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Nick Rogue & Steve Mayeda – Instan sexual conection – week 3 & bonus –

ISC – Live Training Session 3
[2 video – mp4, 1 CD – MP3, 1 Slide – PDF]


Description Exclusive… files are tracked sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!GB Thread  : “Yes, You Can Create An Instant Sexual Connection With Any Woman And Unleash Her Wild Side In Just Seconds…If You’ve Ever Been Frustrated Trying To Spark Sexual Interest In The Woman Of Your Dreams, Fear No More Because This May Be The Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Read…Here’s Why…“I had to throw the damn book against the wall….Why?Because this book really got my blood boiling like a tea kettle ready to be poured in my morning cup of Earl Grey.This was several years ago and I didn’t throw the book for the reasons you might think.In fact, the book I’m talking about is one that I highly recommend all men read to gain powerful insight into the secret lives of women’s sexual fantasies.  I’m talking, of course, about Nancy Friday’s “My Secret Garden”.This book is a compilation of hundred’s of women’s real life sexual fantasies…and some of them were so downright dirty, depraved, and devilish, that even I, a guy with a fiendish list of filthy fetishes, found myself blushing at regular intervals.But why did this book get under my skin.It wasn’t because of the revelations that women have minds filthier than a Texaco latrine …It was the fact that I had never really experienced this side of women.  As far as I could tell, outside the fantasy world of porn I had been using to supplement my unrequited desire for sex with outrageously stunning women…All women seemed completely uptight and prudish when it came to sex with me. It seemed to me they would only get sexual to appease a man and keep him around long enough for him to buy her expensive shoes and fancy dinners.Oh, how naive I used to be…Because it wasn’t long after this book-hurling that I would discover the secrets that allowed those super steamy scenarios to be literally lifted off the pages of Nancy Friday…and in many instances Penthouse Forum…and into my real-life experiences with gorgeous women who would just beg me for more.Dear Future Seducer,I know why you’re here.You struggle to turn up the heat and ignite sexual passion in women.You know that you need to escalate the sexual vibe but every time you try to “make your move” you panic at the thought of her getting offended, throwing her drink in your face, and storming off to tell all the women around about the scumbag, sleazeball who tried to get in her pants. (“As if!”)And you have rarely, (if ever) experienced a woman so sexually fired up and turned on by you that she is literally soaking through her tight, little jeans…Well that’s about to change for a few select men who decide to man up and take massive action……Like I did that fateful day when I finally decided to drastically alter my sexual destiny (that would have surely included a lot of Vaseline and Kleenex).I picked up my copy of “My Secret Garden”, secure in the knowledge that women did indeed crave wild and passionate sex if I could only figure out how to tap into that catalyst for that urge.And that discovery would come in the form of a “Zen Koan” when a very sexually-liberated (though you’d never guess it to look at her more mid-western, conservative appearance) friend of mine, Sara, revealed some of the kinky stuff she was into and exactly what caused her to veer from her seemingly polite disposition.The Realization That Changed The Way I Viewed Seduction Forever…She told me that she just couldn’t help herself when a guy was “man enough” to give her the permission she needed in order to do the things she already secretly wanted to do.  This seemingly paradoxical idea would shape my very definition of what “Seduction” truly meant.And so now I believe that seduction is, quite simply “The art of getting someone do what they already want to do anyway”.Seduction is not about trickery…It’s not about manipulation…And it’s definitely not about having a million lines that you can spout off like a magical incantation that cast “level 5 charm spells” on her and cause her legs to  miraculously spread wide open.It’s about evoking sexual connection.And you would be surprised how quickly you can do this. (In fact, the quicker you achieve this, the more potent the affect!)But lest you think I’m cut from a different cloth than you, let me just bring out the cold, hard facts.I’m not rich, I’m not good-looking, and I’m definitely not hung like a donkey…In fact, I currently live in a van, I’m bald, a bit pudgy from one too many late night brewskis, and have a goofy chipunk-esque mug…Oh, and i’m sure you’d rather not hear about my average-sized dong.However, what I lack in those categories, I more than make up for in my abilities to get women so sexually riled up that I barely notice it any more when her nips start popping thru her low-cut blouseAnd if I can do this, You, my friend can too!Allow Me To Introduce You To My Secret Weapon…But I won’t be revealing this system alone.  