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Silva Intuition System

[12 CDs – Mp3, 1DVD – flv, 2 PDFs]



This is an updated version of a previous product that was lacking a key trackA Silva Mind Control CD Set focused on developing your intuition.  For a more lengthy overview see: Human Intuition Is A Trainable SkillYou may be one of those people who has read or went through an intuition program, and experienced some level of benefit.You may also consider yourself naturally in touch with your intuition, using it in your day-to-day life to make decisions.Or, you may consider yourself completely un-intuitive, but remain curious about the possibilities of this phenomenon.Whichever category you fall into, I’m here to give you one very simple message:The Only Thing Standing Between You And What We At The Silva Method Call Total Intuitive Living Is Your PerceptionAnd once you adjust your perception on intuition, you’ll be able to up your intuitive ante in every way and begin experiencing high-level intuitive living.Imagine being able to:    * Get a “gut feeling” on vivid, accurate courses of action that rocket you effortlessly towards your business and career goals    * Dramatically enhance your learning capacity by freely channeling a limitless sea of information into your mind    * Use intuitive healing to detect the state of health and apply distance healing in yourself and your loved ones    * Gain strong and accurate guidance to make important life decisions, i.e. marriage, career changes, investments, etc.    * Melt away stress in the blink of an eye and experience total relaxation through Alpha and Theta level meditation    * Use higher intelligence to create instant and lasting improvements to your relationshipsThis is just a fraction of what you can expect with total intuitive living.If you are interested in this, there is a Silva group buy in need of an organizer which already has more than enough pledges to purchase a lot more Silva Mind Control products.


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