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Realsubliminal – Speed Reading

Real Subliminal – Speed Reading
[1CdRip – 4WAV]



This product is due to the courtesy of arvindSpeed Reading SubliminalSpeed ReadingLearn to speed read text easily and automatically with our mind enhancing subliminal speed reading album.    Do you need to learn how to speed read to excel in your studies / exams?    Do you need to read a LOT of information in a short amount of time?    Have you tried other freeware speed reading utilities without success?Speed reading allows you to read large amounts of text without reducing your retention and comprehension. Some people naturally speed read more than others, it is partially down to practice, but also because of the different ways our brains are wired to interpret text based information.People who can read faster generally have a higher IQ, better memory, and will perform better in exams. Also, because of this improved intelligence and memory function they will often succeed in achieving their goals, and beat other people to more prestigious career positions.The good news is that speed reading is a skill which anyone can learn. This subliminal mp3 album is designed to teach you to speed read! It targets your subconscious mind to boost your speed reading capabilities. Here is how it will help you:    Improve your ability to “chunk” sections of text and read larger amounts of text at the same time.    Reduce the need to “sub-vocalise” every word (this is the process where your internal voice “reads aloud” each word as you read). Reading without sub-vocalising will greatly increase your speed reading rate.    Develop the ability to read words without needing to see every letter.    Skim read small sections of text at a much faster rate.Unlike some freeware speed reading utilities our subliminal mp3 requires no conscious effort from yourself. It works in the background, targeting your subconscious mind to make internal changes to the way your mind interprets and processes text based information, the end result being you will gain a much faster speed reading rate.If you are a slow reader, struggle to stay focused, or over analyze everything you read, then our album can help you. Don’t continue to finish in second place anymore, buy our powerful speed reading subliminal mp3 album today and reach your full potential!Speed Reading Front CD CoverSpeed Reading CD+ BONUS free subliminal track! We also give you a 4th subliminal track which is completely silent containing key messages from the first 3 tracks. Listen to this subliminal track anywhere, anytime for maximum exposure.


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