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Matt Stone – Diet Recovery 2

[1 eBook – PDF]


Diet Recovery 2: Restoring Mind and metabolism from Dieting, Weight Loss, Exercise, and Healthy Food is the ultimate guide to breaking free from the empty hunt for the perfect diet and the counterproductive pursuit of losing weight.It’s true, whether you are cutting carbs, or fats, or eating a vegetarian diet, or going Paleo, or eating a truckload of fiber – or even reducing your calorie intake… All of it has been proven ineffective in every weight loss study ever conducted.  No matter what form of dietary restriction you impose upon yourself, your likelihood of not only regaining any weight lost in the initial 6-month diet honeymoon period, but actually ending up fatter than when you started, is a virtual guarantee.The same could be said of exercise, which has also proven itself to be ineffective for long-term weight loss for all but just a tiny percentage of the general public.Those that do manage to succeed with intentional weight reduction or harsh dietary restrictions are the people who often do the most damage!  Dieting at a young age is not just a prominent risk factor for the development of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  It’s a huge risk factor for developing an eating disorder as well – the most common psychological disease that shaves 25 years off of one’s life expectancy.Needless to say, if you are already viewing a page about a book entitled Diet Recovery 2, you probably already know many of these things and are looking to break free from repetitive dieting cycles and the obsessive habit of neurotically micromanaging the details of your diet-of-the-month.  And that’s what Diet Recovery 2 is meant to help you accomplish, once and for all.Aren’t you tired of spending a ton of time on the internet trying to figure out what to eat, your mind becoming increasingly scrambled with the conflicting points of view and all the  empty cures springing up left and right?Isn’t it odd that you spend such a huge chunk of your time, energy, money, and effort trying to achieve perfect health – but even if you had it (which you don’t, it’s gotten generally worse since becoming a health fanatic) there wouldn’t be much life left after all the health practices you’ve become enslaved to?Don’t you miss just being able to eat and not think about it?  Be able to go out with friends or home for the holidays without worry and fear about what’s going to be served as if having gluten or refined sugar is on par with a game of Russian Roulette?Isn’t it time to live your life instead of constantly chasing the perfect diet that you never seem to find?  Or do you want to be remembered as the uptight hypochondriac who made everyone within earshot feel paranoid and guilty about what they eat?And what about your kids?  Are you cool with them bearing witness to your disordered relationship with food and playing the role of a dictator over the foods they are and aren’t allowed to eat (only to watch them of course crave and binge on the very foods you don’t want them to eat – JUST LIKE YOU DO!)?Spouses?  Don’t you think they are getting tired of joining you on all these strange and barbaric food odysseys that only seem to make you more moody, self-conscious about your appearance (wow, what a turn-on that is), and downright cold and flat in bed?When you are ready to let go, this can be your guide – vastly more freeing and probably more effective because of it than the original version of the book.Over the years one mantra has grown louder and louder…“The Gods of Health are much kinder than you think they are.” Being healthy is a lot easier than you are making it out to be.Far more than just the equivalent to Nicorette gum for diets to help you quit your addiction, Diet Recovery 2 really is a “health book” too.  It contains a foolproof and fully up-to-date strategy for restoring optimal metabolic rate and overcoming the many health problems that can be caused by restrictive eating and attempts at forced weight loss.  Nothing, not even thyroid hormone drugs, are likely to raise your metabolism to the extent that following this general diet and lifestyle prescription will.  And it’s all very simple with no special foods to avoid, magic meal plans, “metabolism supercharging supplements,” or other crap.  Just the biggest results with the absolute smallest changes – none of them difficult or requiring willpower.  No wagons to fall off of.  No rebellious splurges right around the next corner.Source:


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