You see, even guys considered to be experts need the help of a qualified coach…Hell, Tiger Woods has a coach…Michael Jordan attributed much of his success to his personal coaches…And even I have a personal coach who has helped illuminate some of the hidden stuff I was doing correctly so that I could now take absolute control of those tendencies…and implement them consciously in every interaction… (Oh, and yes he alerted me to a  few detrimental things that I promptly fixed).This coach is Steve Mayeda and in a moment I’m going to reveal how you can sieze  the opportunity to allow my coach to be your  coach too!Of course, I’ll be there to help you too.You see, Steve really helped clarify the dynamics of what was happening on a very deep-seated, primal level that was allowing me to have such outrageous success with the women I met when I relocated to South America…even though I knew no more than handful of spanish words (Yes, most of those words were profanities!)Armed with his insight we devised a system we called “Instant Sexual Connection” that up until now, we have kept hidden up our sleeve, like an Ace of Spades  strapped to the arm of a Wild West Cardsharp. But we figure we may as well let you in on this private knowledge because, hey…we can’t bang EVERY hot girl on the planet (though we sure as heck are gonna try!)We may as well recruit some more qualified guys to help is in our cause to make a lot of women really, REALLY happy.That’s right, it’s our mission to create an army of men dedicated to making this world a better place, one happy, smiling, POST-ORGASMIC woman at a time…Will You Join Us On Our Noble Quest?Here’s what some of the guys who have taken up “the cause“, and got their hands on these secrets had to say about Steve:“I’ve Never Seen Anyone Hook Women So Fast”“I have a lot of friends who are good with women, but never have I seen anyone hook women so quick.  It was like watching someone with super powers.  Now I run circles around my natural buddies.  The best part is they have no idea it all comes from Steve.”- Sam C., Phoenix, TX“Many Legs Have Been Spread Because Of Steve”“I was a nerdy med student who just got out of one of the worst relationships in my life.  I can’t tell you how many legs Steve’s teachings have got me in between.  Since then Steve and I have become very close friends.  I have worked with him infield on multiple occasions and the guy is the best. I am happily married now, and I couldn’t have imagined my life without having hired him all those years ago.”- Steve B., Las Vegas, NVAnd Here’s What Some of my students have said about me:“THE BEST IN THE WORLD”“In the world of seduction, I think that Nick Rogue may be the best and I am definitely giving positive word of mouth”- Brian R., Athens, OH“I Got Laid The First Night!”“Before studying this method of seduction, I had little success… I had still never gotten a girl from a bar or club.    When I put this stuff into practice, I got laid the FIRST NIGHT. I almost pulled a second time that night, and then the next night, I TURNED A GIRL DOWN in order to chase an even more gorgeous one. Talk about a turn around!”  – Brent H, Raleigh, NC…And in a few short weeks, we’d like to add your words to this list too!Which brings us down to the nitty-gritty, because at this point you may just be wondering, “WTF is ‘Instant Sexual Connection‘ anyway!?”Well, I’m glad you ask because hey, I was gonna tell you anyway.Here’s How You, Too, Can Create Instant Sexual Connection In The Women You DesireInstant Sexual Connection is our landmark ultra-customized training series where live via the magic of the interwebz, we will be broadcasting 6 weekly training sessions directly to you…featuring our cutting-edge rapid sexual escalation system…wherever you happen to reside on this big, blue marble.The secret strategies and techniques in Instant Sexual Connection will allow you to:  Quickly And Confidently Escalate All Your Interactions Towards Sex In A Way That Feels Incredible For You And The Women You Will Be Seducing  Take Control Of Your Sexual Destiny Once-And-For-All So You Can Finally Be The Man You Are Meant To Be (And Seduce The Quality Of Women You Deserve)  Make Intense Sexual AND Emotional Connections With Women In Any Environment In Under 10 Minutes (Often In Less Than 1 Minute)  Get Women To Start Escalating On You (Gone Will Be The Days Where You Don’t Know What To Do Or Say Next…She’ll Do All The “Dirty Work” For You!)  