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[GB] Steve G. Jones – HypnoTranquility: The Self Hypnosis Mastery Program [16 CDs (mp3), 17 JPEG]



Steve G. Jones – HypnoTranquility: The Self Hypnosis Mastery ProgramThis is the result of a Group Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!GB THREADSALES PAGESelf-hypnosis is the scientific method by which a trained professional helps you guide yourself into an alternate state of mind, and reprogram your subconscious to achieve a specific goal. Some of the most popular applications include:    * Effective, lasting and healthy weight loss without relapses or internal struggles    * Resistance-free elimination of bad habits like smoking, snacking and gambling    * Improve your money mindset, allowing you to earn, save and invest better    * Enhancing your creativity and problem-solving skills so you can get ahead in your career and personal life    * Boosting your self-confidence for better performance in social situations and a heightened sense of self-worth    * Positive attitude readjustment to eliminate unwanted thoughts patterns like negativity, hopelessness and depressionMODULE 1INTRODUCTIONMODULE 2GETTING IN THE ZONE WITH INDUCTIONSMODULE 3DEEPENING FOR BETTER RESULTSMODULE 4ENGINEERING YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH scriptSMODULE 5THE FIVE-WEEK WEIGHT LOSS METHODMODULE 6THE THREE-WEEK SMOKE-FREE METHOMODULE 7THE TITANIUM FAT BUSTER SESSIONMODULE 8THE TITANIUM FREEDOM FROM SMOKING SESSIONMODULE 9THE TITANIUM SELF HYPNOSIS MASTERY SESSIONMODULE 10THE TITANIUM UNBREAKABLE MOTIVATION SESSIONMODULE 11THE TITANIUM BLISSFUL RELAXATION SESSIONMODULE 12THE TITANIUM POSITIVE ATTITUDE SESSIONMODULE 13HYPNOTRANQUILITY BACKGROUND MUSIC


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