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Michael David Golzmane – Grounded in the Light: The Lightworker’s guide to achieving balance & integration on the path of ascension (2014)

Grounded in the Light
[1 eBook – EPUB, PDF]



Excerpt from Introduction:”We need all the people who are feeling the call of healing to get more in tune with the Creative Intelligence many of us call God/Goddess and to allow this Presence to clear and heal their lives, consciously molding them more to Its perfect image and likeness, so that we can realize an ever-increasing willingness to be sacred channels for Divine Healing…However, in this process of Divine Awakening, there is a basic challenge that is cropping up in many of our lives and in our spiritual healing communities as a result. We are ‘opening at the top’ and calling in a great many angels, many light frequencies, and connecting with cosmic energies we may have never encountered before. But the full potential of these spiritual openings are often not fully realized because of a frequent lack of personal integration, balance, and grounding…In this book, it is my intention to discuss specific solutions to the challenges of the imbalances caused by the proliferation of Light and Energy-based spiritual evolution.”Review:”Michael Golzmane is a gifted healer who has dedicated his life to learning, practicing and teaching energy work and enlightenment. I am so excited to have this guide from him as I know it will help me grow in the way I ground myself as I work with energy to heal myself, as well as the people who come to me to help them heal. Becoming and remaining grounded is one of the most challenging and personally rewarding aspects of being an energy worker and an enlightened soul in a human body. If you are reading this you most likely would benefit greatly from this book. Be the light. Bring healing to yourself and the world. Namaste.”~ JD Homewolf (Amazon)Print Length: 208 pagesPublisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 9, 2014)…


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