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Robert Bruce – Astral Projection Mastery

Astral Projection Mastery
[39 Videos – FLV, 3 eBooks – PDF, 2 MP3s]



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Projection Mastery : My All-New “Astral Projection Mastery” Video Training Program – Now Available ONLINE For Instant Streaming (With Hours Of Added Travel Techniques & Maps Of The Astral Planes)It’s been over 12 years now since I first released my best-selling book, Astral Dynamics… and since then literally THOUSANDS of spiritual practitioners have used the techniques and strategies in it to SKYROCKET their success with astral projection.Of course, in those 12 years I’ve improved my skills as well…I’ve figured out all kinds of new ways to approach astral projection… more effective ways to induce DEEP TRANCE… techniques for exiting the physical body… ways to travel the astral planes with precision, and a WHOLE lot more.Of course… I’ve also become MUCH better at teaching students how to get this area of their life handled for themselves.I’ve figured out ways for practitioners to get this stuff down even faster… and master even my most advanced strategies and techniques in no time…I firmly believe my original Astral Dynamics is the single greatest resource on the planet for a person who wants to improve his success with astral projection and OBE but armed with this new knowledge… I wanted to make it EVEN BETTER…I decided to IMPROVE it… incorporating all of the new KILLER things I’ve learned over the last 12 years… and bring in some masters who are among the best in the world with astral projection to help me out…And now I’m excited to tell you that it’s finally ready and that you NEED to get your hands on it…My new Astral Projection Mastery program is packed to the brim with all of my very latest breakthroughs and discoveries for success with astral projection. It’s new and different from anything else I’ve ever made.The contents of this new program were taped live in my own personal studio. It’s specifically designed to systematically teach all aspects of my theories, models, and techniques.You’ll not only learn specific techniques that aren’t taught ANYWHERE else, but you’ll also be given special exercises I’ve designed to help you take yourself from where you are – to where you want to be.Here’ just a small sample of some of the BRAND NEW material inside:    * A way to supercharge your chakras right BEFORE you perform the exit technique that makes you astral project much faster so you stay out of body longer    * What to do at the end of an astral travel to GUARANTEE you remember the excursion… and even get out of body EASIER the next time    * The “Wuss Cure” – How to keep the wuss inside of you from creeping up and SPOILING your success when you’re about to separate and experiencing vibrations    * The 6 things all “failing” practitioners do that brings the astral separation process to a screeching halt. Even if you’re doing “pretty good” with trance induction, be absolutely sure you NEVER EVEN THINK one of these things    * The secret “naturals” use to make your subconscious overlook any “mistakes” you might make when you are astral traveling    * Exactly what to do when you’re “stuck” inside your body, and how to break that frozen state and exit freely!    * How to use the power of “affirmations” to make your subconscious begin FORCING you to astral travel without even doing an exit technique    * 5 simple words you can to yourself any time when you are “in doubt” or nervous about astral projection that will surge your confidence instantly put you back in the right state of mind    * A way to touch your body when you’re “in meditation” that drives your energy centers wild with activity until you can no longer stay in the physical!    * How new scientific and behavioral studies and developments can help us understand how the dynamics between mind and body work – and to use this information get out of body better    * And much, much more…A Special Bonus…Guest Interviews-Learn From The MastersOne of the most exciting things about this program was the opportunity to bring in some of the amazing MASTERS of astral projection I’ve been fortunate to meet over the last decade…During the 35+ years I’ve been teaching this stuff, I’ve tracked down DOZENS of spiritual experts and coaches, psychics, scientists, psychologists, mystics, shamans, magicians, and people who are naturally successful with astral projection.I’ve met more of these people than just about anybody… and I was fortunate to be able to hand pick the very best of them to join me in the making of this program.You’re going to hear from some practitioners who are literally the best in the world with OBEs as they share the secrets they use to get out of body and astral travel more than any one human even should … along with some other amazing guests who will BLOW YOUR MIND.You’ve heard me say over and over again that there’s no better way to learn than getting it from psychics who have figured it out for themselves. Well, now you can learn DIRECTLY from the best. And who better to interview them but me? You’ll hear me get the GOOD STUFF out of them… the secrets they don’t even share with their friends.The first expert you’ll hear from is a friend of mine who knows more about the subject of how to use Future Lives and Past Lives for spiritual evolution than just about anyone I’ve ever met…In this awesome hour-long presentation, you’ll learn how to use your mental intent and hypnosis to trigger powerful astral projections so you can travel to both the future and the past to view your other lives.Of course you’ll also learn some KILLER tips on how to get on the “fast track” of your soul’s evolution… how to discover your spirit’s true purpose in this life… simple ways to tap into your “superconscious” mind for enlightenment… and a whole lot more…Here’s a short preview of what you’ll learn from him:    * A “tiny” body posture mistake astral projectors make that makes it DIFFICULT to get out of body (You’d never think something so small would have such a BIG effect… but if you find your having trouble with your exits, THIS could be the