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Mindvalley – Omharmonics level II

OmHarmonics – Level II
[Webrip – 10 mp3]



Congratulations! Your order of OmHarmonics is now complete! As a thank you, we want to give you an exclusive 50% discount on the OmHarmonics Level II Collection, read below to find out more…Evolve your meditation practice with 220 minutes of brand new OmHarmonics audios…There’s an Om master in you itching to get out…Since we originally launched OmHarmonics little over a year ago, we’ve helped thousands of people enjoy the experience of deep meditation, reaping benefits such as clarity of mind, attaining a natural balance in their lives and etc.Now, following the requests and feedback from so many of you, we are happy to announce the latest addition to the OmHarmonics collection – OmHarmonics Level II. It features over 220 minutes of new, blissful OmHarmonics meditation audios to enhance your day.As an OmHarmonics user, we want you to be amongst the first to experience the new generation of OmHarmonics for yourself. But first, a reminder on how OmHarmonics became one of the most talked about meditation audios around. It all started with a question…Facebook “Like”-Dummy Could we create something to revitalize the way you meditate?After asking this of ourselves, the questions kept coming. Just how far could modern technology push the boundaries of what our minds are truly capable of? What if we could eliminate the barriers that all too often stop us from entering an Alpha level? Could we make it possible for people who had never successfully meditated before to feel the same experience as someone who does it on the daily?We spent the best part of a year trying to answer these very questions. We spoke with and studied our OmHarmonics community, we probed and prodded their hopes and concerns, we analyzed the most common obstacles, learned how they like to meditate, what they would like to see in the future, and then put all those collective concerns into developing an industry leading audio technology that could bring deep, effective meditation to all.After a lot of research, we finally got our answer…Yes, we could.Unlike any other existing meditation audio, OmHarmonics is augmented with heartbeat synchronization and ambient sound technology that’s so advanced, it could be playing out of flying cars 50 years in the future.We blended this with guided flow technology, binaural beat patterns and beautifully arranged songs to create the most atmospheric meditation audio money can buy.Put simply, it means you listen to an OmHarmonics audio on your computer or mp3 player, and you can effortlessly enter and stay in the Alpha level of mind in a matter of minutes – all with ZERO struggle, practice or experience.It’s meditation like you’ve never experienced it before. When we first launched OmHarmonics last year, over 200,000 sampled the revolution in meditation for themselves. People saw such wondrous results from the free audio that over 15,000 of them chose to share it on Facebook with friends and family. Our accompanying online training video received 13,000 likes in the first week alone.So whether you’re a seasoned meditation pro, an aspiring Himalayan monk, or even just a curious bystander wanting to chill, we’re sure OmHarmonics can help you experience deep, effective meditation – all at the push of a play button.So what exactly is is about OmHarmonics that makes it stand out from the rest?The potential behind binaural beatsBinaural beats are specially engineered sounds that have alternating frequencies and tone and are proven to have an affect on brain wave patterns. The discovery, made in 1839 by renowned physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, helped induce many benefits to the user, such as improved pain control, lower anxiety and an easy transition into a state of deep relaxation.5 features that OmHarmonics combined to make the most advanced meditation audio aroundWhile binaural beats have been known to the scientific community for some time, on their own they sound harsh and unpleasant to the ear. The trick in engineering the ultimate meditation experience lies with mixing these beats with 5 innovative and unique characteristics…Go beyond binaural beats with MRT TechnologyOmHarmonics is more than just a binaural based meditation audio – it’s the step beyond. Our Multivariate Resonance Technology (MRT) guides you intro a state of profound relaxation by aligning your senses with audible heartbeats and breathing sounds. The synchronization of your senses helps your body find its natural rhythm and pave the way for an immersive introspective experience.Elegant to the earsBy reading into some of the technology so far, we would forgive you for thinking that OmHarmonics could be little more than a series of blips and beeps – but what really ties it all together are the beautifully arranged symphonies that render the technology inaudible to the conscious ear. A lot of ‘futuristic’ meditation audios are aurally unpleasant; OmHarmonics is Mozart meets meditation in a blender. The oscillation effectEverybody is different, and as such everybody’s brainwaves can slip from Beta to Alpha at varying frequencies. To counter this, each OmHarmonics track runs through a broad range of frequencies at the beginning of each audio to find yours and help you slip into Alpha effortlessly.Guided flowOmHarmonics guides you into the proper meditation level, keeps you there for the desired time period, and then gently guides you out. It’s like having someone hold your hand gently as you explore these deeper levels of mind. Our various tracks guide you in and out of these levels and were created to be used at different times of the day. Each is customized for morning, evening or special situations such as creativity boosts, focused attention or work time. Create the perfect dayOmHarmonics has been made to help you structure your meditation practice around different times of the day or when you are searching for a desired mental affect. For