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Ryan Levesque – RocketMemory – How Your Memory Works & How to Improve It

Rocket Memory – How Your Memory Works & How to Improve It
[1 eBook – PDF OCR]


Description Exclusive…sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!ROCKET GUIDE TO YOUR MIND & MEMORY How Your Memory Works & How to Improve Itby Ryan Levesque with Laura  Bautista,  MA,  PhD  ABD “While  the  ROCKETMEMORY™  Main Course  System  is  geared  toward  learning  a  set  system  of practical  techniques  to  improve  the  performance  of  your  memory… This book on  the other hand will serve as a useful companion guide to help dive deeper into understanding how your  brain  operates  –  and  why  the  techniques  you  learn  are effective, from a psychological and neuroscientific standpoint. This  book was written  for  a  single  purpose: To  give  you  a better understand of how your mind and memory works, as well as simple, practical ways to improve your memory. This book  is  supplementary  (and  complimentary)  to  the  main ROCKETMEMORY™ Course  Book which  teaches  you  a comprehensive  system  of  memory  techniques  centered around visualization strategies. Now, a few things you should know about this book. This is not a textbook on the brain and shouldn’t be treated as such. Yes,  everything  you’ll  read  over  the  course  of  this  book  is based  on  the  most  recent  rigorously-tested  and  peer-reviewed  scientific  research.  But  the  focus  of  this  book  is arming you with enough  information  so you can walk away with a practical understanding of  the brain, without making you feel overwhelmed you with too much unnecessary detail. In  other  words,  this  book  was  specifically  written  for  a general  audience  so  that  you  do  NOT  need  a  PhD  in neuroscience to understand its contents. And whether you’re a  student,  teacher,  business  professional,  involved  in  some other line of work, or you’re retired, think you’ll find there’s something valuable you can pick up from this book. After all, our mind and memory  is central  to everything we do.  And  the  more  we  understand  how  that  million-dollar piece of machinery that’s sitting between our ears operates – the more productive and fulfilling lives we can enjoy. That being said, as far as the ROCKETMEMORY™ Course Curriculum is concerned, this book is not required reading. This  book  is  for  folks  who,  after  going  through  or  while going  through  the main  course  program, would  like  a  little more “meat” around the science behind how your mind and memory works. So you can read it cover to cover when you need a break from the main program… Read it one chapter at a time… Or simply use it as a reference guide when you’d like more information on a topic which falls outside the scope of the  ROCKETMEMORY™  Rapid  Results  CORE  10-Day program.  So  with  that  in  mind,  let  me  explain  how  this  book  is organized: This book  is organized  into chapters, divided  into  two main parts.  In  Part  I, made  up  of Chapters  1-4, which  span  the first half of this book, you’ll discover everything you need to know about how your memory works. In Part II, made up of Chapter 5 which  spans  the  entire  second half of  this book, you’ll discover how  to  improve  your memory  – with highly specific methods which fit outside and beyond  the scope of the main ROCKETMEMORY™ Course Program. More specifically, the book is broken down as follows: Chapter 1 will debunk the three most common myths about memory  –  most  likely  things  you’ve  heard  about  your memory  at  one  point  or  another,  which  to  be  perfectly honest,  are  simply  not  true. Debunking  these  brain myths will  put  us  on  the  same  page  for  everything  else  going forward. In Chapter 2 you’ll discover the neurological process behind memory  –  in  other words, what  is  it  that’s  going  on  up  in your brain when you attempt to remember something. You’ll find  out  how  to  differentiate  and  recognize  the  different types of memory processes  your brain  engages  in,  and why that’s important for you to know.  In Chapter  3,  you’ll  learn  about  the  process  of  forgetting  – the  flipside  of  the  coin  to  memory.  You’ll  discover  why forgetting  is  a  critical  part  of  the memory  process,  reasons why we forget information, and strategies to prevent yourself from forgetting something you’d rather not.  In  Chapter  4,  you’ll  discover  how  memory  takes  place  in your  brain  at  a  deep,  cellular  level.  You’ll  discover  where within your brain memory formation and storage takes place, and  what  structures  within  the  brain  are  responsible  for memory, both directly and indirectly. In Chapter  5,  you’ll  discover  specific ways  to  improve  the performance of your mind and memory, by  learning how  to properly take care of your brain. You’ll discover a number of strategies  you  can  begin  incorporating  into  your  life  right way  – whether alone or  in conjunction with  the overarching system  of  practical memory  techniques  you  discover  in  the main  ROCKETMEMORY™  Course  System.  You’ll discover things like: •  Superfoods for your Brain •  Giving  Your  Brain  the  Vitamins  &  Supplements  it Needs  Specific  Forms  of  Physical  Exercise  which Boost Brainpower •  The  Impact  of  Sleep  on  Memory  &  How  to  Get Better Sleep •  Telltale Signs of Mental Stress, and How to Reduce It Now, in addition to the main chapters in the book, I’ve also included  several pages of  additional  reading  and  references, so if you are interested in diving deeper into any topic, you’ll now  the best  set of  resources  to do  so. And  finally, at  the end of the book you’ll also find a helpful glossary which you can refer to at any time, if you come across any terminology that’s  not  familiar  to  you.”I have from long time this auxiliary book of the course  ROCKETMEMORY™ Rapid-Results 10-Day Program.It took me so much time as the original scan was not so good and how was packed was not as shoul be done but hope you will appreciate my effort on this awesome program.


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