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Mike Westerdal & Rick Kaselj – Fix My Foot Pain

Fix My Foot Pain
[24 MP4s, 1 PDF]


Discover These Simple Steps to Fix Foot Pain At Home…In As Little As 72 Hours and Cure It Completely Within a Month GUARANTEED!It’s actually very common to suffer from foot pain when you have a knee injury.  It’s not always the case but we see it a lot.Plantar fasciitis is the most common foot injury caused by straining the ligament that supports your arch. Repeated strain can cause tiny tears in the ligament which may cause pain and swelling.  There’s a variety of causes including flat feet, if your feet roll inward when you walk, if you’re on your feet a lot on hard surfaces, if your footwear sucks, if you’re overweight, or you have tight calf muscles and a tight Achilles tendon.Regardless of why you have it try Fix My Foot Pain before you resort to dangerous long term pain killers, or special shoes and inserts.  It may help but if you really want to get rid of this just follow this 3-Stage program that includes stretches, mobility, self massage and some foam rolling.  It sounds like a big ordeal but it’s not.  You can do it in just minutes per day from the comfort of your home with minimal tools.footpain2It’s totally worth it, here’s why:•It will only take you an extra 10-15 minutes per week.•You can do this before, after or during Fix My Knee Pain.•You’ll get access to the PDF which includes all the exercise and stretching descriptions with photos and videos examples.•Plus you get an entire video presentation walking you through everything to make it extra easy and simple for you.That’s what you get, but here are the rewards you’ll reap:•You discover the exercises to DO and NOT to do if you have plantar fasciitis, heel pain or other foot pain.•Research backed and proven exercises so you don’t have to go to physical therapy.•You’ll understand why your foot hurts and how to keep it from happening again.•Find out abut inappropriate stretching that is making your plantar fasciitis or heel pain worse•The most important movement to target the foot discomfort.•Finally get back to what you love doing.  Sitting on the sideline is no fun!•How self massage can speed up your recovery by 67%.•Get access to 3 different stages so you can get relief regardless of what stage of the injury you’re in.•Start playing and performing at 100% again, that’s what Fix My Foot Pain is all about.Get Rid of Your Annoying Foot Pain Once & For All So You Can Get Mojo Back.


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