Be 100% Authentic With The Women You Seduce (So You Can Experience What It’s Like To Have A Woman Truly Desire You For “Being You” And Not Just Some Character You’re Pretending To Be)  Give Up All Your Sexual Fears That Cause You To Retreat When YouKNOW You Should Be Escalating (It’s Almost Effortless To Drive Any Interaction To Sex When You Know You Are About To Give Her Intense Pleasure That She Will Remember Forever)  And Much, Much More…This Is Unlike Any Training Event You’ve Ever Experienced!You see, “traditional” live training requires you to clear your weekend schedule, pack up your things for the weekend, fly to some strange city across the country or often world, and cram so much stuff in your head, you feel like it’s about to explode.I used to coach exclusively using this format and I saw some amazing results from my students…In fact, a great majority of them got laid the 1st or 2nd day on these events.But this didn’t come without a certain “cost”.And I’m not just referring to the huge investment of tuition for the programs, travel and hotel expenses, and often taking a day or two off of work.You see, because I was always confined to the few days we shared together, I had to quickly force feed every little piece of the system to my students, but they never quite had enough time implementing these techniques to really ingrain the habits necessary for long-term success.It was just like me in High School, and maybe you did the same thing: You know, cramming the day before for an exam…enough to successfully ace the test that weekend, then promptly forget everything immediately after.Live, Infield trainings are often the identical twin to a cramming session gone wrong…and this is part of the reason I no longer offer live, infield training.But Then There’s The Other Extreme…I’m talking about the guys who try to read up on everything but without having ongoing, guided contact with master instructors.It’s a bit like trying to perform brain surgery having only read a the textbook on the topic, but never having had an experienced surgeon guide you through the operation under the right conditions…Sure, it’s theoretically possible that you could perform the operation successfully, but I would never go “under the knife” with an intern who had only learned by reading a book.I’m not saying that reading the books are bad, we’ll be giving you plenty to read in this event, but the real key is that ongoing guidance, feedback, AND motivation as we deliver the knowledge to you in the proper sequence and at the right time.You see it’s going to take you some time to implement new habits and really practice them to have them sink into your core so you can begin to do them effortlessly and naturally.  That’s why we designed this course to be dripped out to you one week at a time…So that, 6 weeks from now…You will absolutely take your sexual destiny by the balls and deliver them into the hands (or preferably mouths) of the women deserving of your new found abilities to make women feel absolute pleasure.This Is What You’ll Discover In Each Weekly Live Training Session…Live Training Session #1:  Seduction Structure  Discover your sexual Identity  (This allows you to build and recognize the core of who you are, manifesting the ultimate baseline for Seduction)  Defining the 4 Point Structure (This will ultimately be your blueprint for Instant Sexual Connection and authentic sexual communication)  Restructuring Your Beliefs (so your mindset harnesses the potential of generating Instant Sexual Connection…regardless of how hot you believe she is)Live Training Session #2: Seduction Cycles  We will reveal the 4 Components of the Seduction Cycle (so you will never be at a loss for where to steer the interaction to maximize your chances of banging)  We will demonstrating real life interactions (so you can have a concrete model to mimic and see just how everyday topics can be used to create powerful sexual emotions in any woman)  The 3 ‘Secret’ Topics that get EVERY woman engaged and aroused (we have never revealed these 3 things anywhere, ever before)  How to craft your own unique Seduction Cycle (so you never have to feel like a parrot spouting other guys lines or like you’re pretending to be someone you’re not)Live Training Session #3: Sexual Escalation  Discover an easy 6-step escalation process that allows you to quickly and efficiently get her so maddeningly turned on that she is soaking through her panties  Understand the unique decisions a woman needs to make to unleash her unfettered sexuality on you   The 3 Essential Things you MUST  Do for her to have rapid sex with you every time (You’ll be surprised how easy these things can be accomplished  How to merge her emotional and physical urges so they are laser-focused on you (by “you” I mean your penis)Live Training Session #4: Instant Seduction  Emulate these Advanced Body Language Techniques (and you will be radiating primal sexuality that make women tremble with desire at only a glimpse of you)  How to fine-tune your seduction strategy (so that everything is working in unison which leads to exponential results when it comes to getting