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Reboot Your Brain hosted by Erin Matlock 2013 (23.mp3’s, 1.mp4, 1.pdf, 1.html file set)

Reboot Your Brain 2013 – Erin Matlock



Reboot Your Brain         Cutting Edge Ways To Upgrade Your Brain!During this online event, over 20 Experts will show you how to:       • Eat a prescription of  brain foods to increase concentration and focus and reduce your risk          for depression       • Boost your brainpower with specific habits that can help stave off Alzheimer’s       • Turn your memory into a super computer and photo read at up to 25,000 words per minute       • Get into a high performance state of flow just like top athletes and CEOs       • Use meditation and hypnosis to naturally reduce stress, fear and anxiety       • Hardwire your brain to achieve contentment, happiness and confidence       • Activate your hidden creative genius and use the latest neuroscience to finally          get a peaceful night’s sleep       • And much, much more!Meet the Experts and learn about their Topics:BRAIN FACTS AND MYTHS – Ginger Campbell MDJoin Reboot Your Brain host, Erin Matlock, and Brain Science Podcast host, Dr. Ginger Campbell, in this special advance session. Dr. Campbell sets the record straight on facts and myths about your brain.She’ll be answering questions like:       • Do we really only use 10% of our brain?       • Do men have bigger brains… and are they smarter than women?       • Are we either right brain or left brain dominant?       • Do we actually produce new brain cells throughout life or are we stuck with the lot we received at birth?       • And more!PREscriptION BRAIN FOOD – Drew Ramsey MDStraight from his Organic Farm in Indiana, Dr. Drew Ramsey gives you his Prescription for Brain Food and tells you what nutrients and vitamins you need to reduce your risk for depression, increase happiness, concentration and focus. He also settles the debate on whether or not you should be eating a Vegetarian or even Vegan diet.He’ll also reveal:       • The “Nature Vitamin” whose low levels have been linked to depressed mood and multiple sclerosis.       • The sweet treat that can stimulate your brain, improve your mood and increase your concentration.       • How to buy brain healthy organic food without breaking the bank.       • The delicious and healthy swap for that afternoon candy bar fix.PHOTO READING – Paul Scheele PhDLearn to read at speeds of up to 25,000 words per minute as the founder of Photo Reading shows you step by step how to activate your whole-mind system to “mentally photograph” entire pages. You’ll tap into the exact way your brain likes to process information and can quickly start reading at 3 times your current speed.He’ll also reveal:       • How you self sabotage your brain’s ability to reach its full potential.       • How to speed up the rate that your brain processes information.       • How to bypass the conscious mind with the “Photo Focus” method.       • How to use the “Tangerine Technique” to activate the neural centers of your brain that allow you to stay focused on your task.BOOST YOUR BRAIN POWER – Marie Pasinski MDHarvard trained neurologist, Dr. Marie Pasinksi teaches you how to easily incorporate healthy brain habits into your daily routine to boost your brain and help prevent Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia.She’ll teach you:       • The difference between Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia.       • The #1 risk factor responsible for up to 50% of all Alzheimer’s cases (which is something you actually can control).       • The difference between normal memory lapses and memory problems that need to be addressed by your doctor.       • Whether or not you can really change your health by changing your thoughts.ADHD – Rory Stern PsyDIs your diagnosis holding you back? Break through the limiting label of ADHD as Dr. Stern shows you how to use your differences to your advantage in both school and in daily life.  Break through the limiting label of ADHD as Dr. Stern shows you how to use your differences to your advantage in both school and in daily life.He’ll teach you:       • The real reason some children are labeled with ADHD without getting the full picture.       • Why gifted children and those with ADHD are treated differently for the exact same behavior.       • The “illusion technique” you can begin using tonight that will immediately give your kids a sense of control over their lives.       • The key factor in determining how your child will respond to his or her educational challenges.NEUROSCIENCE OF SLEEP – Alex DomanHaving trouble with your sleep? Over 40 million adults have chronic issues with sleep. CEO of Advanced Brain Technologies, Alex Doman, explains exactly why you can’t sleep at night and gives us neuroscience’s recommendation for catching some healthy zzz’s.He’ll reveal:       • The one thing you should NEVER do right before you go to bed.       • How to reset your body’s internal clock so you fall asleep easier and wake up without an alarm.       • The special type of “music” that literally RETRAINS YOUR BRAIN you can easily fall fast asleep.       • How much sleep you really need each night to avoid physical and mental health problems.RECOVERY 2.0 – Tommy RosenWhy do some people live extraordinary lives in recovery while others struggle to maintain sobriety? Join yoga teacher and recovery expert Tommy Rosen as he shares his personal journey through recovery and beyond.He’ll teach you:       • The real reason addicts turn to their drug of choice. (This one is a real eye opener!)       • How to spot early addiction warning signs in your kids.       • How to make sure your recovery sticks. This goes FAR BEYOND the 12 steps.       • The best way to handle someone you care about if they are in the grips of an addiction.MEMORY IMPROVEMENT – Jim KwikHave you ever forgotten someone’s name right after they gave it to you? Memory Expert Jim Kwik explains exactly why this happens and teaches you step by step how to remember every name, every time.He’ll reveal:       • The three surprising reasons why we forget things and how to fix them.       • Step by step instructions for remembering people’s names so you never feel embarrassed again.       • The #1 question to ask yourself to “prime your brain” to remember something important.       • The whole-brain technique for taking notes that will superglue the information to your memory.HARDWIRING HAPPINESS – Rick Hanson PhDBestselling author Dr. Rick Hanson teaches you how to use brain science to achieve contentment, calm and confidence. You’ll quickly use good moments to build a great brain full of happiness, ease, comfort and self worth.He’ll teach you:       • How to “re-sculpt” your brain for greater well-being, happiness and love.       • The single most powerful way to rewire your own brain for happiness.       • Why your brain focuses on the negative and how to reprogram yourself to automatically focus on the good.       • How to teach your kids to Hardwire their Brains for Happiness too!NEUROFEEDBACK – Siegfried Othmer PhDDr. Siegfried Othmer teaches you the research behind what some are calling the secret key to erasing PTSD, Depression, Autism. Is it really as easy as watching a movie?He’ll reveal:       • How your brain uses its own EEG to “auto-correct” any problem areas in the neural pathways.       • What actually happens to your brain during Neurofeedback.       • How neurofeedback is changing the lives of people with Autism, Depression, Migraines, PTSD, Brain Injury and Addictions.       • How you can watch a movie or play a video game and rewire your brain at the same time.FLOW GENOME PROJECT – Jamie Wheal and Steven KotlerGet into the State of Flow just like top CEOs and Extreme Athletes with this science packed training that shows you exactly how to activate a state of consciousness where you feel and perform your best. Also discover the neurobiological reason you are attracted to certain activities and habits while shunning others.They’ll show you:       • How to train yourself to naturally enter into a state of Flow and ensure optimal learning and performance.       • How getting into a state of Flow can train your brain to learn up to 200% faster.       • The two types of schools that were found to produce the most Flow Like environments for children.       • Exactly why you lose track of time when you are in a Flow State and doing something you love.SECOND FIRSTS – Christina RasmussenExpert grief counselor, Christina Rasmussen, lost her husband to cancer at age 35. Listen in as she walks you through her ground breaking SecondFirsts program where she shows you how to Re-Enter a thriving, happy and fulfilling life after Loss.She’ll reveal:       • Why your brain is actually “primed” to hold onto your grief and how to REPROGRAM yourself for your life after loss.       • How to find your “portal event” that LEADS YOU INTO your recovery.       • The “secret missions” that are designed to easily move you through the big steps and second firsts of your life.       • Exactly what to do to protect yourself from friends and family who are not ready for you to recover from loss.MEDITATION – Craig HamiltonNeuroscience has shown that developing a meditation practice can help with stress, anxiety, depression, addiction and cognitive function. Meditation instructor Craig Hamilton demystifies the practice and shows you how you can use meditation to change your own brain.He’ll show you:       • How you can improve concentration, creativity, reduce stress and feel happier by using the ancient technique of meditation.       • How long it usually takes to feel the benefits of a meditation practice.       • What’s the best time to meditate and exactly HOW TO BEGIN meditating today. (Craig shows you how in this session!)       • How to incorporate meditation into your children’s lives.PSYCHOLOGY OF EATING – Marc DavidInstitute for the Psychology of Eating Founder, Marc David, shows you the hidden reasons you struggle with your weight. This eye opening training will immediately change the way you relate to food and its affect on your brain.He’ll reveal:       • The “lifestyle” reason you have problems or attachments with certain foods. (Finally an answer!)       • Why the “calories in calories out” model simply does not work, and what to use instead.       • The uncommon conditions you may have that are sabotaging your ability to shed the extra weight once and for all.       • How to “retrain your brain” to work with your digestive system and optimize the way your body responds to the food you eat.HYPNOSIS – Mark TyrrellExperience the relaxing benefits of your very own hypnosis session with leading UK hypnosis expert, Mark Tyrrell. Discover the science based effects of stress reduction and relaxation and the difference between magician-trick stage “hypnosis” and real therapeutic hypnosis delivery.He’ll show you:       • How hypnosis blasts through your critical conscious mind and puts you into a state of rapid learning.       • Whether or not you’ll lose control during a session like the people you see in “magician stage acts”.       • If you’re actually hypnotizable or not. (The answer might surprise you!)       • How hypnosis is helping people with depression, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, stress and addictions.BRAIN TRAINING – Martin WalkerWhat’s all the fuss about brain training? Oxford trained Martin Walker cuts through the research, talks candidly about the actual benefits of training and advises whether or not your kids should be training at all. His answer might surprise you!He’ll reveal:       • How to use brain training to strengthen your willpower against harmful habits, impulses and addictions.       • What a London Taxi Driver can teach you about keeping your brain sharp for life.       • What type of brain training will be the most effective for you. (One size does NOT fit all!)       • When to start your kids on a brain training program to avoid overloading them with unnecessary work.ACTIVATING CREATIVITY – Drema Dial PhDSpend an intimate session with leading psychologist, Dr. Drema Dial, as she teaches you innovative ways to use creativity to achieve a more satisfying and inspiring life.She’ll show you:       • Why you lose your natural creativity spark at a young age. (And how to get it back!)       • The “5 minute exercise” you can start today that will naturally reset your brain for full creativity.       • How to use imperfection to your advantage to get more enjoyment out of life.       • Two surefire ways to use creativity to blast through harmful stressors like rush hour traffic.WEIGHT LOSS AND YOUR BRAIN – Steven Sisskind MDBeing overweight has been tied to a higher rate of Dementia. Dr. Steven Sisskind explains how and why your brain keeps you fat and how to trick it into helping you lose the weight.He’ll show you:       • The 4 hidden “fat triggers” that are running wild in your body and how to tame them to set yourself up for quick weight loss.       • How to reignite your body’s fat burning furnace by increasing levels of this one hormone.       • The all natural ways to lower the levels of the 3 hormones that are making you hungry and are keeping the pounds on.       • The daily habit that predicts whether or not you will struggle with weight gain and excess hunger. (You can easily fix this one!)UNGIFTED – Scott Barry Kaufman PhDChild prodigies, gifted programs and perfect scores on the SAT. Is the world conspiring to make the rest of us feel inadequate? Through his research, Best Selling Author of Ungifted and Cognitive Psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman proves that anyone can become great.He’ll reveal:       • Why today’s method of intelligence testing is deeply flawed and unable to serve children in the way they deserve.       • How Dr. Kaufman overcame his own early childhood learning challenges to go on to earn an ivy league education.       • How the Neuro Diversity movement is using Dyslexia, Autism, Mental Illness and other challenges to highlight          the incredible gifts possessed by these individuals.       • Why some children should be removed from gifted programs even though they successfully tested into them.          (This one is controversial.)ENHANCED LEARNING SKILLS FOR KIDS – Colleen BainChildhood education expert, Colleen Bain, explains the real reasons your child is struggling in school and how to be your own expert so they can break through the negative labeling and finally find their way to academic excellence.She’ll show you:       • The #1 learning challenge for students and the surprising reason behind it.       • Why you child’s “memory cup” may not be big enough to process important information.       • The cognition challenge that is being misdiagnosed as ADHD.       • Step by step ways to overcome test anxiety and finally see grades that correlate to the hard work put into studying.WORK HACKS – Julia RoyBoring, drawn out meetings, email inbox overwhelm, workplace distractions and lack of organization all contribute to poor performance, repetitive stress and high turnover. Productivity expert Julia Roy shares the exact work hacks she teaches her corporate clients so you can get more done and get on with living life.She’ll show you:       • The productivity expert’s way to run a meeting so you get the most efficient results in the least amount of time.       • The one thing you should NOT be doing at a meeting.       • How to finally tame your email inbox and take back control of your day.       • Why you procrastinate and the tech tool that can help you blast through your to-do tasks.NEUROSURGERY – Paul Saphier MDNeurosurgeon, Dr. Paul Saphier, takes you on a journey deep into your brain as he shares cutting edge techniques for preventing, recognizing and treating stroke.He’ll show you:       • The preventable causes of stroke that you should be paying attention to starting right now.       • The 2 types of stroke and how to tell if you or someone you know is having one.       • The FIRST thing you need to do if you think you or someone you know is having a stroke. (Every minute counts.)       • The cutting edge procedure that is completely reversing symptoms in some stroke patients.LIVING THE GOODLIFE – Jonathan FieldsBest selling author, Jonathan Fields, left a successful life as a hedge fund lawyer to open a yoga studio just before the 9-11 attacks on the U.S. Learn exactly what it takes to change a life that no longer fulfills you and grab hold of the life you were meant to live.He’ll show you:       • The surprising reasons why you don’t chase your life’s dream and instead stay in a life unfulfilled.       • How to “rewire your brain” to overcome negative self talk and spur yourself on to positive self talk.       • The unique trick to eliminate the anxiety attached to taking the large leaps in life.       • How and when to approach your spouse or significant other if you’d like to make a big change in your life or career.About your host Erin MatlockErin Matlock is founder and CEO of Brain Pages Inc, a new media company spreading awareness of ethical brain and mental health professionals, resources and products.  A popular speaker and dedicated mental health advocate, she survived a life crippling battle with clinical depression and uses her story to inspire those fighting their own personal battle.  A life long brain junkie, Erin is a member of Mensa and served as an official testing proctor for the organization.  She encourages people to be their own advocate and uses her online reach to bring the best experts and the latest solutions to the people who need them the most.


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