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Neale Donald Walsch – Teleclasses (Various topics)

Neale Donald Walsch – Teleseminars
[11 Teleclasses – MP3]



Audio book ($99 pack) – 11 MP3sThe Entire Teleclass Series…Better then the original. The sound is still far from perfect, but I increased the volume and fixed all MP3 ID-Tags. All Teleseminars are approx. 1 hour to 1.5 hours long. If you know “The Secret” or Abraham (Esther Hicks) then this first segment is a mandatory listening if your manifestation (result) is still not perfect !——————————————The Unspoken Secret of the Law of Attraction This is probably Neale’s most detailed description yet of the Mechanisms of Manifestion. While listening to this recording after he presented the program, Neale himself exclaimed, “This is just a terrific summary of everything a person needs to know on this subject!”              ——————————————————————————–Being Truly Present Teleclass In this hour long teleclass, Neale will discuss being truly in the moment. How to let go of the past and future as they are non-existant. This is a life changing one you must have,——————————————————————————–Letting Go of Your Ego Teleclass In this 70 minute teleclass, Neale will discuss living outside and with our ego. How to embrace all that we are and how to live that more fully. ——————————————————————————–The Being Fearless Teleclass In this hour long teleclass Neale covers how to create your life and live fearlessly. ——————————————————————————–Creating and Running a Business  under the Principle’s of CWG Neale Donald Walsch explored creating and running a business according to the principles of Conversations with God. Neale showed you in this hour-long teleclass that business and spirituality can coexist. Neale leads us in opening to a profound new way of “Operating a Business.”——————————————————————————–How to Stay in Your Heartspace When the World is Telling You No! Neale Donald Walsch explores one of the most difficult challenges of contemporary life: how to remain heart-centered and still be a “success” by anyone’s measure. Neale leads us in opening to a profound new way of “doing life.” This class is 30 minutes of lecture and 30 minutes of questions and answers.——————————————————————————–Financial Prosperity and Physical AbundanceA Teleclass in Personal Fulfillment Neale Donald Walsch looks at how the principles of Conversations with God have changed the lives of thousands of people around the world — bringing not only abundance, but personal fulfillment to so many. With a wonderful opportunity for questions and answers after the talk.——————————————————————————–Happier than GodA teleclass in spiritual awakeningHow to end your story and begin your lifeThis is a 90-minute Download with Neale Donald Walsch, the author of Conversations with God, who walked participants through the exciting messages of his latest book, Happier than God. Participants in this teleclass were the first members of the general public to have the opportunity to explore the material in this as yet unpublished manuscript. Included: Seventeen steps to greater happiness than you have ever known before. Neale believes this to be one of the most practical spiritual books ever written, overlaying the inspiring and freedom-giving messages of CwG onto everyday life in a way that causes those messages to truly come alive, placing in our hands simple yet powerful tools with which to alter our day-to-day experience forever. ——————————————————————————–Neale’s Teleseminar on Creating Your Right Livelihood! In this special 60-minute TelePhonic Conference, Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God series of books, looks at ways to make your time at work serve the agenda of your soul — and ways to create new work and entirely new careers out of the yearnings of your heart. You can be one of the courageous ones — someone who has chosen to make a life, rather than a living, and Neale here shows you how, from the pages of CwG. With plenty of time for questions and answers, this could be the best “spiritual career counseling” you’ve ever had!——————————————————————————–Neale’s Teleseminar True Love and CWGIn True Love the CwG Way, a CwG teleclass with live discussion by Neale Donald Walsch, you’ll have a chance to deeply explore the love questions It’s a very special Valentine’s week sharing, live with Neale on the telephone.——————————————————————————–Neale’s Teleseminar on Home with Godin a Life that Never Ends. Neale was on the telephone with a first-of-its-kind discussion of the extraordinary information in the Final Text of the Conversations with God series, HOME WITH GOD in a Life That Never Ends. Learn about stages…and about how we continue on in an amazing journey, re-embracing our present worldly identity, re-visiting every moment of our life in an inspiring way, and re-engaging our True Self as we prepare to return to Physicality with a new identity/lifetime, or returning to re-live this present lifetime all over again, making new choices along the way! Have fun. ——————————————————————————–And – if you like what you hear (and you may very well) I would invite you to consider donating to Neale’s foundation with any amount you feel is appropriate (let your heart tell you, mostly the first thought is the best one before your EGO kicks in) so this message can reach and support even more people on the planet:


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