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Mystery – The Mystery Method – The Routines Book

The Mystery Method – The Routines Book.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



The Mystery Method – The Routines Bookuser posted imageWhat is a routine? Which routine should I use and when? How do I generate attraction and escalate using routines? How can routines help to build comfort and trust? How do I create routines which are original and congruent to my personality? These are probably the most frequently asked questions that we receive every day. The Don has now come up with an e-book on routines. This book answers all the questions that have been troubling students for a long time.In this Book, you will learn:#     Hundreds of specific routines used by Sinn, Savoy, Captain Jack and other TMM instructors as well as the best of guys like Brad P, Bad Boy and Tyler Durden etc.   # When and how to use each routine-what comes next, pitfalls and how to avoid them.   # How to build your own routines and much moreThis book explains the difference between stories and routines. It will teach you how to use routines at different stages of the game to accomplish the results. This is important to know because routines have to progress in relation to the female emotional progression model. This book will teach you different routines from generating attraction to escalating physical contact.The teachings in the book are field tested over and over by The Mystery Method instructors and many more big names in the community. They have now laid out the routines in simple steps for the students to benefit. We do not want to write too much about it here right now as the book is not currently available for sale. This book is tentatively scheduled to be released in about 6-8 weeks for $99 but is available now on pre order for $79 just to prevent our server from crashing when the book is out ( if you were one of the hundreds who tried to buy Magic Bullets on its release date…you’ll know why we have to do this…)So, here it is. The highly awaited, forever requested “RoutinesManual.” Contained inside are some of the best, mostconsistently successful routines as compiled by the datingindustry leaders: Love Systems, Fast Seduction, BadboyLifestyles, and Brad P. Presents and others. These are theworkhorses used by Love Systems instructors and othermasters around the world.We offer you this book as a means to see what the masters use,so you can develop your own material. Having a repertoire ofgood routines is the bread and butter of good “game.” They arewhat help us to replicate success. They help us avoid awkwardsilences and “mind blanks.” They teach us what women liketo talk about. They demonstrate the kinds of things naturallycharismatic people do and help us develop the social skills toattract beautiful women when we encounter them: at bars,parties, during the day, or wherever.Best,The Don and Savoy


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