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Roosh V – Bang Iceland

RooshV – Bang Iceland
[1 eBook – PDF, EPUB, MOBI]


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Roosh V – Bang IcelandWebsite: Strategy Guide That Spoon-Feeds You Advice On Meeting And Banging Icelandic Women In IcelandBang Iceland is a travel guide that teaches you how to sleep with Icelandic women while in Iceland without having to go to strip clubs or pay for escorts.Here’s what you’ll find inside…    Advice on the time of year to visit    Description of the “village-like feel” of Iceland and what this means to you when it comes to banging the women    Why you should only visit Reykjavik and not bother with other cities (if all you want to do is get laid)    The type of lodgings and materials you’ll need to maximize your chance of getting one-night stands    How to do Iceland on the cheap (I share how I kept my expenses down to $60 a day while having my own apartment)    The low-down on the drinking culture: most common liquors, typical prices, and Icelandic drinking customsMost of the book is dedicated to the women. You’ll read…    A description of an Icelandic girl’s appearance, body shape and size, personality, and vibe    How to deal with an Icelandic girl’s skeptical, non-flirtatious, shy, and feminist nature    The two qualities that Icelandic girls use to pick a man for sex    A detailed breakdown of the five types of Icelandic girls, and which is the easiest to get into the sack    How many approaches you’ll likely have to do in order to bang an Icelandic girl    How to set up meetings with girls on Iceland’s biggest dating site before you even arrive (I share a message template so all you’ll have to do is copy-and-paste)You must experience Iceland’s nightlife. I share…    A complete breakdown on how to get bangs at night, including the time you should head out the door to run game    How the American one-night stand culture is completely different from Iceland’s    How to run “last call” game, a method that leads to the most amount of fast sex    My favorite opener to use on Icelandic girls    The best way to answer their most common questions, such as “What are you doing here?” and “How long are you going to stay?”    How to hit her with the “guilt” routine, which takes her out of her typical shy and skeptical shell    Why using long, witty, and fun conversation is a poor method to seducing Icelandic women (I teach you tactics that are simpler and more effective)    Why you shouldn’t try to kiss an Icelandic girl in the bar    How to perform the afterparty move, the most valuable tool in your last call game repertoire    Your hail mary move if you have no prospects and all the bars are closed, a tactic that doesn’t work in the United States but leads to sex in Iceland    Why Iceland doesn’t have a dating culture, and what that means if you don’t get the one-night standThe book has you covered with topics you may not have considered…    How to reapproach Icelandic girls that you keep running into    Notes on how you’ll be perceived based on your race    A depressing description of Icelandic guy game that should make you feel better about yours    What type of clothing to pack for what is one of the most stylish countries in the worldI wrap the book up with stories and logistical information. You’ll read…    6 short stories that offer additional insight and information to Icelandic culture, including humorous examples of having sex with Icelandic women    Tourist breakdown of Reykjavik, where I explain my favorite daytime spots and tours    List of the 13 best bars and clubs to meet Icelandic women, including the bar that I proclaim as the easiest place to get laid in Reykjavik    A rundown of the types of nature and adventure tours you can take while in the countryThe 80-page book is organized into five chapters…    Welcome To Iceland: City background and logistics    Girls: How they look and act    Game: How to pick them up and sleep with them    Stories: Six short stories from my time in Iceland    Reykjavik: Details on the capital cityReview: “Great read…”Just finished the book a few months in advance of my trip to Iceland and though it knocked some of the wind out of my sails as far as how cold the locals seem compared to other Scandinavians, it’s a great read and the quality of Reykjavik City Guide section will save you money on other guide books at the very least. The only Icelandic girl I’ve met was in LA, and her personality seemed completely opposite of the girls that Roosh ran into, really friendly and extroverted (but still fucked on the first night), so maybe Icelandic girls are the only ones in the world that actually benefit from a bit of Americanization?Another problem Roosh seemed to encounter was that by walking into the country blind, he was seen and treated as an outsider, and they’re all about social circle. Because of that, anyone planning a trip there would probably have a better time if they did some facebook or couchsurfing (or whatever) work to try to develop a few local friends of either gender and get automatically plugged into a few social circles before you even show up so you can hit the ground running with friendlier girls. “Last Call Game” however, is still a must-try!


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