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Niraj Naik – SOMA Therapeutic Breathwork Techniques

Niraj Naik – SOMA Therapeutic Breathwork Techniques
[WebRips – 23 MP4 + 3 MP3, documents – 12 PDF]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the SOMA 21 Day Awakening Breath Protocol GB ()GB is CLOSEDNiraj Naik – SOMA Therapeutic Breathwork Techniques [WebRips – 23 MP4 + 3 MP3, documents – 12 PDF]Product Page:…Product Information:Quote:THE AWAKENING BREATH PROTOCOLSupercharge Your Mind, Body & Spirit And Call In Your True Life’s Purpose In This 21 Day Virtual RetreatWhat Happens To Your Brain After SOMA ‘The Awakening’?In May 2016 we performed the SOMA Awakening Breathwork ceremony at an event called Afest by Mindvalley.A team of NASA scientist’s and founders of Peak Neurofitness measured brainwaves during the session and the results were astonishing, confirming that participants can have emotional releasing, deep relaxation and even Aha moments in just one session.Trypnaural Ultra combined with special breathwork techniques handed down from true masters of ancient breathwork techniques enhances brain function like nothing else!Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT)A Medically Approved Therapy With Instantaneous Health BenefitsNew research shows that intermittent hypoxic training, where you create brief periods of low oxygen levels, can produce almost instantaneous results by actually stimulating stem cells to come out of their niches and move around the body and to places where they can heal and regenerate healthy cells for your organs.This form of therapy has been used by Russian doctors for decades to treat a number of diseases such as coronary heart disease, and even to improve recovery time from injury and athletic training. Stamina and endurance is also enhanced as intermittent hypoxia stimulates the production of new muscle tissue, red blood cells and even blood vessels.Medical clinics use expensive equipment for IHT making the cost of this treatment in the thousands, however The Awakening Protocol creates the same effect using the power of just your breath!Including Therapeutic Breathwork – 5 core breathwork techniques that awaken your inner pharmacy:REST/RELAXHow to turn off stress, lower heart rate & blood pressure, decrease pain and tap into your autonomic nervous systemENERGYHow to raise core body temperature, heart rate and produce a controlled stress response to ward off illness and inflammatory diseases.LONGEVITYBenefits of intermittent hypoxia for more stamina, better circulation, anti-aging, longevity and peak performance.CLEANSEHow to drink air to purify digestive system, suppress hunger, eliminate bad bacteria and promote growth of good bacteria.DETOXHow to clear toxins from your gut, remove nasal and sinus congestion and purify your blood.Contributors: Now, ratio-freeVIP+: 2 WeeksPU+: 7 WeeksUsers: 20 years


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