example, ‘The Awakening’ is used in the morning as a calm start to a productive day, while ‘The Spark’ helps induce abundant creativity and attention at work, or ‘The Deep Rest’ that soothingly guides you to a deep sleep at night.Introducing the brand new collection of OmHarmonics audiosYou’ve already experienced for yourself how OmHarmonics helps you get the most out of meditation. Now imagine being able to enjoy a whole new collection of arranged OmHarmonics audios to rejuvenate your practice.Continuing from the success of OmHarmonics last year, we decided we would create an exciting addition to the OmHarmonics collection – OmHarmonics Level II.Featuring new and beautifully arranged compositions, this brand new set of audios has been specifically engineered to help you meditate more blissfully than ever – and doubles the diversity of your OmHarmonics collection.Inside OmHarmonics Level IIOmHarmonics Level II contains the same number of audio tracks in your current OmHarmonics collection – that’s 5 audios tracks at 15 and 30 minutes length. Both sets of OmHarmonics contain different songs by the same name – The Awakening, The Focus, The Spark, The Balance and The Deep Rest – so you can keep your “perfect day” morning, noon and night with a brand new sounding set of OmHarmonics audios.Let’s take a look at the OmHarmonics audios in OmHarmonics Level II.Audio Track 01: The AwakeningYou are getting this track in two versions:30-minute and 15 minuteYour morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. The big question is, do you spend most mornings in a bleary-eyed, fuzzy-minded frenzy to get to work on time—or do you take the time to reflect and get in the zone?This OmHarmonics audio gives you:    Positive energy that lasts throughout the day like your favorite perfume. The people around you will sense the difference.    A laser-sharp intention for the day that helps you stay in constant flow. No more wasted days.Audio Track 02: The FocusYou are getting this track in two versions:30-minute and 15 minuteDistractions are like germs—they’re everywhere. So what do you do when you need to focus, tackle your long to-do list, and drown out that Pet Shop Boys tune your co-workers’s been humming for the past hour?This OmHarmonics audio gives you:    Clarity and focus that’s so sharp, you could slice bread with it. Perfect for when you’re chasing a deadline or juggling a to-do list.    A stronger sense of perspective, so you can prioritize, get rid of ‘busy work’ and focus on the tasks that make a real impact.Audio Track 03: The SparkYou are getting this track in two versions:30-minute and 15 minutePreparing for a big presentation? Trying to solve a particularly tricky problem with the family? Sometimes all you need is a dash of creativity and inspiration to help you find the answers you need.This OmHarmonics audio gives you:    An instant dose of creativity and inspiration to pull brilliant ideas and out-of-the-box solutions seemingly out of thin air.    An expanded mind that helps you absorb new ideas and understand new concepts. Turns you into a sponge for absorbing important information.Audio Track 04: The BalanceYou are getting this track in two versions:30-minute and 15 minuteHow do you recover from a hectic day? How do you melt away the discomfort of aching feet and an exhausted mind? You light up the candles, relax, and spend some quality time with the most important person in your life: yourself.This OmHarmonics audio gives you:    Monk-like calmness and relaxation, even after the most hectic day. Stress melts away. Worries take a backseat. And that guy who stole your parking spot doesn’t even matter anymore.    The space and quietude to experience personal epiphanies that help you learn more about yourself and learn hidden lessons from the day’s events.Audio Track 05: The Deep RestYou are getting this track in two versions:30-minute and 15 minuteNever underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep, and never underestimate how hard it can sometimes be to get it. Wouldn’t you like to enjoy the rest you deserve, almost as soon as your head hits the pillow?This OmHarmonics audio gives you:    *Deep, natural, uninterrupted sleep*—without any medication, and without the restlessness that keeps some people tossing and turning for hours (it even helps with sleeping conditions like insomnia).SIX reminders why OmHarmonics is unique from other guided meditation audios    Our unique brainwave technology* gives you deep, effortless, enjoyable meditation in minutes. You won’t find this level of results anywhere else.    Unlike other time-consuming meditation aids, OmHarmonics lets you meditate like a monk even during your lunch break. Choose between a 15-minute or 30-minute variant of each track.    Heroic Customer Support* comes standard. Whether you’re looking for tips or help with your order, our cheerful team of meditation advisors has always got your back.    OmHarmonics audios are engineered for seamless playback on your iPod, iPad or any other multimedia player. No more fiddling around with labels and file formats.    You’ll enjoy unrestricted access to a vibrant global community of meditation enthusiasts. Why attempt to master meditation alone when you’ve got thousands of people waiting to connect and help you out?    OmHarmonics is proudly published by Mindvalley. We pride ourselves in publishing only the hottest, most transformational content in the industry. You’re in good hands.I used time ago Omharmonics and I tried these new updated versions and in my experience they seems a good upgrading. Good for meditation brainwave entrainment.Hope you will enjoy them. OmHarmonics Level II – Yours At Half The PriceWe’ve already told you that OmHarmonics belongs in the future with flying cars, but that doesn’t mean it has to be priced like one, even though we’ve spent over a year – and countless sleepless nights – developing the technology that’s helped revolutionize the way we meditate.


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