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Naudi Aguilar – Functional Patterns

Functional Patterns
[WebRip – 10 MP4s, 1 PDF, 1 DOC]


‘Naudi Aguilar – Functional Patterns’ Group BuyGB status – closedGB thread – HereSharing elsewhere will result in being banned                                                                                           Naudi Aguilar – Functional PatternsCulture and Nature are the two most influential factors that shape who we are, and they also affect our health in the process. Our health is determined by how adaptable we are to our natural environment. The better the balanced we are with nature’s rules, the longer and stronger we live. If you look back to Native American history, you would see that disease wasn’t that much of a problem for them, because their cultural lineage aligned to nature quite well. Modern westernized culture, on the other hand, has seemingly been on a collision course with nature, and it is the most imbalanced with nature it has ever been. New diseases and “disorders” have emerged into our lives in the recent decades and it has left people like me asking “where is all this crap coming from?” If you take an in depth analysis of the problem, you will understand that our evolutionary path to become who we are biologically, has taken a backseat in priority to this current cultural zeitgeist. Rather than walk, we drive. Rather than eat for nutritional purpose, we eat for emotional purpose. Rather than prioritize health, we prioritize material possessions that rot our brains. These dysfunctional patterns (mental and physical) are responsible for these such issues, and unless we address these issues, functionality with our bodies will be impossible. If we neglect our natural roots, our bodies are going to pay dearly for it.It is my intention to give relevant information on how to balance yourself within the confines of what nature allows. Believe it or not, there are efficient ways in compensating for our cultural inefficiencies and bring back balance to your health. This website is dedicated on showing you how to:    Manage your physical pain    Drop body fat and build muscle through the maximization of your catabolic and anabolic systems    Maintain your exercise regimen    Manage your stress at a foundational level    Improve energy    Improve libido    Prevent diseases    Move efficiently    ADAPT Content in Human Foundations Bundle    How to Correct Shoulder/rotator Cuff Imbalance (34 mins)    How to Breathe, Manage Stress and Correct Posture with Naudi Aguilar (31 mins)    How to Correct Knee Imbalance (48 mins)    How to Correct Lower Back and Hip Dysfunction (37 mins)    The Fundamentals of Efficient Gait (71 mins)DescriptionDescriptionThis is the entire Human Foundations bundle at a discounted rate!In the Human Foundations Bundle Video Series I cover the fundamental building blocks for:Preventing and addressing painMost pain and injury can be found in single sectors of the body compensating structurally. By getting at the structural root, we will eliminate compensatory patterns that bring about pain and injury.Maximizing athletic performanceThe more muscle we have integrated into a movement, the more kinetic energy we can deliver. Whether you’re looking to improve a 40 yard dash, punch harder, improve marathon times, kinetic integration will be at the foundation of what you will need to improve your performance.Dropping bodyfatIn most instances, excessive bodyfat can be rooted in the failure to adapt to stressful situations neurologically. If the techniques are mastered in this series, the body will have a much higher capability of adapting to stress and eventually learn to metabolize bodyfat.Increasing energyA neurologically imbalanced body will overly tax the systems responsible for producing the stress hormones in our body that give us energy. By balancing the body as a whole, the body will be able to regain its circadian rhythm. This will promote the demand for energy when we need it most.Sleeping BetterSince people in our culture today are constantly in a state of stress, that neurological response will carry over into our sleeping habits. If we master systems to decrease stress at its root, the body will now come back to balance when bed time comes and we will get an effective sleep cycle in place.FlexibilityUtilizing the science of reciprocal inhibition, we will use the fundamental building blocks to set up a functionally flexible body.LibidoA poor neurological adaptation to stress will lead to the suppression of sexual hormones. Implementing the techniques necessary will automatically bring about the improvement of sexual drive through the body’s new adaptable capabilities to stress.Strength and MuscleInvolvement of the entire kinetic chain through movement will bring about more functional muscular development to the body as a whole. This means that there will be increases in muscle mass, but the increases will build better proportion throughout. EbookThe Power of Posture by Naudi AguilarA guide to help you manage pain and improve functional movement. Are you in pain and uncertain on how to manage it? You might want to check your posture. Posture is quite possibly the most underrated yet most influential aspect of health and pain management. Posture is the foundation of efficiency the human body must have if we expect to live pain free.Think of your body being like a steel chain, and if just one link in that chain is broken, the entire chain will then become weak. The body itself is a completely interdependent system, so if our posture is misaligned it is quite likely something is going to give out at one point or the other. Postural influence takes top priority in managing pain because it directly links to how the body structurally integrates as one system. Posture is at the root of pain and until it is addressed, the