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Rion Williams – Natural Game Seminar 2007 (Audio Rip)

Rion Williams – Natural Game Seminar Audio 2007
[28 AVIs – MP3, 1 PDF]



I enjoy listening to Rion on my ipod and thought others might enjoy this.  This is an mp3 rip of all videos of the program @128 kbps, the audio level of the original files; included is the pdf detailing the contents. Rion Williams – Natural Game Seminar 2007This is a exclusive and is the result of a group buy. Please keep it exclusive. Alpha Relational Dynamics 2007 ‘Natural Game Seminar’ is based on relational & behavioral fundamentals that you ultimately MUST HAVE to be a balanced, high character man of power in an oppressive society (unless you already had a stronger, outsider reality to begin with or can leverage social alpha status right now).You get 10 DVD’s of the entire program.I’ve also used what I teach to network with very powerful and influential people fast.  Power is something that will help you in everything.  Respect from others is priceless.Remember that women are looking for someone their equal or higher in status or value on some level.  It’s time to have them stop disqualifying you and instead ‘open the path’ with them through attraction.I think you know that opening that path and getting their attraction (upfront and fast) means EVERYTHING because nothing will happen otherwise no matter what ‘approach’ ‘technique’ or 207-step game plan you take.  She has to be interested or attracted enough in you to take things further to potentially ‘let you in’.Why not master what counts to become the man you were supposed to be in a challenging dating environment and society?  (Your relational power equality and natural game: the 94% of communication).  This is HOW you can ‘be’ that man.Here’s some more of what you’ll get when you invest (risk-free) in this advanced dating seminar program.  The simple reality of BEING a Natural with women alone is absolutely priceless and I KNOW that you can do it too.* Never have to worry about your sex or love life again while having power and choice with women who want to be with you* How to create and believe in your new reality of power and watch as the world changes around you by changing and controlling the types of relationships and resources you get yourself around* Finally have women wanting you as much or more than you want them* Simple, clear as day charts and models to solve the most complexpsychological problems and free yourself from the prison of your inner game – you won’t believe how clear the most difficult subjects can now be* How to approach the most powerful people or beautiful women and start a REAL relationship that leads somewhere (this alone is worth the entire program) instead of risking rejection or forever being stuck in a Beta mode of not knowing how to have the reality instead of the fantasy* Never have to be stuck in the friend zone unless you want to* How to achieve a level of power and confidence that you ‘become’ anAlpha male and that you won’t let anyone in the world push you around(I’ve achieved this through what I teach you)* How to be the GOOD CATCH women want but don’t just view as a provider anymore – this means YOU’LL have control over the relationship and framing it to how you want when you know and apply what I teach in the program* Lessons from the greatest icons, ladies men and successful people on power and how to create new relationships fast – you’ll know how to not just think and act like them but behave like they do (successfully)* How to communicate with women on that sexual level so that they instantly feel a connection to you without having to worry about your level of inner game* How to break free of your logical mind and harness the power of yournature and energy potential to make massive leaps and bounds inphysiological growth, equality to all power and sexual character – andhow to do it FASTER than all the inner game techniques in the worldcombined* How to have the zen-like power of the most powerful men andaction heroes that will keep you calm and in control in the midstof great chaos. Not only can this save your life but it is acore component of ‘real men’ and is undeniably attractive towomen* Have your body language be communicating ALL of the right things to women without trying and without EVER having to do body language exercises* How to go anywhere in the world and know that you don’t have to worryabout meeting women. (You’re learning from a top international ladiesman himself). This is a priceless peace of mind because you can spenda lot of money on an expensive vacation and it just SUCKS if you can’tget someone to share it with. Having this natural ability to communicatewith women from other cultures is one