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Ramesh Balsekar Video -The Kovalam Happening

Ramesh Balsekar
[2 mp4s]



Kovalam Beach, Kerala IndiaRamesh S. Balsekar (May 25, 1917 – September 27, 2009) was a disciple of the late Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, a renowned Advaita master. From early childhood, Balsekar was drawn to Advaita, a nondual teaching, particularly the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Wei Wu Wei. He wrote more than 20 books, was president of the Bank of India, and received guests daily in his home in Mumbai until shortly before his death.In 1987 Ramesh travelled overseas for the first time to America to give a series of Seminars on his Teaching.  Since that time Ramesh has given annual Seminars in America, Europe or India as well as speaking daily at his residence in Mumbai, India.In November 2002 over 100 people from all around the world gathered at Kovalam Beach, Kerala in South India to attend a 10 day Seminar with Ramesh Balsekar.  In his daily talks Ramesh cut through the tremendous confusion surrounding Spirtituality and showed how the Understanding of Spirituality affects a person’s daily life.This 2 hour film includes the best of Ramesh’s talks and interviews with the Seminar participants, set against the lush backdrop of Kovalam Beach in Kerala.Over these past years Ramesh’s Teaching has become the most focused guide into spirituality that is available today.  Ramesh’s Teaching provides a clear and practical way to bring peace and harmony into the daily lives of men and women living in the 21st century.This is a wonderful video showing Ramesh at his best in the lush setting of Kovalam Beach.EnjoyBaba13[


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