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Sherri Baptiste with Megan Scott – Yoga with Weights for Dummies

Sherri Baptiste with Megan Scott – Yoga with Weights for Dummies [1 eBook – 1PDF]
[1 eBook – 1PDF]


Sherri Baptiste is an inspirational teacher at the forefront of yoga training inthe United States. She was born into a rich heritage and family of pioneeringteachers; her parents, Magaña and Walt Baptiste, established yoga on the WestCoast in the mid-1950s. Her brother, Baron Baptiste, authored the book Journeyinto Power: How to Sculpt Your Ideal Body, Free Your True Self, and TransformYour Life With Yoga (Fireside). Sherri has been teaching yoga since her teensand is the founder of “Baptiste Power of Yoga,” a nationally recognized yogamethod, as well as a yoga-with-weights teacher-training program and a yogateacher certification and advancing studies program recognized by YogaAlliance. Sherri presents classes and workshops throughout the United States;she’s a presenter for Western Athletics’ Bay Clubs, Gold’s Gym, Nautilus,Equinox, IDEA World Fitness, Body Mind Spirit, ECA; and she offers many yogaretreats, including retreats at Kripalu, Omega, Haramara, Green Gulch ZenCenter, Rancho La Puerta Spa, and Feathered Pipe Ranch. A radio and televisionpersonality, she’s featured in video, DVD, and CD “Power of Yoga” and“Power of Meditation” programs. You can learn more about Sherri at the followingWeb sites: and Scott, PhD, is a doctor of integrative medicine, sports rehabilitation,and clinical psychology specializing in advanced healing techniques. She has20 years of training and practice in mind-body, self-regulation techniques. Dr.Scott combines her knowledge of science and self-healing in her clinical settings,highlighted by using the left/right brain neuro rebalancing techniquefor self-healing. She teaches at California Pacific Medical Center, the Institutefor Health and Healing, and the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry.She’s also a founder, director, and contributing researcher at the Chronic PainInstitute. In her private practice, she teaches Anusara yoga and yoga therapyclasses, biofeedback training, and alternative psychotherapy. Her mission isto assist her students in discovering their own greatness and to awaken herstudents’ passion for yoga and all its gifts.


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