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Robert Plank – Time Management on Crack

Time Management on Crack
[4 WMV + 4 PDF + 3 MP3 + 4 MP4]



www.timemanagementoncrack.comGet Over Yourself, Overcome Your Negative Inner Voice, And Get Solutions To 80% Of Internet Marketing In Just A Few Simple StepsCopywriting, Blogging, Article Writing, Motivation, Time Management, Video Creation Hang-Ups? RESOLVED!Here is the thing about learning new marketing tactics: You want TAKEAWAYS. You don’t want to buy one home study course about how to create products, another on how to write articles, another one about how to write copy… another on how to create and market videos, write blog posts, and so on.You want information you can use TODAY!There is just too much information out there. On the other hand, I have attended many seminars that cost me $2000 or $3000 once you totaled up all the expenses, where I went home with two or three takeaways, and I was extremely happy.The fact is, you aren’t going to become a success overnight, but making internet marketing work isn’t like pulling teeth either! You continue what’s making you money, get rid of what doesn’t and use little tips or “takeaways” to help you along.Tell Me If Any Of These Facts About Me Make You Think I Could Have A Takeaway Or Two That Would Interest You:   * I am 24, I own a 4-bed 3-bath home in California, and I OVERPAY double into the principal of my mortgage payment each month.   * I launched 52 internet marketing and programming products last year while also working a full-time day job. I have no employees.   * I made $150,000 in 2008 and $100,000 in 2007, a higher salary than either of my parents combined have ever had.   * At the time I’m writing this, I’m on track to make $30,000 in February 2009 alone. (Recession? What recession?)The report I’m offering does NOT tell you anything about my personal story, and it does not tell you how I made it to where I am now. I’m not going to hype this up by making any outrageous claims by saying you can achieve these goals overnight or even in a month.What I am offering: the formulas I use every time I want to create a new product in one sitting, write 5 blog posts without thinking, create 10 or 20 videos in an afternoon, make an e-mail follow-up series ten minutes before I launch a product, or whip up a sales letter in 60 minutes or less.There is information in here not just for newbies, but for experts as well. If you’re a newbie, I give you the detailed step by step. If you’re an expert I give you the repeatable formula. It all comes down to taking a path that’s already been paved for you…Whether You Know It Or Not, The Major Roadblocks You’ve Come Across In Your Internet Marketing Career, No Matter What Niche, Are…   * How to get motivated and get in the right mindstate every day for freelancing, product creation, affiliate marketing, site building, etc.   * Staying productive every single day while still loving what you do   * How to create a lot of content whether it’s in the form of short reports, full blown e-books, articles, videos… in a very short amount of time… and FINISH everything you start!   * How to market that content in a smart and easy way so you make more money and have more free time to enjoy more important things in life like travel, family, and hobbies.I know you would gladly pay $100 or even $200 or $300 if it meant you could shave off an hour every day and make your business $1000 or $2000 more profitable per year.Motivation: Learn From My Mistakes And Step Ahead Of The Crowd When It Comes To Marketing To Any Niche!Quiet Down The Noise Of Your Inner Voice… Make Decisions Faster and Work Smarter When It Comes To Time-Wasters and Management Habits!   * The only three steps you need to know for any internet marketing process, no matter what niche you market in, whether you use social media, e-mail marketing, site flipping, product creation, affiliate promotions, even freelancing.   * The little-known reason why I start and reduce the time it takes to make ANY decision by at least 80 percent whether it’s what to name my latest product, when to launch it, what to price it at, and so on.   * One simple tactic I learned from 10 years of freelancing and 4 years of college, that the bulk of my fellow graduates DON’T employ, that ensures any time I get bored with my current project or too excited about my next one, I can launch the product and move on instantly…   * What is the best frame of mind you can possibly have, and how I’ve used this mind state to write 25 articles in one plane ride, record 12 twenty-minute interviews in one morning, and record 50 five-minute videos in one day!Time Management: Simplify Your Life Through Outsourcing & Minimization By Changing A Few Bad Habits And Adopting A Couple Of Very Simple Rules That Wishy-washy Time Management Gurus Will Never Teach You   * How I sidestep all incoming and outgoing distractions that plague most internet marketers such as phone calls, e-mails, texting, forums, social networking, instant messaging, from just a few simple rules…   * The EXACT way to “outsource” WITHOUT getting carried away like most people… how it costs me under $100 per month to double my productivity…   * A secret way to justify every purchase you make… and quickly decide whether you should perform a task yourself, outsource it, or buy a canned solution!   * The single biggest way to get more accomplished every day… HINT: it involves doing LESS, not MORE… and chances are you are making this TOO COMPLICATED if you try it yourself!   * The only four things you need to do, ever!Article Writing: Create One Article During a Commercial Break, a Handful of Articles in Under an Hour, or the Next Year’s Worth of Articles in One Afternoon   * Why you should never spend more than seven minutes writing an article… what three steps you can apply in 60 minutes to speed up your article writing time by at least 33 percent… and the five simple steps I’ve always taken, for years, that cost me $400 of research to discover!   * How to turn one article idea into 56 different articles… enough content to fill up a year’s worth of weekly blog posts, article submissions, or e-mail follow-ups… using my unique article replication formula…   * The easy way to edit your content by checking for four simple “red flags” so that you can turn a 20 to 100 page document rough draft into a final draft in faster than you can take a shower!   * How to write your sales letter in lightning speed by answering the only six questions that really matter when trying to sell anything! I regularly use this formula to write sales letters in one sitting… 1000% times faster than my competition.Content Creation: Shrink Your Blog Posting Time from 2 Hours into 15 Minutes… and Get an Increase in Quality?   * Exactly how to use the R.A.T.G.U.M. formula to never run out of ideas for blog content… this is the exact system I use to whip up a new blog post anytime I want in 15 minutes or less (it’s usually more like 5 minutes), and why I usually have six months of blog content scheduled for all my blogs!   * How to optimize your blog for traffic, comments and subscribers — most marketers will only optimize for two or less — but you get the checklist of everything you need to turn your blog into a money-making machine without digging through any blogging courses…   * Instantly fill up a post-sale e-mail list with 7 days, 30 days, even 180 days of follow-ups using the P.A.I.N.T. system to super simplify autoresponder content creation…Videos, Products, and Traffic: Can You Beat My Record of 50 Videos in One Day, 8 Full Sales Letters in One Day… or Would You Be Happy Even With Half That?   * How you can create videos quickly (includes my 5×10 approach for recording 50 videos in a day) that you can use to build up your YouTube account, submit to multiple video sites, use as pre-sell content or use as follow-up content… use it however you like!   * How to market the videos you create and what four key elements to check for to ensure your videos are monetized for maximum effect…   * Create a product using the articles and videos too good to give away, what to price that product at, how to package it (short report, e-book, bundle, or home study course), and how to setup your product funnel and affiliate commission… almost no thinking required!   * Get people looking at your offers, blogs, articles and videos using the only three traffic methods you should ever care about.   Heard other marketers extol the glories of “ready fire aim” but can’t seem to do it?   In “Time Management on Crack” Robert Plank provides a compendium of cheat sheets that should help any struggling internet marketer.   Need to write articles, auto responder messages or sales letters? Robert gives you actionable steps to get them done within a day. Think of getting 52 weeks’ worth of autoresponder messages done in a day, or a salesletter written in one sitting.   Rapidly actionable steps for getting traffic follow those for writing.   After reading this brief but pithy report, I already feel more productive — in fact, I felt like I accomplished reading the report more quickly because of the contents. It seems to act as an internal lubricant to sometimes sticky and convoluted mental processes.   In fact, I wrote this review just minutes after completing the report.   Well done, once again, Robert!   Judy Kettenhofen, Profit Strategist/Copywriter   NextDay-Copy.comThis is easily the most info-packed report I have ever written… ever. This report is 100% original, not created from PLR or anything, every word is completely written by me.Special Bonuses!Because I know your time is valuable, I want to make this small investment a no-brainer for you by giving you the juiciest offer possible… so let me throw a couple more goodies into the mix! If you act now, you’ll also get:   * Article Action Plan: How many articles to write, how to write them in no time at all, and where to market them properly… (41 minutes)   * Bare Essence Copywriting Part 1: Make writing sales letters a breeze by simply answering a few questions… (21 minutes)   * Bare Essence Copywriting Part 2: Watch over my shoulder as I whip up a complete sales letter in an hour, live! (61 minutes)   * Motivationality: 17 more productivity milestones just in case you ever outgrow the tactics you learned in Time Management on Crack… (48 minutes)That’s an additional three hours of bonus training in addition to everything else I’ve just described for you.   “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.” –Tony Robbins


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