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Ronald Siegel (NICABM) – How to work with Anxiety

nicabm – How to Work With Anxiety
[Videos(MP4) + Audios(Mp3) + Transcripts(PDF)]


**** Exclusive **** This is the result of a Group Buysharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Relief from AnxietyPractical Strategies You Can Use With Clients ImmediatelyAnxiety can wreak havoc in clients’ livesAnxiety narrows our perspective when we’re facing a difficult challenge or problem. It limits our ability to think clearly and creatively. It leaves us feeling isolated and alone. And it doesn’t just constrict the mind . . .. . . the harmful effects of chronic stress and anxiety can play out in the body as well.But the more clients try to avoid anxiety, the more powerful it becomesYou’ve probably seen how costly avoidance strategies can be for your clients. And usually, their efforts to “control” anxiety just don’t work.That’s why we’ve teamed up with Ron Siegel, PsyD to bring you a short course . . .How to Work with AnxietyEffective Strategies You Can Use with Your Patients NowInside this program, you’ll discover the precise ways anxiety traps your clients and how you can use mindfulness practices to help them break free.Ron will share professional insights from his 30 years as a clinician and mindfulness practitioner.You’ll get the practical tools you need to work with a wide range of anxiety conditionsIn this course, you’ll see anxiety from new perspectives. On top of that, Ron will equip you with specific strategies to use with your clients.You’ll get actionable tactics for a wide array of conditions, from OCD and phobias to social anxiety and panic disorders.This is Ron’s life work, and he’s now sharing it with you to help you achieve better results more quickly.Video 1How to Help Clients Stop Using Counterproductive Anxiety Management Strategies    How to know when anxiety can be helpful and adaptive    3 common coping strategies that make anxiety worse    Signal vs. noise: a better way to distinguish anxiety from fearVideo 2What Can Go Wrong in Treating Anxiety    Why traditional CBT can send the wrong message – and how to send the right one    How to help clients recognize the cost of their “anxiety management” strategiesVideo 3Why Mindfulness Is Especially Effective with Anxiety    2 ways to help your clients overcome early pitfalls to mindfulness practice    3 specific practices for your anxious patientsVideo 4How to Help Your Clients Tolerate Discomfort    How mindfulness helps us tolerate pain    Strategies to help your clients increase their ability to bear pain and anxietyVideo 5How to Work with the Roots of Anxiety    The danger of “muddy emotions” and how to help your clients get clarity    A 4-part guide to working with difficult emotions    How to help clients become aware of the emotions beneath their anxietyVideo 6How to Help Clients Who Are Stuck in Ruminating Thought Patterns    A technique to ease the grip of ruminating and intrusive thoughts    How to break the power of repetitive, negative thoughts    One strategy that won’t work with clients who ruminateVideo 7How to Teach Clients to Self-Soothe    An antidote to the common pitfalls clients face when they can’t self-soothe    One question that helps clients think beyond themselves and their anxiety    How to help clients avoid the “unholy trinity” that often accompanies anxietyVideo 8Strategies for Working with Specific Anxiety Diagnoses    A counterintuitive way to defuse the power of panic attacks and social anxiety    Practices to help clients overcome phobias, OCD, hypochondria, and generalized anxiety disorderVideo 9How to Adapt Interventions for Trauma-Related Anxiety    Techniques to enhance safety, uncover split-off emotions, and increase a client’s capacity to bear painful experiences    Special considerations for working with anxious people who’ve been traumatizedVideo 10When to Use Relaxation and Calming Practices    Why relaxation exercises and prescriptions can cost clients in the long term    When to use calming practices and medication to bring a client within the window of tolerance    How to increase the effectiveness of relaxation techniquesVideo 11Why Future Goals Can Ease the Power of Anxiety    How to take the focus off anxiety and onto what is meaningful and life-giving    Questions that can help your client connect with their values and goalsBonus 1How to Find the Limits of Fear and Anxiety    A technique to build safety and ease the hold of anxiety    How to “exhaust” a client’s capacity for fearBonus 2How to Help Your Clients Face Difficulties    A mindful approach to the traps of perfectionism and control strategies    How the “3 marks of existence” can help clients face difficulties without anxietyWebsite: Note About The product:It contains both the video and the audio version. Plus also some transcripts.GB thread: …


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