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Rudy Hunter – Special Package

EnergyWork Package
[Webrip – 11 MP3]



This product is the result of a Group Buy: … sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! EnergyWorks Special PackageRudy HunterA total of eleven powerful embedded energetic recordings!Here’s a new EnergyWork Set that will serve you for years to come! Eleven powerful mp3s. The embedded energetics will stay imprinted on the recordings and are playable on any audio player. My work works for you, your loved ones and your animals too! Enjoy!Here is what you get in this EnergyWork Package:Tru Dat [Bathroom Stall Rescue] Running Time: 9:30Value: $44.00–But truly priceless under pressure in the real world!This short run-into-the-bathroom-and-feel-better-fast mp3 was designed to help you “know the truth” about yourself…not the lies & deceit that we often encounter. It runs just 9 1/2 minutes and has three powerful rounds of deep energy work permanently embedded in it. It will help you regain your footing and the final process on this recording will help you integrate a newer, more peaceful you into your daily life. Use it in the bathroom stall–or anywhere else–to feel better fast! Enjoy!Gridwork [Organ & Gland] SupportRunning Time: 18:48Value: $88.00This mystical energetic work will ADD to what you’re already doing to support your organs & glands. It’s a way to scaffold & truss-up & reinforce the functions of these important parts of our body. It’s an involved process but Rudy makes it easy to follow along with. You can work on any gland or organ you choose for each time you listen. Enjoy this wild & wonderful energetic process…and notice the improvements you receive from this prayer-based approach.IWV For PainRunning Time: 26:49Value: $44.00On this recording you’ll hear some Personal Confessions from Rudy about his personal physical pain history! Learn a powerful way to dissolve pain based on ancient Oriental methods [thousands of years old] but updated with Rudy’s energetics. Use this for all kinds of pain & discomforts; physical and emotional. It’s a very valuable skill to have at your disposal whenever you need it.Exposure Quick ResetRunning Time: 15:30Value: $88.00 – [and if it helps you safely stay out of the Emergency Room it’s worth several thousand dollars!]This powerful set of energetics is designed to get you back from TILT after an exposure to an energetic toxin that you may be sensitive to. It’s not allergy work. It is a potential trigger-neutralizer if you’re one of us folks who react to certain things. There are powerful rounds for inhalants, contactants, ingest ants and injectatnts. This mp3 is a NOT a substitute for competent medical help, but it IS a very powerful trigger-un-doer that can really help. If you’re a sensitive “reactor” you know how helpful this can be!The Magical Power Of YupRunning Time: 22:08Value: $44.00Ever had something or someone you KNEW you should accept…but couldn’t? Maybe even for decades? Acceptance is hard. Period. It’s also absolutely vital to getting past any problem. Rudy will show you a very easy way and make it more palatable using energetic embedded work to simplify it all for you. Self-acceptance will be much more available to you after using this mp3 tool.Clearing the History Of My ProblemRunning Time: 7:30Value: $44.00Time & history can be your friend…or a very subtle and stubborn enemy. Especially when in comes to having a “clean & clear history” with a problem you’re tackling. Do you know HOW to go “clean up your past” so you’re not constantly tripping over it? Rudy’s work on the mp3 will help make it easy for you. Your happier present and happier future depend on having a “tidy” past.EmptyRunning Time: 10:52Value: $44.00The awareness of “emptiness” or “depletion” hits many of us hard. Folks who are CAREGIVERS especially feel the crush of this troublesome state. “Nothing left to give” is the watch-phrase of this potentially-paralyzing state. Rudy will take you [gently & safely] into the emptiness and help you discover the way out. You’ll feel refreshed once more.Garlic For Energy VampiresRunning Time: 11:46Value: $44.00You KNOW what it feels like when you get “zapped & drained” by an Energy Vampire! Feels like you need to sleep for a week. The bad news is sometimes those folks who suck our energy can be the very people we love most dearly. This “energetic garlic” will help with boundaries, choices and feeling better fast.Hunter’s H.E.A.R.T. [Hunter’s Emotional Alignment Rescue Technique] Running Time: 1:07:44Value: $47.00This was going to be a book…but it’s a powerful technique you can use for ANY issue. You’ll also learn a way to use this over the course of 30 days to transform your life at a very deep level.Here’s one of my favorite pieces of feedback about it: “Hunter’s H.E.A.R.T. eases physical pain … Oh Hell YES … I have a condition that causes me to experience pain cycles occasionally that range from mild discomfort to can’t move, can’t function, have to remind myself to breathe levels. Listening to Rudy’s H.E.A.R.T. recording is the ONLY thing I have found that can bring me back to functioning levels when it’s at its worst and knocks it out completely when it’s at lower levels. Couldn’t recommend this more!“ Sue Fellows; founder & host of Our Inner Awakenings TelesummitBridging The Year 2 MP3 SetMp3 #1-Bridging Out Of The YearMp3 #2-Bridging Into The New YearTotal Set Value: $55.00This two mp3 set it a valuable help as we move towards completion of the year and start our planning into the next. This two mp3 set acts as a literal & energetic bridge to help your transition into new energy be faultless, easy & unencumbered. You’ll find yourself using this tool in the last part and first part of EVERY year. It’s yours for life to use & enjoy.


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