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Nick Shane – Secrets of Attraction

Nick Shane – Secrets Of Attraction.pdf
[eBook – PDF fixed]



Another personally bought product brought to you by me bought this one today, so I bring it here to you at elib.techNick Shane – Secrets of Attraction [eBook – PDF fixed]Previous upload was faulty, the pdf was blank after a number of pages.I have checked that this file is as it should be and it is Nick Shane (Playboy Skool) – Secrets of Attraction info :    “You’re About To Learn Every Single Trick, Move And Technique I Discovered After 11 Years In The Dating-Game”    I am about to give you a completely unfair advantage over other guys who – just like you – want to meet and date women        Listen carefully!        What I have here is something I wasn’t sure I should show you.        I have been playing the dating game for over 11 years now, and I have gotten pretty good at it.        That’s why I can teach you things nobody else can … Can you get a woman’s phone-number in under 3 minutes flat?   Can you approach a woman in a group and make her leave her friends to talk to you?   Can you make a woman so attracted to you, that she will miss you the second you leave her alone? Can you steal a girl who already has a boyfriend? Can you get a woman to blush and giggle when you walk past? Can you get a model, a hottie … a real 10 to be your girlfriend?   Can you get drinks paid for you in nightclubs and bars just to allow women to have your attention? Can you have women fall in love with you within 2 dates … and enter a relationship with you she never wants to leave?        So … Do you want to know how I do all of the above?        If you are really serious about becoming successful at meeting, dating and attracting women … and want to give yourself the extra edge, this is what you have been searching for all your life!    The Shocking Truth        97% of guys will NEVER be good with women.        Most guys just plain ol’ fashion suck at the dating game. They don’t know that attraction doesn’t work the same for women than it does for men.        They don’t know what you can do and what is really possible.        You may think that getting a phone-number from a good looking woman on a saturday night is not too shabby, right?        What if I told you that when I’m done with you … you will be able to get 5 new phone-numbers every weekend?        You see, the reason why most guys aren’t as successful as they could be … is simply because somebody else is better than them.        People like me!        I am exactly the guy that will steal your girlfriend and maker her cheat on you.        I am the type of guy women will WANT to meet and sleep with …        I am the guy most other guys who are nice, clingy and just don’t get it HATE with a passion.        So you need to ask yourself: Are you like me … or like the rest?        I don’t think you are quite ready to be at my level … but I can teach you how you can be!    This Is Your Wake-Up Call        You need to get a good look at yourself … right now.        How’s life with women at the moment?        Do you still get shot-down and rejected? Are you still struggling to get the confidence up when approaching that hottie over there? Are women just not interested in you anymore after the first date?        How about getting a phone-number? You shouldn’t have a lot of problems getting one here and there … but are they desperate to meet up with you and hang out?    …or do they just not really bother once you leave?        This is your wake-up call man!        You got the basics down, you do know the foundations of the dating game … but you will NEVER become as successful as you could be without the help of a guy who is better than you.        You need somebody who can show you the ropes, somebody that has been there and done it more times than 10 other guys put together.        A guy like me!    I will show you every trick in the book, every move to get your out of a pickle, every technique ever discovered to create sexual attraction … the list goes on and on.        Bootcamp is over!        My ebook and my newsletter should have given you a very good insight into the dating game and why most nice-guys always finish last with women.        Now … you need to step up to the big-leagues, learn the rest and catch up what you have missed in life.        Learn From My Past Experiences        I have so many tricks and tips up my sleeve it would take me hours to write all of this down.        But if there is one universal kick-starter for you to learn it is this: Use my TESTED and PROVEN lines, tricks and methods and you will be successful right away!        You see, whenever I found a cool line or a neat little technique that I had used the day or week before and it worked … then I made sure I would use it again!        That way, I would not have to face the uncertainty of ‘what might happen if I say this’ … because I already knew what was going to happen.        So my advice is to ALWAYS use what works … or even better … has worked in the past!        But if you don’t know what works in the first place, then you are indeed at square one!        Fortunately, you won’t have to be. I have done all the work for you already!        Just use all my tips, lines, methods and techniques that have been TESTED many, many times already … and you will get the same results that I get right now.        Remember, everything comes from my own personal experiences and NOT from any repackaged old book from 30 years ago.    The Biggest Secrets Of Attraction        This isn’t just what you have read in my first book called Playboyskool … my Secrets of Attraction book is much more advanced, TEN times more detailed and jam-packed with every single move, trick and technique I discovered after 11 years of experience.    It gives you a much more indepth explanation of why and how sexual attraction works … and reveals all the shocking truths about women and the dating game.    Inside, you will learn… How to strenghten your inner self-belief and increase your confidence! Lern how to increase your confidence ten-fold … overnight, within 24hours…and completely shatter your emotional barriers!     What 99 out of a 100 guys do that shoots down their chances as soon as they open their mouths… and how to easily avoid this common mistake.   How to attract a woman naturally, without having to “trick her” by using fabricated stuff … but just by being yourself.   Learn what other alpha-males do! Iwill teach you the inner beliefs and guarded secrets of those guys who are super successful with women, and how to get these inner beliefs yourself.     How to banish negative thinking and that internal voice of “self-talk” that’s always holding you back. Learn how to perminanently BOOST your inner confidence level.   