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Mental Wellness Summit 2015

Mental Wellness Summit 2015
[WebRip – 33 MP4, 1 FLV, 20 PDF, 2 RTF]


This is different from It may be the exact same size, but these are the original mp4 files pulled from their server, as in the payed package, without any screen recording, since a far better quality. Only the last video in day 7 is recorded, and you can see the difference in quality. Mental Wellness Summit 2015The solution for mental wellness may not involve a pill — explore healthier options!Learn why at The Mental Wellness Summit!The Mental Wellness Summit is online & free from August 10-17, 2015The Mental Wellness Summit is an educational and empowering experience that explores better ways to approach and treat mental health from a root cause perspective ‐ it’s designed with everyone in mind.In fact, The Mental Wellness Summit will benefit:    Health care practitioners and providers across the wellness spectrum    Anyone curious about or seeking solutions to mental health challenges    Family, friends, loved ones and coworkers who are supporting one anotherSchedule:Day 1:1. Robert Whitaker, Author, Publisher of Mad in AmericaThe Perils of Big Pharma    Psychiatry: The influence of institutions & madmen    Destructive DSM-3 & deception of the chemical imbalance theory    Massive scale of social injury to the public without informed consent   2. Kelly Brogan, MDHolistic Medicine and Root-Cause Resolution    Why people commonly experience mental health symptoms    A more holistic, root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric treatment    Dangers of psychotropic medications and power of radical dietary change   3. Sayer Ji, Founder of GreenMedInfoDeeper Into Mental Wellness Research    Lab tests and how to determine mental health disorders    Holistic treatment protocols and root-cause symptoms of mental health challenges    The power of avoiding gluten and choosing rituals as tools for healing4. Lisa Wimberger, MEd, Founder of the Neurosculpting® InstituteNeurosculpting, Repatterning and Healing    Neurosculpting as a healing modality    The numerous benefits of Neurosculpting, including healing PTSD    Neurosculpting as a means to rewire limiting beliefs and negative patternsDay 2:   1. Mansoor Mohammed, PhDMethylation, Genomics and Mood Disorders    “Lifestyle genomics” and the genetic impact on our mental health    Science of single nucleotide polymorphisms and copy number variations    Methylation and how it impacts your mental health and wellbeing   2. Gina Ross, MFCC and AuthorPTSD, Trauma and Healing at the Personal and Societal Level    How trauma symptoms mimic behavior symptoms in children    5 channels of dysfunction that unresolved trauma affects    Somatic Experience and how it addresses and heals trauma   3. David Perlmutter, MD and Bestselling Author of Brain MakerMicrobiome: A New Frontier in Mental Health    Why the human microbiome is our “newest” organ    C-section babies: Increased risk of autoimmune and mental health issues    Medications and their impact on our gut microbiome   4. Ross McKenzie, Co-founder of Mental Wellness Summit, Filmmaker of BipolarizedJourney Beyond Meds    Thriving and reclaiming one’s life through a holistic, self-care approach    Benefits of prescription detoxification    Addressing the root cause resolution of mental health symptoms5. Shunyamurti, Founder and Yogic Research Director of the Sat Yoga InstituteThe Healing Power of Meditation    Benefits of keys to developing a meditation practice    Becoming our real selves through meditation, foster nobility and good ethics    How meditation plays a role in supporting the healing of mental health symptomsDay 3: 1. Gwen Olsen, Author, Activist and Former Pharmaceutical Sales Rep – Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher    An inside view of Big Pharma from a former pharmaceutical sales rep    Mental Health Alchemy and how to turn your mental anguish into spiritual gold    Making informed decisions for yourself and loved ones   2. Hyla Cass, MD, Author – Addiction, Nutrition and Natural Medication Detox    How to safely and effectively taper your use of medications    Why hormones are so important for optimal mental health    The nutritional supplements that are most helpful for patients on medications.   