of the great byproduct benefitsyou’ll get out of this program – without having to know their language* Want to gain experience with women FAST and have higher success ratios* Overcome your resentment towards women largely in part because you’ll be sharing intimacy with them and you’ll be experiencing a whole different side of them* Get rid of deep psychological brooding spots that have been inescapablebefore by leveraging your natural, physiological, emotional and energyabilities as taught in the program to create massive reality change – onceagain this is far more powerful than your current ‘inner game’ understandingof reality is* How to take things to the next step with women instead of havingthem break contact just when you thought you were finally gettingsomewhere by having them wanting to see you more (you’ll have toget used to this)* Have women flirting with you and giving you signs that it’s ok to approach without risking rejection or damage to your ego (all that matters is their interest anyways) can also have women approaching you* Save money while having women MORE interested in you viewing you as a lover (and a provider if you want) so that YOU have the power to experience who you’d would want for a long-term relationship* Psychologically relieve a lifetime of burden off of your inner game and actually achieve inner game mastery* Experience the fantasies you’ve had as a reality with women* Communicate sexual confidence everywhere you go (an ultimate aphrodisiac) without trying no matter how you approach or connect with women.  You’ll never have to give up your power for anyone.* Abolish all inner game issues, butterfly responses and nervousness in communicating with any and all women no matter how beautiful or socially valuable* Actually have your dates ‘go somewhere’ because women will want to see you again, and again.  It’s easy to ‘add’ up the numbers when all of your dates are consistently INTERESTED* Have higher close ratios than even top PUA’s by being a powerful woman’s respected equal while communicating sexually through the reconditioning you’re doing* No more pressure on your or your inner game to ‘do everything’.  Have women talking, laughing and flirting with you while you just ‘be’ (quiet or whatever..great for shyer guys like me)* Be the guy whose friends are asking for advice on women and dating as you’ll be respected among men as well and other people of power* Attract and manage hotter women than you were ever used to before* Abolish approach anxiety through the relational NLP conditioning in the program and cover the 94% of nonverbal and sexual communication everywhere you go* Never be at a loss for words around power and beauty because it won’t throw you off.  That means you can scrap all pick-up lines, field techniques and routines AND women will respect you more* Know when to make your moves and take things further with women without question especially because they’ll be helping you to get physical* Attract and communicate with the level of women you deserve, and have them in your life with Alpha Relational Dynamics and natural game techniques* No more dry spells unless you want them to intensely focus on other areas of your life* Know that you can connect with women comfortably anywhere you go in the world (without an agenda) and they will predictably respect you and usually be interested while helping you to take things further* Never let any man or woman take away your own sense of pride or self-respect* Since you’re not nervous and have power, anything and everything can now work with women and you won’t need to study pick-up could even school top PUA’s on things they aren’t aware of yet* Have the reality of hot women calling and chasing you instead of not experiencing any options or women avoiding you.  This further accelerates your ‘experience’ with women fast.ALL of these stem from the behavioral level you’ll be getting closer to with the training which means you’ll see changes continue to grow and improve with and around women.That’s why I don’t have to tell you ‘what to do’ or some hot technique referenced in the when you have the interest of women, everything is flow.10 years ago, I never would have thought I would have taken this knowledge (and experience with women) AS far as I already have and I’ve put it into here, my latest and most advanced program so that you can save all of the years of hardship not to mention the now industry-leading levels of awareness of social dynamics and behaviorism that would be near impossible to find relevantly on your own in a lifetime.It’s not just cutting through years of wasted time for you, it’s discovering all kinds of pioneering things that no one else in this field is directly and succinctly teaching.  