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Mehow – 10 Second Sexual Attraction

Mehow – 10 Second Sexual Attraction Audio
[5 CDs – MP3]



Here is something that I learned and became intimately familiar with over the last six months:Storytelling Comfort Doesn’t Work.The sucky thing is most of us have been running it for years. And what happens is sometimes it’s on but sometimes it isn’t. You can always get a real number and you can run demo sets forever with storytelling comfort. But is it really on most of the time? Does she, most of the time, think of you as a potential romantic partner? The answer is no.Meanwhile naturals and a few guys in the community are very consistent closers. Guys like Hypnotica, Sinn, el Topo and our own coach Kamouflage.I’ve been literally obsessed with that problem for the last 6 months as have many others before me. From studying everybody’s work nobody really has a consistent system for super natural mid game (aka Comfort game) that non-naturals can do. That’s because no body has a cohesive, simple breakdown of what that is supposed to look like and why it works.But I cracked the code. I can tell you, right now with 100% certainty that storytelling is about 1/10th of what you should be doing in comfort. Furthermore, I can tell you that the structure of storytelling based comfort as written in my own books and every other one out there is actually totally flawed. The storytelling skill set is still a vital part of the pickup, but the comfort structure taught … well … everywhere … is plain wrong. I’ve been field-testing the new system for the last few months as has a secret circle of others and this is the real deal. These days, if I don’t leave the club or party with a girl or girls that is weird. No more flakes, no more hour-long sets that don’t go anywhere. No more sets with women you like but you get the unique feeling that she’s not as into you as you are into her. Every girl I talk to is turned on in under 15 minutes, most of the time within a few minutes after the first isolation. I can tell you that the new system has made me 100% better.Every once in a while I have a breakthrough.As I was writing the new “10 Second (Sexual) AttractionTM” book – I was running into a quandary.On one hand, you want the girl to bring you as much emotional value as possible (thus she’s working for you.) And, at the same time, when she does bring more emotional value – then she controls the set.Clearly, you want to do both:A) Have her working for you a ton!B) Retain full control of the set.Then it hit me!There are actually two metrics you need to be conscious of to have both “A” and “B” above.Instead of just thinking about the overall emotional value – you actually need to breakdown the emotional value into two different metrics:a) Cumulative Emotional Value (”CEV”): The total amount of value someone receives over any given period of time.b) Emotional Value Velocity (”EVV”): The rate at which someone outputs emotional value to others. Think of it as Miles/Kilometers Per Hour, except instead of how fast you’re driving – it’s the emotional value units output per second.Now, super cool people always have incredibly high value velocity… everything they say is typically brief – but highly impactful to the audience.In return, the audience responds by spinning their wheels and attempting to achieve a similar level of EVV – but because they can’t (unless they have a lot of game) they will simply pile on the CEV at a lower rate.In that scenario, you have the high value velocity person always in charge and everybody always is working for them.Make sense?I know that’s a lot to digest… but once you grasp this concept – you’ll have a huge advantage in the field.Now, let’s move on.Here’s the new secret to game:To control the set, it’s not the total amount of value that you put in – but the high value velocity that counts.For example:If you say incredibly impactful things, 10 seconds at a time, and that is all you do… then everybody, and I mean everybody, falls into your reality.PureKino and Group Attraction are both high velocity techniques. In fact, if you look at any bit of material or sound bites that people think are “tight”… they will have high value velocity. In contrast, DHV stories have low value velocity (unless done very differently).The problem with the Comfort Phase, as we know it is that it is incredibly low value velocity, un-sexual, and not “charged.”This results in spending too much time isolating with one girl only to have the attraction, sizzle away.In other words: we get flakes.In the new “10 Second (Sexual) Attraction” system, I change all that.I take the high value velocity game I learned from being an attraction phase master all these years – and I apply it to comfort. Now EVERYTHING is high value velocity.For example, in the new comfort system you never talk for more than 10 seconds. I even teach you how to do storytelling comfort in a high value velocity manner.Once I broke it all down, I realized that I had finally explained natural game in a simple, easy to use system. Every semi or pure-natural I studied does exactly what I described in this system – except they aren’t conscious of it. Yet they are incredible closers.It turns out that proper comfort game is actually 95% sound bites. The reason naturals, (like Hypnotica, Sinn, Kamouflage, and El Topo) close so well, is their “Mid-Game” (aka “Comfort Game”) structure is completely different than what most community guys are doing.The missing link that I have finally solved (and I’m incredibly proud of this fact) is that I finally explained natural game. I broke it down into easy to understand elements that anybody can do… and with that – I unlocked the keys to natural’s closing consistency and gave it to anybody.Then, I went out and proved it to myself and it works like magic (listen to the audio below for a few of the stories from the last 6 months).Here’s how you can look at it:What Group Attraction did for Attraction Phase, this new system does for Comfort Phase.But, it is so much more significant than anything we have ever done. Simply because mid game consistency problems, are by far the biggest problem facing anyone that gets into the community. Attraction is pretty easy once you have proper training and spend a little time practicing, but unlocking comfort game normally takes years.Now, you can have it by reading one simple manual.After you are done reading “10 Second (Sexual) Attraction” you will be saying things in comfort like … “You know … I won’t accept your food stamps for sex, right?” and getting away with it.Welcome to the revolution. Group Attraction and PureKino – that was just the beginning. It’s really on now.This changes everything.


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