3. Alesandra Rain, Co-founder of Point of Return, MFA, Speaker – Drug Interactions and Contradictions    Challenges of taking a pharmaceutical cocktail of medications    Importance of food-based nutraceuticals & safe medication tapering/detox strategies    Dangers/challenges of medications interacting with each other and with foods   Daniel Amen, MD, founder of The Amen Clinic, Bestselling Author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life – Innovative Psychiatry and The Amen Clinic Approach    How changing your brain your changes your life    Importance of addressing the authentic “why” aspects of a person’s mental health    The flaws in the psychiatric treatment model4. Jesse Hanson, Somatic Therapist and Member of the Helix Healthcare Group – A Toolkit for Healing Trauma    Levels of trauma and ways to release it    Regulating your nervous system and expanding your capacity to self regulate    Unresolved trauma’s relation to the spectrum of mental health symptoms/disordersDay 4:   1. Jonathan Prousky, ND, MSc – Orthomolecular Medicine Approach to Mental Health Disorders    Orthomolecular medicine as evidence-based therapy for treating mental disorders    How anti-psychotic medications impact our health    Specific nutrient supplementation to help patients experience improvement   2. John Dempster, ND, Founder of The Dempster Clinic, Co-founder of Mental Wellness Summit – Heavy metal Detoxification and Functional Medicine    Providing a tailored map for patients to address root-cause resolution    Difference between heavy metal “toxicity” and heavy metal “burden”    How to safely remove heavy metals from the body   3. Kimberly Snyder, Celebrity Nutritionist, Yogi, Bestselling Author of The Beauty Detox Foods – Nutrition and Detoxification for Everyday Wellness    Problems with the standard American diet (SAD) and how it affects “Inner Beauty”    Foods that create nutrient deficiencies that most affect our mental health    Tips for safely and effectively detoxifying 4. James Maskell, Founder/CEO of Revive Primary Care, Evolution of Medicine Summit, TED Speaker – Mental Health from Scratch: Redefining the Care Paradigm    Why functional medicine is becoming a cornerstone in the future of health care    A community’s role in healthcare, and why is it considered the “guru” of the future    How online technology is reshaping healthcare 5. Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD, Founder of GlutenFreeSociety – Grainflammation, Food Toxicity and Microbes    “Grainflammation” and how eating the wrong food impacts our mental health    “Leaky Brain” and how it affects those diagnosed with psychiatric conditions    Functional medicine testing and natural remedies to treat and reduce inflammationDay 5:1. Julie Daniluk, TV host of Healthy Gourmet, Bestselling Author of Meals that HealAnti-Inflammatory Diet for Reducing Depression & ADHD    4 causes of inflammation & the link to depression    Eating organic is critical for children with ADHD    Tips for detecting inflammation processes   2. Chris Kresser   Chris Kresser, MS, LAc, Bestselling Author of Your Personal Paleo CodeThe Brain-Gut Connection    Why our gut-brain connection is the axis to optimal mental health    How our gut ‘flora’ and our bacterial DNA play a major role with our mental health    Gut flora and chronic stress, and how mental health impacts our beneficial bacteria   3. Scott Clack   Scott Clack, ND, Founder of Touchstone Naturopathic CentreNaturopathic Approach to Healing ADHD    How diet, food additives and food sensitivities affect children with ADHD    Common toxins, vitamin deficiencies and mineral deficiencies in ADHD    Proactively manage your child’s care through functional medicine diagnostics   4. Master Sher O’Rourke   Master Sher O’Rourke, Worldwide Representative of Master Zhi Gang Sha, Divine Soul Communicator and Reader of the Akashic RecordHealing the Soul    The art and practice of soul healing    Karma and how it affects our health and wellness    Soul healing positively impacts one’s mental health5. Patti Conklin Patti Conklin, Medical Intuitive, Vibrational MediatorWhat is Vibrational Medicine?    The extraordinary healing power of forgiveness!    “Cellular Cleansing” and how this healing modality benefits one’s health    Discover “Color Works” as an empowering toolDay 6:1. Gioconda Parker   Gioconda Parker, MA, Yoga Expert, Somatic Therapist, Founder of One Om at a TimeThe Lasting Benefits of Yoga and Somatic Experience    How yoga and meditation work symbiotically to heal and make us feel whole    8 limbs of yoga and how they show up and unfold in our lives and wellbeing    Designing a functional practice of yoga for lasting, positive impact   2. Trudy Scott   Trudy Scott, Certified Nutritionist, Author of The Antianxiety Food SolutionAnxiety, Pyroluria and Amino Acid Therapy    Anxiety and diet: The connection between what we eat and how we feel    Targeted individual amino acids for eliminating anxiety and emotional eating    Zinc & vitamin B6 for eliminating pyroluria/social anxiety   3. James Greenblatt   James Greenblatt, MD, Psychiatrist and Integrative Medicine Pioneer, Author of Answers to AnorexiaAn Integrated Perspective on Eating Disorders    Integrative psychology and the role it plays in mental health treatment    4 eating disorders and their underlying causes    Key nutrient deficiencies commonly linked to eating disorders   4. Mike Chang   Mike Chang, Health and Fitness Expert, Cofounder of MikeChangFitness, Creator of SixPack ShortcutsBody Over Mind: Health, Willpower and Fitness    Physical exercise to improve your self-esteem and build more confidence    Fitness rituals to contribute to our optimal emotional balance and wellbeing    Tips for those having a hard time beginning or continuing a fitness regimeDay 7:1. Raj Raghunathan, PhD, MBA, Happiness Expert, Author – If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy?    