These are the tools to become a man of power that consistently connects with women on a level that other balanced men can’t, not even most PUA’s.I do have to say this: this program is NOT for every guy.  You ‘will’ have to go through physiological changes.Some men might find it too deep and irrelevant by continuing to think the answers lie in techniques, pick-up lines (or their current understanding of inner game being everything).This program is absolutely NOT for them; they’re not yet ready (nor may ever be) for this level of behavioral power and success.It is however for guys who have had enough frustration and years of being less than a man when it comes to women and dating.The Alpha R.D. Natural Game Seminar Multimedia program is for you if you’re ready to make a real and permanent change to ‘step up’ and be the man you were supposed to be.  It’s for you if you know you deserve more dating success but haven’t found the answers in more superficial programs.It is for you if you want to bypass years of in-field experience to be able to connect with women faster, deeper and more powerfully starting a.s.a.p. so your interactions mean something to women in those crucial ‘do or die’ moments initially.Natural Game Seminar is not for beginners or ‘entry level’ guys unless they’re serious about leveraging their real growth and can open their mind to get beyond ‘inner game’.If you know that you’re sick of not having the success you deserve with women.  That you can’t control your energy, can’t seem to get women attracted to you, women continually AREN’T interested or won’t call back, you have approach anxiety, your fantasy world is greater than your reality and you’re tired of other solutions that all seem the same and don’t make any REAL breakthroughs (including inner game work) then the N.G.S. is for you.On the other side, if you’re already a powerful ladies man or having a successful lifestyle, understanding all of this may not be necessary because you are ‘already there’ and too set in your paid the price in some form and you’ll probably just get pissed off by finding out all kinds of things that would have shortened your own learning curve by years – even directly threatening the reality that you’re founded upon.With that said, Natural Game Seminar is NOT your run of the mill dating seminar.  In fact, it may be the only dating program that is obviously DIFFERENT from everything out there on this subject of dating, attraction and seduction.  We massively cover social dynamics but in a different way.I’ve also called it the most advanced dating seminar in history.  Not just based on theoretical ‘knowledge’ but practical, causal truth and most importantly experience with women, social dynamics and power.That also means it’s not going to be what you’d expect in a dating program.We don’t spend all of our time focusing on ‘what to say’..we focus on how you can become a natural alpha in the oppressive First World who attracts and succeeds with women by who he is and how he communicates (remember around 94% of communication is nonverbal).You’ll be handling the 94% of your game that can’t be handled on the inner or social levels (6%).So the tools and training aren’t going to be what you’d expect, but therein truly lies one of it’s greatest strengths.  And you can leverage that!The ‘A.R.D. Natural Game Seminar Program’ consists of 10 DVD’s + a complimentary DVD of Relational Mastery Monthly.This program is reality transforming with the knowledge and tools to make that ultimate breakthrough lifestyle change you were looking for but NEVER achieved yet.  I know this is it and I hope you can use this for your lifestyle as I have.You can be one of the first guys on the forefront of natural game to take and put this powerful training to use in your daily life to START EXPERIENCING THE LEVEL OF RESULTS WITH WOMEN YOU DESIRE.  And you can’t put a price on being that ‘wanted man’.  It balances EVERYTHING else out in your life when you can succeed with women and attract the women you deserve.And, it’s not that I’m against ‘inner game’, but I think you’ll find that with your upcoming level of Relational Mastery & ‘Natural Game’ – your Inner Game will be finally ‘handled’ as well (and you’ll understand why it couldn’t before).-Updates on Rion Williams’ Silver Bullet Resources – I will keep you updated on what to buy, where to buy it – all pre-approved by me.  These are the most powerful Natural Alpha resources and I will even train you on what specific moments to focus on to build your reality.  Remember that you can learn & EXPERIENCE more in 1/24th of a second (a freezeframe) about female nature and energy than you can in approaching 100 women.And More!You get to try it out for free and can keep the 1st DVD even if you decide not to stay and pay.  