reason)    * How to use your core beliefs about life to “trick yourself” into FEELING confident and powerful when you want to travel on the astral plane    * A simple change in the way you think that tells your Higher Self that YOU are ready for it to help YOU ascend spiritually…    * I know you’ve heard that humans “need” sleep… but did you know that human beings also need at least 4 hours of “day dreaming” every day AS WELL? Here’s a step-by-step formula for becoming one of those rare practitioners who use their “fantasies” to reprogram their subconscious to CAUSE OBEs automatically    * The Hermetic Law of “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” explained in fine detail… and why this course is a perfect example of this principle at work in your own life (And how to take CHARGE of your destiny, so you MAKE your teachers appear faster and more predictably)    * A simple trick to extend your lifespan… every single time you do this exercise you add minutes to the length of your life    * How to use “Internal Body Experiences” to trigger evolutionary growth… “IBEs” are a new and different way to meditate in trance    * How the “wheel of reincarnation” works… and how to get the hell off of it, so you can enter the Soul Plane and STAY there    * A complete and utter debunking of the “empty shell” body theory that ancient astral projectors used to falsely believe… this ALONE will revolutionize the way you think about OBEA Busy Mom Who Went FromZero To Hero With OBEsShows YOU How To Do The Same…And if that’s not enough… I also was fortunate to get a friend of mine who has her own growing body of students to speak at this program.This particular friend of mine is a professional working mother and housewife. After a busy day of handling the kids and her daily appointments, she heads off to her part-time job teaching English as a second language. Even though her day is booked solid, she STILL managed to overcome her obstacles and learn to successfully get out of body.Now that she’s a full-time mother, part-time teacher, and regular astral projector, she teaches even the busiest spiritual practitioners how to make time in their hectic schedule for meditation and astral projection practice.My friend has become fairly well-known herself and is quickly developing one of the most listened-to podcasts on OBE and spirituality.Prepare to be blown away… this lady is the real deal.Here’s a few more of the exciting things you’ll learn from her:    * How to use her version of the “rope technique” in a new and different way that practically MAKES you get out of body faster then ever before    * How to use your lucid dreams as a powerful “past life” healing tool… and resolve and eliminate any old “sticking points” in your psychology    * Powerful dream journal strategy that helps you track and analyze your progress so well that you’ll be excited to keep your journal    * How to give yourself a major “attitude adjustment” so that you can tackle your fears of astral projection at DESTROY them permanently    * Proven strategies to break through nervousness QUICKLY… from a gal who literally got nervous closing her eyes for meditation just a few years ago….    * The paradigm-changing concept that all of your past lives and futures lives are within your reach, and actually playing out right now. This one belief-change will enable you to access your “simultaneous existences” while astral traveling TEN TIMES more easily    * And That’s Just The Start…The information inside this special bonus will increase your success with astral projection starting IMMEDIATELY.You’ll Also Get A FREE Live”Interviews With Spiritual Gurus”Video Just For Trying This Program…As a very special one-time bonus, I’d also like to give you a FREE interview from my Interviews With Spiritual Gurus monthly interview program.Here’s how it works: Order now, and I’ll throw in a FREE live interview from my Interview Series as a bonus for just trying this program.If you get this awesome interview and you don’t LOVE it and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, then it’s no problem, because you’re not obligated to subscribe to the series in any way. But if you do want to subscribe, then you certainly can.This bonus is worth 67 bucks alone, and it’s yours free just for trying this program – but this special free-interview offer is only available with your purchase right now.[To read more about my The Spiritual Family, click HERE. It’ll open a new page for your convenience.]Watch This Entire Program RIGHT NOW,And Get Success With Astral Projection- Guaranteed – Starting ImmediatelyHere’s the best part about my Astral Projection Mastery Program: You will be watching it INSTANTLY – as soon as you register. No waiting for it to arrive in the mail (like the old days), and no hassles.As soon as you register, you’ll have full access to the program to stream in high-quality full-screen digital format (and it’s compatible with iPhones and iPads).In other words, you’re going to watch this program RIGHT NOW, and then take what you learn to start getting out of body, and having astral adventures immediately.Here’s What You Get:    * Nearly 20 full hours of high resolution video training “on demand” for your immediate viewing online    * A detailed track listing for quick access    * FREE updates for life    * You’ll get a free interview bonus from my Interviews With Spiritual Gurus interview series    * Opportunity to join our “Partners Program” to make money What’s the price for an amazing program like this? Well, even though it will probably save you thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars and save you YEARS of time and frustration, your investment is only 5 easy monthly payments of $99.40. This low price and payment plan includes immediate access to my program, so you can get started right away. And it comes with my better-than-money-back “I’ll take all the risk” Guarantee…Again, you get all the Astral Projection Mastery digitally-recorded videos, all the free bonuses, FREE UPDATES for life, plus the easy payment plan. Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)


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