (School for Warriors) trainings and in the satsangs.QIGONGO brings it all alive like nothing else. Start the day with QIGONGO and you can’t go wrongo, and this is not said for the sake of rhyme alone.QIGONGO is vastly different from other available qigong trainings which are either namby pamby, flowery, wet and sold as relaxation tools, and which overlook the strengthening aspect altogether, or too esoteric and riddled with mystification for anyone but qi-obsessives to gain any lasting value from.QIGONGO is direct and to the point. Unlike other trainings it draws from all four Taoist internal boxing styles, Hsing Yi, Pa Kua, Tai Chi and White Crane, and systematically strengthens both the yin and the yang, both the core and the surface, both the bones and the muscles, both the vital organs and the bowels, both the mind and the motion, progressively and exponentially more with each passing day’s practice.Most qigong tends to be soft and sweet. But that’s only one side of the story. For the full effect you need both the soft and the hard,the yin and the yang.I’ve scanned as many of the other qigong courses available as I could and though jolly well-meaning, and even quite esoteric or hifalutin at first glance, they’re well-meaning flowery twaddle next to this system, as far as I’m concerned, hence partly why I call it in-depth qigong. But as I say, I’m biased (and in this instance quite probably remarkably arrogant and opinionated).Perhaps the correct way would be to say it in the words of music producer Bastido Cartel in referring to the recent Lost Apes EP I produced, “You’ll have to decide for yourself, but it’s certainly not rubbish”.But in any case don’t take my word for it – or his.The whole point of this is to do QIGONGO yourself, make it your own, and enjoy the ineffable benefits for yourself.And though the thought of daily practice may initially seem onerous, perhaps for plugging you into unconscious associations with difficult episodes of so-called physical education classes at school, or for innate rebellion against anything that might actually do you good (we all do it), it is actually as the warning states, highly addictive. So…Once you start, unless you’re extremely contrary and strong willedto your detriment, you’re so swiftly hooked you can’t actually imaginehow you could possibly function without it.Of course you can but only as a regular human – it’s the superhuman (for want of a better word) dimension the practice affords you that’s hard to do without once you’re hooked. Not to mention the remarkable increase of ease and vivacity of your joints and muscles and general comfort in your skin, as well as all the aforementioned boons.Product Page:


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