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Ronald Eisler – Mercury Hazards to Living Organism

Ronald Eisler – Mercury Hazards to Living Organism.pdf
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Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Holistic Dentistry Archive -Mercury Amalgam Detoxification and alternatives Group BuyGB Status OPENGB Thread HEREUPLOAD LIST – HERE Mercury Hazards to Living Organisms Ronald Eisler (Author) Price – free…Mercury is the third most toxic substance known to science, after arsenic and lead.Mercury leaches out of amalgam ALL of the time atlevels which are toxicologically relevant.The World Health Organization has estimated the daily absorbed dose of mercury from amalgam, as beingten times higher than all other sources combined, including seafood!Amalgam does not cause a ‘specific’ disease. It is thesource of mercury which poisons the body and causesa wide range of illnesses and symptoms.These early symptoms include;          Fatigue – physical and mental    Lack of initiative    Loss of short term memory    Lack of concentration    Poor to no decision making ability    Irrational obsession Compulsions    Timidity & lack of self confidence    Grave depression    Rapid mood changes,    Sudden anger    Unexplainable fear of death    Hallucinations    Shyness and timidity    Tendency to isolation    Suicidal Product DescriptionComplex and ever changing in its forms and functions, the element mercury follows a convoluted course through the environment and up the food chain. The process is complicated further by the fact that the difference between tolerable natural background levels and harmful effects in the environment is exceptionally small and still not completely understood. Written by recognized national and international authority on chemical risk assessment, Ronald Eisler, Mercury Hazards to Living Organisms explores the biological, physical, and chemical properties of mercury and its compounds. Rich in facts and information, the book provides a fundamental look at the issues. A synthesis of current scientific reviews, the book documents the significance of mercury concentrations in abiotic materials, plants, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, elasmobranch, fishes, and birds, as well as humans and other mammals. The author reviews historical and current uses and sources of mercury along with its physical, chemical, biological, and biochemical properties. He summarizes mercury transport and speciation processes and analytical techniques for mercury measurement. The book includes coverage of lethality to wildlife, domestic animals, and humans; administration routes and their effects; and sublethal effects such as cancers, birth defects, and chromosomal aberrations. 336 pagesPublished – (14 May 2012)Thanks to MeMeMe for adding this for the GB PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread TIMES – TBD


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