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Rob Brinded, James Knight – The Code Of The Natural – The Walking Code DVD Course

Rob Brinded, James Knight – The Code Of The Natural – The Walking Code DVD Course [33 Videos (MP4) + 1 Manual (PDF) + 5 Checklists (PDF)]
[33 Videos (MP4) + 1 Manual (PDF) + 5 Checklists (PDF)]



SCIENCE REVEALS STUNNING PROOF: WHENEVER YOU ARE IN MOTION, YOU’RE EITHER ATTRACTING WOMEN LIKE A MAGNET…OR REPELLING THEMSO WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? WHY ARE THESE IDEAS SO GROUNDBREAKING?The Walking Code conquers the science of attraction and converts it to practical, actionable, “done for you” steps that you can set into motion today.Transform how you move and you’re instantly more attractive to women. It’s in how you walk. How you enter a room. How you own that room.And best of all, there’s nothing to learn and nothing to memorize.The Walking Code sets your physique on auto-pilot, switching on your most authentically attractive self without you even having to think about it. It’s that easy.“BUT WHAT IF I’M NOT GOOD LOOKING OR I’M OVERWEIGHT?”Movement in and of itself is sexy for women. In fact, this is the key…even though few, if any men realize it. That can only mean your physical looks matter far less than you could have ever thought.It’s also not about money, fame, the clothes you wear or anything else society has brainwashed us into believing women are attracted to.REMEMBER…YOU HAVE objectIVE PROOFRIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EYESAll we have to do is look at this from our perspective as men.Have you ever seen a woman who isn’t classically beautiful, but she’s so sexy you’ve got to have her? Sure. Every one of us has. Were you to really examine what’s turning you on, it would be her feminine motion.


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