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Ryan C. Hurst and Jarlo L. Ilano – Prasara Yoga Primer

Prasara Primer.pdf
[1 Ebook – PDF]


First, I’d like to draw attention to Scott Sonnon’s Group of Clubbell Instruction DVDs that is still open.What iis Yoga?Prasara YogaWhat iis Asana?Whatt iis your Fllow??Yoga is an age-old discipline developed in India for the purpose of improving the healthof your body, mind, and spirit. The path of Yoga is said to be eightfold, with specificinstructions in key disciplines. Comparing the totality of Yoga to a tree, the disciplineswhich make up the tree are called the “limbs” of Yoga; Yamas (restraints), niyamas(observances), asana (postures), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of senses),dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (absorption).


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