More, More, More … Conversation starters, lines and material! This book is packed with conversation topics that help turn any boring conversation into a fun and sexual interaction. You will never have to worry about what to say anymore. Discover word-for-word lines that you can easily memorize and work with groups of women, and even when the women are with other men   Discover the best traits of the “ladies-man” and “player” for triggering instant attraction that average guys lack and without being an abusive jerk How to appear SEXY in front of women. How women subconsciously classify men between “sexy” and “loser” and how you can cheat their classification system. Become an unstoppable juggernaut! The keys to reprogramming your brain to break through the barriers that are emotioanlly holding you back!   How to get a kiss from a woman without being shot down! How to smoothly kiss a woman that eliminates any chance of rejection     Street and Bar approaches that never fail! Ways to start up a conversation on the street or in a bar that work EVERY time.     Slick tactics if you want to play dirty. How to bypass a woman’s defenses so she doesn’t even realize you’re picking her up – until it’s “too late” and you’re already “in”     How to make women chase you immediately! How to give a woman that “I have to have him” feeling that she normally only gets from celebrities, the rich, and super good looking     Why you should NEVER buy a woman a drink. Discover the lamest and worst attempts to chat up a woman in modern history.     The first 3 minutes … how to make a GREAT 1st impression. The most important time-period of attracting women is right in the beginning. Learn how to make a first impression that will have her want you right away!   Avoiding the most crucial mistakes! Learn the biggest mistakes that “average” guys make that kill their chances. If you’re still having some trouble, it’s because you are committing at least one of these mistalkes.     Learn how to approach and meet ANY woman … even is she seems unapproachable and out of yoru league.     How NOT to approach women! The one way NOT to physically approach a woman and why so many men crash and burn before they even open their mouths because of this one mistake!     How to tell a woman you like her without sounding like a wimp. How to express your sexual interest to women without EVER being rejected.     The fastest ways of kissing or making out with a woman I ever came across. This technique truly is the fastest way to get physical with a woman, within just seconds after meeting her     The most crucial steps of meeting women. What you MUST do when meeting a woman (skip just one or two of these steps and you’re gone with the wind).     If you broke up or recently got divorced … The secret to getting out of a “rut” and back into the game with women. Learn how to kick-start your learning curve rigth away and see results in the first days     Learn Storytelling to use in Conversations. Learn how to master conversation and storytelling in a way that makes women HANG on your every word you say.     Are you shy? Not anymore … How to eliminate your shyness for good so that you can approach women without fear and hesitation and eliminate that nagging voice of hesitation in your head that holds you back     How to get a beautiful woman that’s “out of your league”, even if you’re not handsome, rich, and someone she’d normally consider as a date     Why nice guys fail when approaching HOTTIES.The drawbacks of certain approaches and why they can backfire on the most beautiful women     What to do with a woman once you get her back to your place .Learn precisely what you have to do to kiss, make out and sleep with a woman … and have a relationship instead of just a one-night-stand.     What 99% of guys do wrong in getting numbers and how to get them right way so that you eliminate “flaking” and phony numbers     How to get a cute and intelligent girlfriend that loves you to bits. You can know every trick in the book…but life is meaningless if you only get a One-Night-Stand after the other. I will teach you how to attract and keep the women you think would perfect as a girlfriend.     What to do with a woman once you get her back to your place .Learn precisely what you have to do to kiss, make out and sleep with a woman … and have a relationship instead of just a one-night-stand.     And much, much, much more…      I know that the real value of this book is more than $100.00 … simply because it took me so many years to put all this stuff together.    But it wouldn’t be fair to charge that much even though it is the best material in the world. I was once just like you … struggling with the ladies and being desperate to find a solution to my problems.    So here’s my special offer to my loyal fans.    Order today, and you get this book for just $19.97 … and you won’t even have to wait for it to come by mail. You will be able to download and read it seconds after you get your copy!    But that’s not all…there’s more:    Put All Of The Risk Entirely On Me    As usual, I’ve arranged for you to “test” my Secrets Of Attraction for a generous 7-DAYS “NO RISK” time period.    That’s Right…Try It For 7-DAYS FREE!        Plus if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations which you most probably won’t, you won’t be left holding the bag.        I’ve offered my “Nothing To Lose guarantee” for years. If my program doesn’t deliver, I’m the one who eats the shirt — not you. Just return your guide and we’ll refund your entire payment. Right up to the final day of this one week guarantee  plus the Bonuses are yours to keep!        You can spend hours upon hours trolling forums and reading books or magazines just trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. With the Playboyskool Program you can accelerate right over the learning curve and really GET INTO enjoying your life!        Do you want to:        Be able to get at least 5 new phone-numbers every weekend?        Approach any woman and get her come on a date with you?        Get the woman you want … even if she has a boyfriend?        Annihilate your limiting beliefs that are holding you back?        Destroy all fears and hesitations you ever had in life?        Always know what to say to a woman and how to kiss them?        Attract stunners, hotties and real 10’s anywhere you go?        Never have to be single anymore … EVER!        If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and are serious about getting this part of your life handled once and for all, then I urge you to take action NOW!VIP and Power Users : No DelayGeneral Access after : 7 DaysAlso, thinking about buying Playboy Skool Advanced Program within a month. On the GB forum there was some interest it seemed, but there were 3 posts on the subject, so I didn’t know which one to reply to.Any interest, contact me please


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