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Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management Now!

Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management Now!
[2CD – 8 MP3s]



“You Can Now Get More Done Faster, Better & Easier While Dramatically Reducing Your Stress”Effective Time-Management Now! can help you squeeze more success & fun from each day by getting you to focus on the most important things in your life.No matter who you are or what your job is, whether you are a student, a white or blue-collar worker, a millionaire or getting government assistance… even if you are getting retirement checks, you have probably thought and gotten frustrated that……”I don’t have enough time to do what I want to do.”And what only a very few exceptionally gifted “time managers” realize is that life is not a race.Being “busy” does not mean that you get a lot done.Having a lot of free time does not make you ineffective.Having a big “to do” list does not make you happy, wealthy or wise.Yet most of us run around like chickens with no heads, drive like we’re in the Indy 500, get irritated at every delay, forget everything but our name and fail to enjoy most of the short time we have on this earth.This is a major dilemma for 98 out of every 100 people…Primarily because they have no idea why their life doesn’t work (most think it’s someone else’s fault) and why they’re so anxious and stressed.Sure, getting tasks done quickly is an important component of life, but it is not the most important one. A life spent trying to fill every moment with fun, excitement and even productivity is an award-winning recipe for a nervous breakdown and for losing everything in your life that truly matters. You ARE what you DO with your time If you’ve ever had the thought that your life stinks or ever wished that you were more like someone you know or know of, what you were really saying is that you would like to make better choices and spend your time like that other person. You were saying that you want to do the things that other person does. Because to “be” like someone else is simply to spend your time doing the same things they do.In our research, we uncovered over 1,100 unsupportive beliefs and attitudes that the “average” person has about time and the amount of it they have, and how they choose to use their daily allotment.Here is the briefest list of just some of the problems and implications that occur when you routinely waste time, don’t plan ahead and don’t give appropriate attention to all your life roles (lack of balance):    Missing family events    Late for meetings/appointments – lost business/opportunity    Rushing at the last minute – quality/grades suffer    Getting fired from jobs    Fights at home/breakups because of lack of time spent together    Unwanted overtime    Piles everywhere (papers, boxes, tools, dishes, food, etc.)    No joy in your achievements (seem small compared to problems)    Working only on “fun” tasks first instead of important ones    Drug and alcohol abuse    Low/unhealthy self-esteem    Stress, anxiety/panic, worry, depression    Forgetfulness/poor memory    Unable to take time off/enjoy a vacation/holiday    Accepting a job primarily for money – hating your work    A reputation as someone who can’t be counted onThere are hundreds more ways to waste time and living apurpose-less life.And they all have enormous consequences.The original description is too long, more information can be found here:


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