symptoms of physical inefficiency will take control of your life and it is quite likely that pain and injury will become an inevitability. By addressing the root of pain via the use of good postural dynamics, we will nurture muscle and joint pain relief for an entire lifetime, effectively creating a mobile and strong body.With so many systems out there purely focusing on the direct symptoms of a problem, it becomes difficult to distinguish what will actually have last results in terms of pain management and functionality. Every training system I have witnessed has failed to set up a foundation based around human biological sustainability. We are constantly sold on ideas that make promises but fail to deliver results that can last for a lifetime. It is the lack of knowledge from these fitness “gurus” that has been leading people down the path of self destruction. Injuries, pain, lack of energy, along with many other imbalances found in human beings can and will be re-enforced by a system that is flawed at a foundation. Their failure to understand the nuances of what shapes human biology is what makes their training system at their core, completely unsustainable.Standing efficiently in an upright manner is the ultimate foundation to work from if we can expect to live pain free, perform optimally, maintain our metabolism, exude confidence, manage stress, elevate libido, and down right just plain be healthy. I wrote this book for the purpose of explaining the nucleus of my entire training system (oriented around posture), so that anyone can master the foundations of efficient movement that will transfer to a lifetime of pain free living! Beyond all of this, these techniques can be done anywhere without the need of a “specialist” to manually work on you. These techniques are what helped me and thousands of others address the root cause of their pain and dysfunctions. Take control of your own life by learning how it functions at a foundation!!!…This is the official video training system the founder of Functional Patterns, Naudi Aguilar has compiled from the most basic exercises to the most advanced. This video series covers the exact step by step process to get you into the best shape of your life, and keep you their for good. Naudi’s approach to training is that one must consider making a workout SUSTAINABLE first before involving any types of progression through a training regimen. This is a problem the fitness industry has still not figured out and it is fundamentally why those training systems will not accomplish what this one will.This program contains over 7 hours of footage where Naudi Aguilar explains the most important elements of your movement. It is sequenced from levels 1-5, 1 being the easiest 5 being the most difficult. Naudi covers the exact progressive cycle one needs to go through to hit level 5 movement capabilities. When one can accomplish level 5 movement, all the byproducts to a fit superhuman will emerge in full effect. Bodyfat reduction, muscle gain, flexibility, libido, high energy, strong immune system capabilities, and pain free movement are just a few of the benefits of getting to level 5. Level 5 represents a reality reserved only to the most fit individuals on the planet. Before one can get to level 5, we need to take an extremely comprehensive approach at the foundation of training. Level 1 in this series alone is over 2 hours and 30 minutes long! Since Level 1 is the foundation of all human movement, it will be crucial to pin this down for the next progressions in this system. To help you along with this, there will be a 27 page guide that comes with this training system.The “FP Functional Training System” is a culmination of nearly 40,000 hours of an obsessive pursuit to try and find the origins of effective human movement. During this process, Naudi Aguilar came to find out that the traditional routes of training he was putting his clients through carried extremely damaging properties, and that he needed to rid himself of the old and create something to replace it. This was obviously a very difficult transition as there were many questions that needed to be asked about biology, psychology, sociology, bio-mechanics, mathematics, politics, evolution, culture, endocrinology as well as many other sciences that have much to do with the conditioning of humans on this planet. This obsessive pursuit to integrate several different sciences is what has brought a paradigm shift in relation to the “fitness” of a human being on planet earth, and this train of thought stands to completely change the wellness industry in a matter never thought of before.Buckle up because this stands to be a life altering road in your path towards becoming a biologically fit human being. Whether you’re at the highest levels of professional athletics, an accountant working out at home, a personal trainer in search of legitimate education, a person in pain trying to figure out why, or plain and simple, a human being who walks on two feet like everyone else, this training system is catered specifically to our genetic traits and it will do what no other training system on the planet can do.The Functional Patterns Functional Training System will get you functioning at your highest capacity as a human. The residuals of an efficient human will yield all the results that the P90X’s and Insanties of the world could only dream of. Get ready to change your life with this step by step approach to getting healthy and staying their for a lifetime!!!                                                                                         NowExtreme User + 2016-02-15 Power User   +  2016-03-20 User: Upgrade your account to Neophyte to gain access to this exclusive material                     (You need to upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)


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