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Sidra Jafri – Energetic makeover

Sidra Jafri – Energetic makeover
[Webrips – Audio, 7 MP3]



**** Exclusive ****Help us keep all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping awesome!*****************************************************************Sidra Jafri is an intuitive healer, medium and Awakening Facilitator. Her gifts go beyond the five senses with which she facilitates people to shift issues that create an undercurrent in their lives. Sidra transforms people’s outdated core programming and the beliefs in their lives that have been trapping them in areas such as wealth, relationships and wellbeing. Her Global event The Awakening has moved thousands of people to activate their own unique soul signature in order to create more of what they want in their lives, including wellbeing in their bodies, minds, and spirits.Transform outdated core programming and beliefs to enhance different aspects of their life, Now!It is YOUR TIME to receive the higher frequencies of love, light and Awakening,allowing you to truly rise above the limitations of being human to birth into the new, enlightened you.Package Includes: Track 1: Energetic CleansingCleansing is a powerful, yet gently guided activation that will help yourelease all the energetic blocks such as trauma, anger, rejection, shame and fear,as the gentle beat of your heart so that you can experience new ways of being,with peace and love.Track 2: Opening Energetically To Joy Opening Energetically To Joy is a deeply penetrating meditation to help you releaseyour past wounds and experience limitless joy by healing your inner child. Track 3: Energetic Heart OpeningEnergetic Heart Opening will take you on a journey that will use the powerful wisdom in your heart to release all the emotional baggage, embrace forgiveness and allow you to feel joy and love radiating into your most inner being.Track 4: Building Personal PowerBuilding Personal Power will take you deeper into your soul’s essence andwisdom so that you can hear and receive the inspiration, healing and thedetermination to take charge of your life so that you can stand in your ownpersonal power by following your own inner wisdom.Track 5: Manifesting DesiresManifesting Desires will take you on an interactive journey that will clearall past hurts and disappointments that may be interfering with your abilityto manifest your desires. With a new reality created in your mind, you will be able to manifest your desired intention so that you can allow great experiences in your life.Track 6: Activating Your PotentialActivating Your Potential is a another powerful activation that will build uponthe previous tracks and get you in touch with the wisdom of your highest selfto release any self doubt that might be stopping you. It will activate your innerknowing to guide you towards every decision that will lead you to live your highest potential. Track 7: Living In Higher ConsciousnessLiving in Higher Consciousness is a beautiful and serene guided meditationthat will clear your emotional body and infuse it with the light of wisdom andawareness. It will help you align yourself with your highest destiny whilespreading your light in the lives of others.salespage :…As always In-Joy


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