I had 100’s of testimonials with 2 years ago but this is my most advanced work and it’s updated and new every month delivered to your door.If you want to attract and experience women more consistently with less ‘work’ while being more of a man; then the decision is simple because you will not find this level of information anywhere else but here.The best of the best in the industry are watching me now as I take psychology and behaviorism to higher and deeper levels of relevancy, understanding and applicability WHILE also being a true natural ladies man who leads by example.In fact, because I was pioneering new ground, I have all kinds of concepts and models that are so proprietary that it will be difficult for other experts to duplicate what I teach.  You can leverage this because there is a lot to discover and mold to your lifestyle that you just may not have been accessing yet..With that all said, let’s wrap it up here.Never before in history have we had such behaviorally influencing dynamics that have affected male and female relationships.It wasn’t until I studied the best in the world, drew from my own experiences, my state of mind as a producer and then added the depth that extends beyond anything else.  You get to know the power tools all represented and captured in this historical seminar that represents’how to become a natural with women’with the tools, knowledge and resources to get you there.  You won’t have any more excuses for seeing massive growth and results.  Watch as the world around you changes and how interested women start becoming – more than ever.Paid seminar attendees invested $1700 USD + travel expenses and lodging (I covered snacks & refreshments).I could sell the program for $1000 because of the level of value you won’t find anywhere in the world but also because guys may take it more seriously.  Because of the unique format, however we can get these sets out for less and still retain their inherent value I think.I’ve set the price of the 2007 ‘Natural Game Seminar’ at $497.  A small price to pay for life change and the priceless value you can receive out of becoming a man who naturally attracts and succeeds with women.I know that may still be a bit steep for some guys, so I also offer a 3 month payment plan through paypal.  You also get my 100% 90 day money-back guarantee.  Try it out for yourself to make sure it’s as good as you really hope it is.It’s over 10 hours of me (which I consult now @ $197/hour and you can’t even book an appointment) with powerpoint slides, audio and visual examples mixed in throughout for clarity.Oh, you’ll also get these other valuable bonuses as well including some that are instantly available.Let’s look at what else you’re going to get by investing in your lifestyle with the ‘Natural Game Seminar’ DVD Program:When you Order Now You Are Guaranteed to Receive These Additional Bonuses:Bonus #1:  155 Page ‘Model Magnet’ Philosophy eBook($49 value) Includes actual charts and diagrams of HOW and WHY women are attracted to a certain type of men (the charts never lie).  I’ve cracked the code on relational attraction and actually SHOW you (in practicum) WHAT women want.  This book alone is changing guys lives.Here are the Chapter Titles in your ‘Model Magnet’ System OverviewModel Magnet Philosophy: IntroWhy it’s in your best interestFirst Impression: How Women SeeShe’s as Tough as a SGM: ExtrapolationDo Men Extrapolate & Judge Women?It’s More Than LooksUNIVERSAL/NATURAL BRIEFINGINDEPENDENT BRIEFINGINTERDEPENDENCE BRIEFINGCharacter Continuum: OverviewWhy Character MattersThe Average PUA: ChartedThe Wussboy: ChartedThe Natural/Universal EffectivenessHer Attraction/ResponseThe F.A.R.M.The Relational Model of AttractionWhy are Women Attracted to Bad Boys?The Relational Model: Man’s PerspectiveSuccess Prevention AnalogyHow a Man Fails / Keeping MagnetismTrue Colors & Men who SucceedMaintaining Your Independence..Deeper into the Character RealityExtrapolate This! & Your ImageIs all of this worth it?Pre-Teen Girls: Judges of CharacterBoy Band Attraction PhenomenonPUA & the Bigger PictureThe Path Less TakenModel Magnet Philosophy: SummaryThe Model Magnet Training SystemAdditional Diagrams/ Appendix”The information that you fathomed is one of the biggest truths for men and their liberation, so keep spreading the word.”   -J.b. germanyBonus #2:”ATTRACTION DEFINED”ON CD ($47 RETAIL)Video training includes..?Male Character Continuum?Female Attraction Response Model?Relational Model of AttractionVideo presentation from Rion Williams ‘the sage’Now available for the first time on CD with Alpha R.D. or Natural Game S onlyI cover this on stage in the Natural Game but it’s in much more detail and clarity here so you understand more of what I’m teachingthis is the first system to actually (and accurately) show the attraction relationship between men and women.”The effect is that my anxiety is dropping out, and I’m also FEELING my inner power – it IS there. It is like the story of the lion who was brought up with lambs (or what ever it was) and so he thought he was a lamb, but now I’ve been told I’m really a lion.The content and the charts blew my mind and made me realize the answer to my problems.  I am not congruent enough with the natural part of myself.  Now I feel as though the puzzle is now complete and I can get laid regularly now instead of getting laid once every two months… or going for years without getting any at all…. I will be about to not only live in the Matrix but I will be the owner of the Matrix.This stuff is awesome dude.  You are genius my friend.”  -D.K.”I must say well done for putting the paradigm of a natural into writing.  First time I’ve seen this done and explained in this way.I’ve always known myself to be a natural man of character and integrity, and have had some very interesting experiences as I’m sure all naturals do.Your understanding and representation of the Character Continuum & RMA is spot on. I’m excited about this and the implications.Regarding the whole seduction thing, I’ve always known it is a crock of sh*t.  Same as the PUA stuff…….A few years ago I actually bought his Advanced CD Series (DYD) and it did have some interesting stuff in it, but if I were to compare it to the Model Magnet and Character Continuum, DYD would be the intermediate level or introduction to something much more profound.     -Philip.  South AfricaBonus #3:Program Binder& Copyrighted DiagramsYou’ll receive your ‘offline’ training in a jam-packed information binder with 10 DVD’s and..        Printout Diagrams on:               F.A.R.M.Relational Mapping ChartsPure Independence MappingN.E.O. & Influential Trajectory MappingSocial Matrix Power RelationshipsFeminine Tri-Characteristic Cognition & DifferentiationThese resources will give you awareness of women and sexuality like never before in your life.  Sexuality is redefined and you see it CLEARLY with visual examples from Natural Alpha models and energy.  It’s nothing like you thought it was and this lies at the root of your massive change.Absolutely breakthrough in scope…can’t even compare it to your own limitations.  You will see HOW women are the path to sex and how to get there consistently as well as be comforted around the most intimidating of women.I’m a senior in high school. I went from being a motivationless virgin in freshmen year to where I’ve always wanted to be… The improvements are so dramatic, I am a completely different person.  I can’t really imagine being AFC any longer, its just so far out of my reality. All I remember is that I went from being AFC to a jerk, to an attractive guy. I started my transformation by reading Rion’s Model Magnet ebook, which created a solid foundation, then I started studying material from other seduction gurus. Mystery was cool but it felt unnatural, so I moved onto RSD and Enlightened Seduction, and nothing but love for both the RSD crew and Zan. The Claw is amazing, I still use it. Then Rion’s Secret to Women was released, and after adjusting for a day or so, I deeply understood it. Now, here I am today. This is still only the beginning, but I just had to thank everything that has helped me get here.   -AsankhyaI never knew how would be a woman free of all social/cultural/personal constraints, totally at ease in her body and free. Once I could sense it, the pure feminine energies…to my big surprise it released almost all tensions in my body, I am sooo much more at ease and I project stronger energies… I could go on for hours  -mysteryx93Just Added: BonusYou also receive the Natural Grounding version of the Secret of Women video (without the text overlays) to focus on the natural alpha relational dynamic for NLP use.Click here for 100+ more Rion Williams testimonials”Just wanted to say that the natural game seminar is the BEST thing you’ve ever done. I don’t know if it was the way you taught it but ARD just went over my head at some parts.I mean I understood the concepts, like I knew what causality was but didn’t know how it applied to what you were talking about.  It’s soo much more clear here. Everything is really.  You are crazy to not be charging more for this. It’s even less than ARD. And to me(while ARD was good) this is even better and more clear…..I could go on and on for several pages like a normally do but I’ll just save you the time and say this shit is off the hook!”           -BrandonTry this program for 90 days with my rock-solid guarantee.


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