The differences between success and happiness    Why we’re not set up for life success, good health and wellbeing    What it means to make happiness-enhancing decisions   2. Greg McKeown, MBA, Social Innovator, Bestselling Author of Essentialism – Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less    Essentialism and why is it critical to our wellbeing    The importance of simplifying our lives in a world of constantly expanding demands    Why we often make trade-offs we do not intend3. Ginger Dean, Licensed Psychotherapist, Founder and CEO of Girls Just Wanna Have Funds –  Managing Money and Your Mental Health    Addressing financial challenges to create more balance, harmony and flow    Taking the time and effort to consistently live within one’s means    How regular budgeting is a path to empowerment and abundance creation4. Alison Armstrong, Leading Expert in Relationships, Cofounder of PAX Programs – Healthy Relationships, Healthier Mind    How men and women operate in relationships–in opposing operating systems    Sorting out relationship challenges as a foundation to health and wellness    The critical importance of honoring your partner as a path to healing5. David Ahearn, Frank Ford and David Wilk, Cofounders of Four Day Weekend Comedy – Yes, and…the Benefits of Improvisation in EveryDay Life    The improv tool of “yes and…,” and how it can transform your life    Studying and applying the tools of improvisation can add joy to your life    How improv improves one’s listening skills and fosters empathy.Day 8 -Encore:1. David Perlmutter, MD, Bestselling Author of Brain Maker – Microbiome: A New Frontier in Mental Health    Why the human microbiome is our “newest” organ    C-section babies: Increased risk of autoimmune and mental health issues    Medications and their impact on our gut microbiome2. Chris Kresser, MS, LAc, Bestselling Author of Your Personal Paleo Code – The Brain-Gut Connection    Why our gut-brain connection is the axis to optimal mental health    How our gut ‘flora’ and our bacterial DNA play a major role with our mental health    Gut flora and chronic stress, and how mental health impacts our beneficial bacteria3. Kelly Brogan, MD – Holistic Medicine and Root-Cause Resolution    Why people commonly experience mental health symptoms    A more holistic, root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric treatment    Dangers of psychotropic medications and power of radical dietary change4. Julie Daniluk, Nutritionist, TV host of Healthy Gourmet, Bestselling Author of Meals that Heal – Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Reducing Depression and ADHD    4 causes of inflammation and the link to depression    Eating organic food for children with ADHD    Tips for detecting inflammation processes5. Trudy Scott, CN, Author of The Antianxiety Food Solution, Founder of Every Woman Over 29 – Anxiety, Pyroluria and Amino Acid Therapy    Anxiety and diet: The connection between what we eat and how we feel    Targeted individual amino acids for eliminating anxiety and emotional eating    Zinc and vitamin B6 for eliminating pyroluria/social anxietyMeet Your Hosts:John Dempster, ND, FAARFM, is the medical director/founder of The Dempster Clinic, Center for Integrated Medicine in Yorkville, Toronto. He treats a variety of patients worldwide including those looking for optimal health and wellness, persons with chronic illnesses, and patients with a wide range of mental disorders. As a specialist in functional medicine, Dr. Dempster has a strong focus and passion in identifying and treating the root cause(s) when addressing each patient’s unique health goals. He also writes regularly for a number of publications, speaks to corporations on a variety of health and wellness topics, and is featured frequently on national television, radio, newspapers and magazines.Ross McKenzie is a filmmaker, public speaker and certified life coach who helps individuals reclaim their own lives and source the root causes of their own mental health challenges. After being prescribed lithium for 16 years to treat an alleged bipolar disorder diagnosis, Ross progressively reduced his use of the psychotropic drug using an integrated mind, body and spirit approach to treat the root causes of his symptoms. Today, he is healthy, vibrant, and free from psychotropic medicine and mental health symptoms – and most importantly living a joyful and creative life. His 20 year research journey into integrated approaches was the driving force that led him to co-produce the multi-award winning documentary film, Bipolarized.To reduce size, the 3 bonus videos and those included in Day 8 are only in the description, as they can be found within the schedule. However, there are some very interesting ebooks in the gift folder.adishonerv69


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