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Rion Williams – Cure my approach anxiety notes

rion williamson – cure my approach anxiety notes.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



My notes of the programRion Williams – Cure my approach anxiety it in a pdf cause i made some screenshots. (instead of posting it in the notes-forum like usual)some discussion about rion is going on here: comments from me:- this makes me angry. He talks shit the first 20min. he basically just says: society nice guy believes is wrong. this guy brings up his ‘relationship mastery monthly’ which one should also buy every 2nd sentence, like literary 30 times, cracy – he has one little small concept that can be helpful perhaps, but could easily said in 10 slides or 5minutes -> I do this here in these notes on 8 little pages with some sentences . He takes fucking *4 hours* of talking to do it.  Concepts /reframes that make it easier to approach (eg I am just looking how she reacts) have been around long time and are small tiny stuffs in other systems.  His system is basically watching some youtube videos of lively natural women which are not even hypnosis (which I don’t believe in really) – then you will have no anxiety anymore. You shall do this for 6(!) months. And they encourage like 6-8 hours a day. Here is the forum:  – this reminds me of tapping, eft, holosync or other magic-pills that you then have somehow to do like for endless hours, and the results reported are at best inconsistent, and of course more and more products about the simple magic pill solution. keep it at elib


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