down to “doing the deed”)  The Top 3 Sexual Paths you can use to guarantee she wants sex right now  How to tie all of your best qualities together (so she can’t help latching on to you and making it her personal mission to “snatch you up” before some other woman does)Live Training Session #5: Hijacking Her Sexual Investment  9 simple ways to hijack her sexual investment (so she backwards rationalizes that not only does she want to bang you now, but that she has ALWAYS wanted to bang you  How to start an easy mental trend that forces her to believe that every little thing she does in the interaction is meant for your sexual enjoyment (so you can sit back and allow her to drive the interaction to sex)  An easy to remember 3 1/2 step process that grows like a snowball and makes her so emotionally involved with you (she will never even think of flaking on you again)  My secret to getting women to backwards rationalize any and all attraction she needs to experience in order to “rock my world” in bed (even though I am a far-below-average looking guy)Live Training Session #6: Covert Sexual Languaging  Discover women’s secret sexual language (that demonstrates that you’re a man who truly understands women so she can feel free to express her sexual desires openly with you)  How to covertly implant filthy sexual mental images into her mind saying seemingly innocent stuff (so she will think that sex was all HER idea)  How to put her mind on sexual lock-down (so no matter what she thinks the thought of sex with you cannot escape her mind)  How to evoke Romance Novel imagery (so you will embody feminine desire and evoke the same response that causes women to want to go “diddle themselves)Now, none of these training sessions is 100% set in stone and we may alter things as need arises but suffice it to say all of this material will be covered…along with any other unique topics that come up because of your individual experience. We really want to tailor this program to the “Founding Members” of this program. Which leads us to something very important…Become A Founding Member Of Instant Sexual ConnectionI have been slamming my foot on the breaks of this project for some time now but that’s not fair of me to do to you (and more importantly not fair of me to do to all the women who don’t yet have the opportunity to hook up with you because you don’t quite have this Instant Sexual Connection stuff down yet)…And because you demanded it, we created this opportunity for you to get in on the “ground floor” and become a “Founding Member”But here’s the deal, because of the customized nature of this program we can only offer this program to the first 50 guys to to take action now and register for this master course (and at this point we already have 16 of those spots filled if you count the 2 contest winners…which I do).However, because this is kind of an experimental project I am prepared to extend this opportunity to become a “Founding Member” of Instant Sexual Connection, Get lifetime access to the course, and also claim a 50% discount off of what we will be charging when we “officially release this curriculum to the public”.Initially, Steve and I had agreed to charge $100 per session, then make it a fancy-pants price that ends in 7, like the standard pricing goes these days. So to spare you from whipping out your abacus, we were going to charge $597, which is a steal considering how much we charge for our standard live programs that are at least $3500.But we know times are tough and we want to reach as many people as we can we finally settle on dropping it down to $397…and that’s the price we stayed with…The price all future “late-adopters” will be paying whenever we decide to re-release this project again in the future (we honestly have NO idea when that will be).And we believe it’s a steal at the price considering the unbridled acces you will have to not one but 2 of the most sought-out seduction coaches specializing in rapid sexualization…especially when you consider that this will:  Ensure you never have to sleep alone again because you’ll be armed with the most advanced tactics that you can easily applied to seduce the hottest women  Make you feel powerful as a man, knowing how many guys will envy your ability to calmly approach and seduce women they can only dream about  Cause every night you go out fun, exciting, and adventurous because you will know that won’t be leaving the bar broke, drunk, and alone like most guys doBut since you’re coming at the grass roots of this movement, we’re going to go ahead and give you HALF-OFF that price…However, There’s A Bit Of A Trade-OffTo qualify for this special “Half-Off” dicounted price:  I want you to attend EVERY live training event,  give me feedback on the course material,  let me know if the software breaks,  and complete a few surveys . . .But you’ll still get to work with Steve and I on a very personalized level and we’ll be doing weekly training courses designed to get you the specific results you want.Does That Sound Fair?Cool.But I have always been one to err on the side of “over-delivering” rather than “under-delivering” which is why when you become a Founding Member of Instant Sexual Connection, not only will you get all the training I’ve already mentioned, but we’re also going to give you Instant Access to these potent, fast-action bonuses.Bonus #1How To Seduce Women In Every Day Situations Videos(A $97 Value)A 2-part Video Series, specifically geared to getting you talking and seducing women during the day time…So you can:  Feel absolutely unstoppable as you instantly approach women at the mall, the post office, on a park bench or even in the streets!  You will feel the rush of knowing that your discreet little tete-a-tete is getting her mega aroused so she’ll be thinking of you all day.  Never fear whether or not she will show up for your date because you know she can’t stop thinking about you.  Effortlessly get her number so you can get on with your day and accomplish the things that are REALLY important in your life.Bonus #27 Day Same Night Seduction Crash Course(A $67 Value)This is a 7-part Video Series, designed to be consumed one day at a time for a week, where we reveal, in depth, some AMAZING strategies to get her in the sack fast!Including:  How to quickly and easily find girls that you can take home with you tonight!  How to turn things sexual with her fast…without creeping her out!  How to flip the script and get her doing most of the work…so she thinks getting you in bed was all HER idea!  How to seal the deal when you do get her out of the bar and back to your place  All videos including recorded live footage of  us using these techniques on real girls out in public so you’ll know exact what it looks like in real life scenariosBonus #3theREDstack – The Hacker’s Guide To The Ultimate Seduction Tool(A $197 Value)This rare but infamous guide will now be yours and armed with it you will be able to effortlessly:  Make you’re entire life a lethal tool of Seduction (Learn the hidden method to take your life, your experiences, your lifestyle and concoct a ‘love potion’ that seduces women so fast and efficient that you will have a hard time believing it’s you.)  The Secret Map to theREDstack (this is the ‘top secret’ map everyone has been trying to figure out for years.  Once you learn it you’ll be making your own stack)  Customization (What made theREDstack such a limitless tool was because it used you, and your life to connect and seduce.  Not only will you come up with superior technique and tactics, but you will grow and adapt with it.   The ‘timebomb’ routines you’ll be making you will still be using 2 years down the road getting better results.)  Rapport Bombs (These are a series of techniques that will take those ‘awkward’ moments in an interaction where things ‘go flat’.  Add a Rapport Bomb and you’ll have the girl engaged and emotionally hooked.   If you ever wanted that ‘doggie dinner bowl’ look, this will get it.)  Custom Sexual Framing (One of the most powerful techniques is to Sexually frame. Here you will learn how to use this technique of Sexual Framing but base it off stories of your life)   theREDstack Seduction  (This was the original technique that put theREDstack on the map!  You will learn the ladders of escalation that allow you to deeply and efficiently turn a woman on)So How Much Is All This Worth To You?Now remember, I’ve already told you that the price is far, far more valuable than $597, because it will transform you to living a life of absolute abundance with women and you will be getting laid almost effortlessly by applying these strategies instead of making desperate and pathetic attempts to get her in the sack.I’ve also added all the crazy bonuses that will kick-start your abilities and get you out seducing women as quickly as possible and in multiple situations.You could, just watch the crash course videos alone and be out seducing women tonight with just the secrets revealed there alone.And if I were to just sell you the bonuses alone, they would be worth $361 just by themselves.But You’re Not Going To Pay $597You’re Not Going To Pay $397 (Like Everyone Will Be Paying When We Decide To Relaunch This Program)If You Act Right Now And Get In As A “Founding Member” We’re Going To Give You More Than 50% Off The Regular Price. That’s Right, You Pay Only $197You will receive instant access to all of the bonus material, you will be there LIVE for all of the training sessions, and you will have access forever to the video archives of each lesson…not to mention all upcoming incarnations of the program (which all the “late-comers” will be paying at an undisclosed date when we release this program again).Regular Price $397Founding Member Price $197


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